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Eduardo Elizondo—May 21, 2022
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We’re going to study what it means to have a meek and quiet spirit!
- What is a meek and quiet spirit?
- How important is this to God?
- What does it mean?
- How does it relate to everything else in the Bible?
- How does it relate to wisdom?
- How does it relate to our relationship with God?
- How does it relate to our walking with God?
We’re going to start with ta story of Isaac and Rebekah and then the children they had: Esau and Jacob.
Genesis 25:20: “And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian. And Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife because she was barren. And the LORD heard him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the sons struggled together within her. And she said, ‘If it is well, why am I this way?’ And she went to inquire of the LORD. And the LORD said to her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two kinds of people shall be separated from your belly. And the one people shall be stronger than the other people, the older shall serve the younger’” (vs 20-23).
Verse 24: “And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, twins were in her womb!…. [this is obviously what God had already told her] …And the first came out red, like a hairy garment all over. And they called his name Esau. And after that his brother came out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel. And his name was called Jacob. And Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them” (vs 24-26).
It’s interesting what it says here of the “…two kinds of people.” Then it says about who they became; who they were:
Verse 27: “And the boys grew. And Esau was a skilled hunter, a man of the field. And Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents.”
We don’t know exactly how much of what they did was influenced by who they were, what they ended up doing as a profession and what they dedicated themselves to do.
Esau was a skilled hunter, a man of the field and Jacob was a quiet man living in tents. We don’t want to read too much into it, but we remember another ‘mighty hunter’—Nimrod—‘against the Lord.’
We don’t know to what extent one thing drove the other, but it says that Esau was a skilled hunter and we will leave it at that. But Jacob was quiet man.
- Does this mean that he was just an introvert?
- Does this mean that he was a tame man?
- What does this mean?
It is going to interesting for us to really understand what the quiet spirit means! What the word quiet means. We can read in the FV—in the margin—a plain man compared to hairy Esau.
So, it almost gives the appearance that it has to do with something physical, some physical trait. Jacob was a plain man and didn’t have hair. It’s important to understand that, because later on that’s when the deception happens and comes to Isaac for a blessing, and Isaac feels him and says,
You’re not Esau, you don’t have the hair. I know my son Esau and he’s hairy.
He would have done that, but Jacob put the skins of the animal on his arms to deceive his father. So, there’s that element. But there’s more to this word, but what does it mean to be a quiet man having to do with a meek and quiet spirit?
Mal. 1—here it talks about God and His relationship to these two boys, these two sons of Isaac who grew what they became: the skilled hunter and the quiet man living in tents.
Malachi 1:1: “The burden of the Word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. ‘I have loved you,’ says the LORD. ‘But you say, “In what way do You love us?” Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ says the LORD. ‘Yet, I loved Jacob. And I hated Esau and made his mountains a desolation, and his inheritance to be for the jackals of the wilderness’” (vs 1-3).
It doesn’t tell us much more than that. But God says that He loved Jacob and hated Esau. We know what happened with Jacob. God blessed Jacob greatly and through him—he was renamed Israel—God gave him 12 sons to go fulfill the purpose and become a multitude as the ‘sand of the sea.’ That’s what happened with Jacob, because God loved Jacob.
How much does this have to do with the fact that Jacob was a quiet man?
Job—there is something super important here and very, very interesting. We all know the story, the angels came before the presence of God, and among them came Satan.
Job 1:8: “And the LORD said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and turns away from evil?’”
If we do a little bit more digging on this word blameless, that word blameless and the word quiet that we read in Gen. 25 about Jacob, they’re the exact same word in the Hebrew—‘tam’! the meaning of this Hebrew word means perfect, quiet, complete, sound, wholesome, morally innocent, having integrity!
So, there was something more to just being a quiet man. It doesn’t mean he was just an introvert and didn’t talk. It’s not that!There’s a lot more that goes with it, because it’s the exact same word that uses for Job, calling him a blameless man before God!
There’s more to this meek and quiet spirit! It isn’t that he was a quiet man, it was that he had a different spirit than Esau, who was a skilled hunter. It’s not just about the profession, but about his personality and the spirit and what moved and led him.
In 1-Pet. 3 it talks about these words, the meek and quiet spirit. In context it’s talking to the wives: submitting to their husbands, what their adorning is supposed to be and it’s absolutely true.
1-Peter 3:4: “But let your adornment be the inward person of the heart, manifested in the incorruptible jewel of a meek and quiet spirit, which is of great value in God’s sight.”
Yes, this is to wives; this is what it’s talking about. That’s to be the adornment of the inward person, a meek and quiet spirit! But it’s not only for the wives. As we have send with Jacob, and even with Job—it’s the same word—this is precious in God’s sight! It says that here, but we also saw it in Job. That’s what God was telling Satan:
Look at My servant Job, he’s a blameless man! Look at Jacob, he is a quiet man.
It’s because that both of them have this meek and quiet spirit! It says so many things here:
“…the inward person of the heart, manifested…”—because this is a matter of the heart, the matter of the spirit, of who you are at your core. How you are in the heart.
God is changing that. Many times, God shows us a little bit more of the heart, of who we truly are. We don’t like it, and we wish it was a little different. But God is changing that inward person of the heart; in all of us, not just the wives.
“…manifested in the incorruptible jewel…”—making that comparison because it’s talking about the adornment of the wives.Because if we have:
“…a meek and quiet spirit…” nothing and no one—can corrupt that! It’s an
“…incorruptible jewel…”--something very precious!
“…which is of great value in God’s sight.”
We see that’s what God said in Malachi, that He loved Jacob, and the reason that He loved him is because of this quiet spirit; this meek and quiet spirit of great value in God’s sight!
We know that these are matters of the heart, of thus real deep thinking and meditation! That’s what this meek and quiet spiritis. Let’s see what God says in Proverbs about the spirit:
Proverbs 16:2: “All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirits.”
It not only reflects the spirit that in us, we all have the spirit of man. Those of us who have been baptized know that we all havethe Spirit of God in one measure or another. We know that spirit is air, but it also is inspiration, what moves us!
This meek and quiet spirit is something that God wants to continue to give us, that meek and quiet spirit so that we can be teachable and learn. The quietness implies some pause and silence in order for us to meditate, for us to discern and to take in, meditate and process the words of God.
But it also has to do with our inner wiring in our heart and mind, and how we process things. It’s also a perspective; how we view things.
- Do we have a meek and quiet spirit?
- Do we have a rebellious spirit?
At times we may have one or the other, or more of one than the other.
- Do we have a meek and quietspirit?
- Do we have a teachableheart and spirit within us?
We’re going to see how this all relates to our relationship with God. We’re also going to see how this relates to wisdom and what God is building in our heart and mind through His Spirit to give us this meek and quiet spirit, which is of great value before God!
It’s a precious thing! That’s how He viewed Job, even before He was going to teach him all of those lessons through all the pain and suffering. Job had something of value and this was a man that God could work with. God knew the Job was ready for what He was about to put him through, because Job was a blameless man! He was ‘tam’ and so was Jacob!
That’s why God worked with Jacob, and He did not work with Esau. Part of it is how much we are wired, but really a big part of it is how much do we meditate and listen and put ourselves in that position where we can meditate and really take the words of God in, and meditate and process them. The relationship between these things, between the meek and quiet spirit and wisdom, we’re going to see how this relates to how we address God and what perspective, attitude and spirit we come before God with.
Ecclesiastes 5:1: “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God, and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools….”
This has to do with that quiet spirit. Are we more ready to hear than to just come and share? Sharing is good and sharing what we’re learning is really, really good. But it also has to do with our attitude,
“…be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools. For they do not know that they are doing evil. Do not be rash withyour mouth…” (vs 1-2).
Remember, this was the wisest man on the face of the earth.
“…and do not let your heart be hasty to say a word before God. For God is in heaven, and you are on earth; therefore, let your words be few” (v 2).
Here was a pointer for Job; obviously hindsight is 20.20, but he was a blameless man. It’s amazing, because that’s what it says,
“…let your words be few.” Why? “…For God is in heaven, and you are on earth…” and this meek and quiet spirit has to do with this. It has to do with listening to God.
- What is our attitude when we come and fellowship with our brethren?
- What is our attitude when we study the Bible together?
- What is our attitude and demeanor when we’re sharing some of these things?
I know that we’ve all come across and it was mentioned at the beginning that there are some disruptions or other things that we don’t want in our fellowship groups. It has to do with this spirit. What is this spirit? Sometimes it’s a spirit of division or dissension. A lot of it comes accompanied by people that are coming to just give, the people that are not coming to necessarily learn. but to just give what they have and that’s it; to impose their doctrine or thing.
What is it saying here in v 1: “…be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools. For they do not know… [and that’s true] …that they’re doing that they are doing evil.”
They think they’re doing good, they think they’re teaching everybody and that they have some knowledge that nobody else knows. Sometimes we see that attitude.
God tells us through Solomon, do not be rash with our mouths! Do not let our heart be hasty to say a word before God. Really come with a meekness and quiet spirit before God, because that is something precious before God
- if we’re teachable
- if we let our words be few
This come together with the fear of the Lord, the fear of God!
Proverbs 10:19: “In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.”
- this has a lot to do with meditation
- it has to do with that quietness
- it has to do with being teachable
When we just talk a lot, it says that “…sin is not lacking…”
Why? Because our human nature is for evil things! That’s our nature! We’re working on it and trying not to, but it does. “…but he who restrains his lips is wise.”
There’s wisdom in not talking as much and being quiet; think before we speak! Meditate and ask God to give us the words that He wants us to say. Not just in a message like this, but all the time:
- all the people we come in contact with
- all of our brethren
- all the people in our families
- all the people in our work and relationships
There’s wisdom in this! There’s a lot of wisdom in doing this, in restraining our lips.
Proverbs 13:3: “He who keeps his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens his lips wide shall have destruction.”
This also relates to the concept of prudence, being a prudent person, having discretion. These are just very basic things; this is surface level things. But there’s more to this. It starts with those things. It’s almost like God is telling us to ‘be quiet, be still, just listen to My Word; meditate on it, ponder it, think about it.’
It’s in that quietness when God really can really go deeper into our heart and mind, of the things that He really wants to teach us and what He really wants us to know. Sometimes we mull things over and over and meditate and think through what His Word says.
Then sometimes the ‘light bulb’ will come on, and we say, ‘That’s what that means!’ It’s so exciting to see the Word of God in a different light, when He reveals a little bit more of His Truth, like the depth and meaning and intent of what He wrote was inspired in the Word of God. Sometimes it doesn’t come if we re just constantly talking, and constantly in our own thoughts and head not being teachable.
This comes with being teachable, wise and meek. All of these things come together!
Prov. 14 goes a little deeper, not just the external, refraining your lips.
Proverbs 14:3: “In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.” We already read what the wise do:
- he restrains his lips
- he thinks before he speaks
- he meditates
- his words are few
Why? Because they speak the Truth!
“In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride…”—that’s what comes from fools! From those who are apart from God, from those who are not seeking God. There’s another Proverb that says, ‘only by pride comes contention.’
Sometimes this “…rod of pride…” comes from our mouth when we get into an argument. Next time you’re in an argument try it on; look at your words, look at:
- what you say
- how you feel
- the spirit that is moving you
- that contention
You’re all going to see it!
This is not to discourage you; it’s just what it is. It’s calling a spade a spade. It’s a rod of pride, that’s really what it is.
It might be partly true; somebody wronged us or we have a problem with someone, But there is a “…rod of pride…” and God wants to work on this. He wants to give us wisdom so that we have the lips of the wise, so that we can be preserved.
Psa. 37 talks about something very interesting when it comes to wisdom and our words, and it has to do with this meek and quiet spirit! We’re going to get to the depths of that, but right now we’re just addressing the exterior.
We’re kind of going backward. There’s a practical application of what we’re doing:
- when we restrain our lips
- when we think about what we’re doing
- when we’re not rash with our lips
- when we do these things in the Proverbs; this advice
- we love God
- we want to honor Him
- we want to learn from Him
Then once we do all these things; once God is working on our pride in our heart and taking that away—which we all have a measure of and it creeps up from time-to-time—He’s going to continue to bring us to this:
Psalm 37:30: “The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice. The Law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide” (vs 30-31).
Why? Because our mouth speaks wisdom! If that’s going to happen if the Law of our God is in our heart! This applies to you and me, all of us. The Law of our God is in our heart! That’s what the righteous do; that’s the people who have a meek and quiet spirit!
This is what they do; this is what we are supposed to do: that God may give us and continue to develop this meek and quiet spirit:
Psalm 1:1: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the Law of the LORD; and in His Law does he meditate day and night” (vs 1-2).
We meditate quietly; we commune (as it says in one of the Psalms) within our own heart, within ourselves and we meditate upon the night watches. In the laws and commandments of God and:
- how perfect they are
- how strong they are
- how powerful they are
- how full of life they all are
all the commandments and laws of God!
If we meditate in it day and night, if we make that our delight, that’s what we’re meditating on. That’s what we’re doing. God is giving this quiet spirit to be able to do this, to be able to meditate. But we have to be quiet.
We have to be meek. Meekness is the ability to be guided by God. That’s meekness. Humility is different. Humility is our position before God, and really is all dependant on how close we are to God.
Meekness is the ability to be guided and led by the Spirit of God. That’s what meekness is, being teachable! Learning!
But in order to learn we have to have this quiet spirit; we have to be quiet:
- so we can hear the words of God
- so we can meditate
- so that they will sink in deep into our heart and mind
That’s what God really wants; He wants us to be this person—the many things in God’s Law—day and night and is making Him delight.
Then when we speak—as we read in Psa. 37—speak wisdom and righteousness. The Law of God is in his heart.
- that’s what we speak
- that’s what we are
- that’s what God is building
He’s building His own character in our heart and mind!
When we come before God be more ready to listen! Yes, to share and pray, and also to listen, to read and study. That’s why the importance of reading and studying. That’s when we’re listening to the Word of God, when we’re studying!
If we do these things; if God gives us this meek and quiet spirit where we can be quiet and listen to God and be led by the Spirit of God, this is what we’re going to be led to do:
Proverbs 14:16: “A wise one fears and departs from evil…”
Why? Because we’re meditating on the Law of God! That automatically guides us away from evil and fears the consequences of our sins, our actions! He departs from evil because it’s bad! We don’t want those consequences and do that. And also fears the Lord! The wise one fears God!
- knowing that we’re always in His presence
- knowing that we are His
- knowing that He’s growing His character in us
“…but the fool rages and is confident” (v 16). Why? Because there is that pride in his mouth, because he’s talking that way! He’s very sure of what he believes. He might be completely wrong, but he’s confident and rages in his confidence!
Confidence doesn’t equal wisdom! But that’s what happens!
Let’s see the contrast between the fool that rages and is confident, and the wise in Ecc. 9; there’s a precious jewel in this process, and something very, very valuable here for us to learn and to keep. Remember this verse; this is very, very good and important!
Ecclesiastes 9:16: “And I said, ‘Wisdom is better than strength; but the poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.’”
If you’re not heard, don’t worry, because the words of the wise are not heard! That’s okay, because God does hear you.
Verse 17: “The quiet words of the wise…”
That’s kind of an oxymoron, quiet words. If you’re speaking, you’re not quiet. There are quiet words, where? They in our mind! We may not say them out, but they’re in our mind:
- if we are meditating on God’s Laws
- if we we’re meditating on the way that He thinks
- if we’re really having that fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ
- quiet words
- listening
- learning
A meek and quiet spirit, that precious jewel that is precious before God!
Verse 17: “The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler among fools.”
We heard that about the fool is confident and rages. What have we seen from the rulers of this world? From the elite? That’s what we see; we see shouts, raging and all this confidence. But the Bible says that’s not what it is. That’s not what’s valuable before God’s eyes; it’s the quiet words of the wise, that’s you and me.
Everyone of us who has been called according to God’s purpose! That’s the quiet words of the wise. God has given them to us;it’s not our wisdom! It’s God’s wisdom that He puts in us! He’s using us as vessels for His Spirit!
Verse 17: “The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler among fools.”
So, your words, your meditation before God is way more precious before God than any of these rulers can ever come with any speeches, decrees or any thing that they come up with. We know they’re up to a lot of things lately. But the quiet words of the wise, those quiet words in you mind—the meditation of your heart—is that meek and quiet spirit, that is what is precious before God!
We’re in the middle of a spiritual war, but it says:
Verse 18: “Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroys much good.”
Let’s keep this first part in our heart and mind as we go forward. “Wisdom is better than weapons of war…”
We know that we’re going up against a lot of tyranny, a lot of oppression, a lot of lies, corruption and deception in almost every aspect of our lives.
What is taught in the schools, in the government, in the medical field and all these things that we’re seeing everywhere, there’s all this corruption and lies, the perversion alphabet and all these things that we’re up against.
But let’s remember that “Wisdom is better than weapons of war…”
Sometimes we kind of wish we could do something more. We wish we could change things, that it would not be as bad. That we could get rid of the sin and lawlessness in the land. We’re all coming under this heavy dark cloud of unrighteousness, and evil, pure evil that is happening all around the world.
But what happens is that we wish we could do something. Here God is giving us something. He says, “Wisdom is better than weapons of war…” We have to take Him at His word!
If we had weapons of war and we could subdue people and tell them what to do, do it right and obey God, we would probably do it. But that’s not what God wants us to do right now, don’t get me wrong. But “Wisdom is better than weapons of war…”
That’s what God wants us to have, wisdom! It’s really the start of a meek and quiet spirit. One that is led by God; one that is quiet, to listen and meditate! To be given wisdom by God!
Psalm 25:8: “Good and upright is the LORD; therefore, He will teach sinners in the way.”
What were we before we were called? Sinners! All of us, and He’s still doing that with people. He’s still calling people. We are all sinners at our core, we still have the law of sin and death. We still have the law of human nature, of not being able to stop sinning.
Verse 9: “The meek He will guide in judgment; and the meek He will teach His way.”
Why? Because the meek are teachable! That’s what it means! We want to
- be guided by God
- by the power of His Holy Spirit
- by His Word
We want to be guided by God the Father and Jesus Christ, Them dwelling in us and showing us how to do things:
- showing us how to live
- showing us how to change
- showing us how to think
- showing us how to meditate on Their Laws
That’s what we need to do!
For those who are asking God to give us a meek and quiet spirit—which we should do—is:
Zephaniah 2:3: “Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth who have executed His judgment; seek righteousness…”—that’s what it implies,
- someone who is teachable
- someone who is looking to be taught
“…seek meekness….” (v 3)—that’s what we have to do!
“…It may be that you shall be hidden in the day of the LORD’S anger” (v 3). We know that it is closer than every before!
To be protected and to be kept (Psa. 37). Here is the instruction to seek the Lord! Those of us who are meek… You already have some degree of meekness, just the very fact that God has called you and you are here:
- listening
- obeying His instruction
- heeding His Words
- keeping the Sabbath
- really taking one day for God
It’s not you coming and obeying what God has decreed from the very beginning from creation, but obeying that!
That shows your degree of meekness. That you are meek to listen, to learn, to be quiet so that we may “…be hidden in the day of the LORD’S anger.” May be!
We’re here to do God’s will and we know that the fifth seal of Revelation is the martyrdom of the saints. We know that some of us are going to go through martyrdom; not everybody is going to go to a place of safety. But we are to always seek the Lord, because even in the midst of martyrdom and the tribulation, we have to seek the Lord and He will be with us.
He will give us that power to go through what we have to go through. That’s why we have to seek the Lord, but with meekness! With an attitude eager to learn, and to just understand and take in, in quietness!
That’s is why this meek and quite spirit is so precious before God. To read more about what does this do? More like the effect and the depth of a meek and quiet spirit.
Psalm 32:6: “For this reason let every Godly one pray to You in a time when You may be found…”
That’s what we just read seek the Lord you meek of the earth.
“…surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come near him” (v 6).
Why? Because God protects those who are His! He may take us within an inch of our life like He did with Job. But that was only to teach him deeper; much, much deeper than he ever learned. He said, ‘Now my eye sees You!’
We want to be protected, but we don’t come to God just for protection. We come to God because we love Him and because we want to have this meek and quiet spirit!
Verse 7: “You are my hiding place… [tie in Psa. 91, under the shadow of His wings] …You shall preserve me from trouble…”
Why? Because we are seeking to be meek and have that meek and quiet spirit! To be quiet and listen to Him!
“…You shall encircle me with songs of deliverance. Selah.”
What are we to do to listen in a meek and quiet spirit? That’s why he says. ‘Selah,’ so that we listen to those songs of deliverance so that we listen to those words of God. All of the Psalms are songs; that’s what they are; they were written as songs. We read them just as words, but they are songs. God will “…encircle me with songs of deliverance….” Because He is our hiding place!He will preserve us from trouble, even though we may go through tribulation and affliction. That’s not trouble! That’s actually a purifying tool in God’s hands!
But it depends on what our spirit is, what our perspective is! This is what God tells us to do. What He’s telling you and I today:
Verse 8: “You said, ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be upon you.’”
He’s teaching all of us; teaching us all of these things. He’s showing us the Truth about His Word! He’s showing us all these things. But we have to be meek, we have to pay attention, and that’s what He tells us:
Verse 9: “Be not like the horse, or like the mule, which have no understanding—which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.”
What happens? A bit and bridle will direct the animal, like the horse and the mule. That’s why we have to be restrained; we have to be directed.
Sometimes, that’s what happens. If we’re not being quiet, we’re not having that meek and quiet spirit. He literally has to do it by force sometimes. But God doesn’t want to do that; not like the horse and mule that have no understanding. Why, because they’re not meditating and thinking!
They have to be “…harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.” But we have to come near to God! He is our hiding place!
Just out of our love for Them—God the Father and Jesus Christ—to just understand this. This is what God wants!
Psalm 33:8: “Let all the earth fear the LORD…”
This actually shows that all the world is under Law; they are all to fear the Lord. Whether they do or not is another thing. It doesn’t say only the ‘called out’ ones. It was Him; He was the Word of God!
Verse 9: “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” That’s what happens when God speaks!
“…let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him” (v 8).
Everybody will at the end-time, even if they don’t understand they will stand in awe; they’re going to be amazed. Why? All He had to do it is speak it! That’s the power of His Word, of our Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Word! He’s not our Lord and High Priest in heaven above!
Just meditate on these words and what they mean!
Verse 10: “The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing…”
I know that we’re going through a lot of trials and afflictions and tribulations, but wisdom is better than weapons of war! It’s all going to come to nothing!.
“…He frustrates the plans of the people” (v 10).
They have all these grand plans for a utopian society where everything is going to be wonderful and great; and man is going to live forever by their own means. God is going to frustrate all of that to nothing. Human nature is going to get the best of people and that is why there are going to be wars. That’s why nation is going to rise up against nation. It’s already starting! But it’s going to go to a level that we have never seen before, because “…He frustrates the plans of the people.”
Verse 11: “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.”
He wants to give you the thoughts of His heart. If we have a meek and quiet spirit, we’re teachable. That’s what Jacob was, teachable! That’s why He loved Jacob!
Verse 12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, and the people He has chosen for His own inheritance.”
That’s you and me! He has chosen us for His inheritance in the name of God.
Verse 13: “The LORD looks down from heaven; He beholds all the sons of men. From His dwelling place He looks intently upon all the inhabitants of the earth. Together He fashions their hearts alike…” (vs 13-15).
Even if He’s letting them go their way, it’s to learn a lesson. Even if it’s only what not to do, that life is miserable without God. That’s still part of fashioning their heart. He considers all their works. He wouldn’t consider all their works if He didn’t care for them. If He was not doing something with them, too. He is! Not unto salvation right now, but no life has lived in vain ever!
Our strength is not in ourselves; v 16: “The king is not saved by a great army; a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. A horse is a vain thing for safety; neither shall it deliver any by its great strength” (vs 16-17).
That’s what all the elites, government and military; that’s what they’re trusting in. They’re trusting in all their people to do their bidding. The military, police and all these groups of people to do their bidding, and they think that they’re going to be able to do whatever they want to do. They’re going to fight against Christ when He is returning!
- that’s not what God really takes pleasure in
- that’s not what God honors
Verse 18: “Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon those who fear Him, upon those who hope in His loving kindness.”
Those who wait quietly and patiently for God (Psa. 40).
Verse 19: “To deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine.”
We’re already beginning to see that! The beginning of famine, empty shelves and lower production and higher prices!
Our God is our refuge! He’s going to deliver our soul from death, even if it’s not physical death. It might be, but doesn’t have to be. He will deliver our soul from eternal death, that’s for sure:
- if we stay true to the end
- if we hold onto His ways
- if we hold onto Him
Verse 20: “Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield, for our heart shall rejoice in Him…” (vs 20-21).
Why? Because we have it all! If God is with us we have it all! We have everything that we could ever ask for.
“…because we have trusted in His Holy name” (v 21).
- we know Who He is
- we know Who is our Savior
- we know Who is our God
that’s why the prayer is:
Verse 22: “Let Your loving kindness, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in You.”
This thought continues in Psa. 34, and this is what this meek and quiet spirit will lead us to! I will bless the Lord at all times. Why? Because we’re meditating on His Laws! When we’re doing all these things:
Psalm 34:1: “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall always be in my mouth.”
That’s something we have to really meditate on and praise Him more. Do more praise to God with our mouth, in our thoughts and prayers, and in music.
Verse 2: “My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall hear and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together” (vs 2-3)—a result of that meek and quiet spirit!
We will magnify the Lord; our focus is in God not in ourselves.
Verse 4: “I sought the LORD… [as we read, seek God, seek the Lord] …and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
Isn’t that what we need to be most delivered from, our fears. Ninety percent of the time our greatest fears don’t come true, but we suffer with that anxiety and pain. He gives us peace; He is our resting place, our refuge.
Verse 5: “They looked to Him and were radiant; and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried… [because he knows, a meek person seeking for God and this meek and quiet spirit] …and the LORD heard, and saved him out of all his troubles” (vs 5-6).
- not some
- not most
- not just the challenging one
Verse 7: “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.”
This is a promise! This is also Jesus Christ Himself. He lives and dwells in us, and He protects us!
Verse 8: “O taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”
This is how all these things relate.
Verse 9: “O fear the LORD, all you saints, for there is nothing lacking to those who fear Him. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing. Come, hearken to Me you children…” (vs 9-11).
A meek and quiet spirit is not only about being silent, it’s also about being teachable; that’s why it’s meekness and quietness. This quietness also results in blameless. That’s what we saw with Jacob. That’s what God saw in him. That’s what God sees in you! This is somebody that He can work with. That’s why He called you, because He saw somebody that He can work with, who He can teach and can really get to shape after the image of His Son. That’s exactly what He wants!
“…I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Who is the man that desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good? Keep your tongue from evil… [the quiet spirit] …and your lips from speaking guile” (v s 112-13).
Sometimes we have bad thoughts; keep them in! Ask God to help you have that meek and quiet spirit and keep those thoughts in.
Verse 14: “Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD… [focusing in on us] …are upon the righteous… [that’s where His eyes are focused—on you and me and all of those whom He’s calling] …and His ears are open to their cry” (vs 14-15).
When we come before God He hears us! We can know that for sure! He hears us from His Throne!
Verse 16: “The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.” There’s a lot of evil happing right now! But God is against them
Verse 17: “The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are of a contrite spirit” (vs 17-18).
This broken heartedness and contrite spirit come together with a meek and quiet spirit, somebody who is teachable. Sometimes the meek and quiet spirit will lead you to understand your broken heartedness and your contrite spirit.
Sometime God breaks us and gives us this spirit that is contrite so He can give us that meek and quiet spirit! Really teach us and really guide us to His Truth.
James 1 is practical advice. We started with some practical advice, and we went more deeply into what this means and how it looks, and what we are to do. But here we’re coming back to the practical.
James 1:19: “For this reason… [for all these that we have been studying] …my beloved brethren, let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.”
Think about what we’re going to do; having that meek and quiet spirit so that we may be led by the Spirit of God!
Verse 20: “Because man’s wrath does not work out God’s righteousness.”
We may think so, we may think that we’re sinning, but we have to stand fro righteousness. But in our anger we can’t!
Verse 21: “Therefore, having rid yourselves of all filthiness and all the abounding of wickedness around you… [and a lot of it is in our mouth through that rod of pride that read about] …then in meekness accept for yourselves the implanted Word…”
Tie in John 14:23—God the Father and I will make Our abode in us; that’s what Jesus Christ prayed in John 17 that He may be One in us! That He may dwell in us and we in Him! That’s what it says!
“…then in meekness accept for yourselves the implanted Word… [Jesus Christ Himself] …which is able to save your lives” (v 21).
God is our only refuge! So, in meekness accept that implanted Word. But we have to slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger. This is a practical application of it. That’s what we have to do, because this is what God wants. This is what Peter was talking about: a precious jewel before God, this meek and quiet spirit! A person that is teachable. A person that can learn and willing to hear. It’s not about just blurting it out; it’s something that is in us quietly.
Proverbs 14:33: “Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has discernment…”—because wisdom is a matter of the heart!
This meek and quiet spirit is a matter of the heart, as well! That that’s why God loved Jacob, because of that quietness. That blameless for Job is the same as the quietness of Jacob. It’s the same word: ‘tam.’ The same thing as being teachable. Being quiet, being eager to listen and learn. To take understanding, which means being guided by God.
“…but that which is in the midst of fools is made known” (v 33). Why? Because a fool utters all of his mouth.
That’s not what God wants. He wants a meek and quiet spirit! Yes, in wives, but in all of us! It’s not only in wives, not only their beautiful adornment that they’re learning and seeking to learn. They’re also quick to hear and slow to speak and slow to anger.
Psalm 62:1: “Only for God does my soul wait in silence… [think about this, and do this] …from Him comes my salvation…. [it’s only from God] …He only is my Rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I shall not be greatly moved” (vs 1-2).
- God is your fortress
- God is your refuge
- God is your strength
He will deliver you out of all your afflictions and all your troubles!
- maybe not in the way you would like
- maybe not in the timing that you would like
- maybe not even physically
But He will deliver you from all those troubles!
He will, it’s a promise! But we have to wait for Him in silence!
Psa. 131 is really a short Psalm , but it really encapsulates everything that we have learned today with this meek and quiet spiritand what it is. This is a meditation of David, and you can see right here a man after God’s own heart. He also had this meek and quiet spirit.
Psalm 131:1: “O LORD, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes lofty; nor do I involve myself in great affairs, nor in things too wondrous for me. Surely I have calmed and have quieted my soul as a child weaned by its mother…” (vs 1-2).
Like a baby who has just nursed, the peace and calmness when he’s satisfied and safe in his mommy’s arms.
“…my soul within me is like a child weaned” (v 2).
That’s what God wants to give us. He wants to nurture us and protect us, and keep us in Him; in that implanted Word that is able to save our lives.
Verse 3: “Let Israel hope in the LORD from this time forward and forever.”
Scriptural References:
- Genesis 25:20-27
- Malachi 1:1-3
- Job 1:8
- 1 Peter 3:4
- Proverbs 16:2
- Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, 1
- Proverbs 10:19
- Proverbs 13:3
- Proverbs 14:3
- Psalm 37:30-31
- Psalm 1:1-2
- Proverbs 14:16
- Ecclesiastes 9:16-18
- Psalm 25:8-9
- Zephaniah 2:3
- Psalm 32:6-9
- Psalm 33:8-22
- Psalm 34:1-18
- James 1:19-21
- Proverbs 14:33
- Psalm 62:1-2
- Psalm 131:1-3
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Psalm 91; 40
- John 14:23; 17
Transcribed: 5/31/22
Copyright 2022—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.