Lyall Johnston—November 16, 2024
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If we were to look for a passage in the Scripture that talks about the state of the nations today, where would we turn? Well, probably there's one very special place that we would go:
Palm 2:1: "Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?"
Why do the nations rage? The nations are in turmoil! Rage means they're shouting, and that we see in the streets of many nations, the people rising up and shouting, and there are people plotting in vain!
On all sides of the issue, plotting is not really a very nice word; the plotting against something. We see them in the streets plotting against the opposition, plotting against this side, plotting against that side. But is that what this is talking about? That's only part of the story!
When we come to v 2, we see something else that they're in rage about and plotting and against whom?
Verse 2: "The kings of the earth…" That refers to anyone who is in a position of rulership, kings, presidents, prime ministers, those who take authority to themselves to rule over the people!
Verse 2: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel…"
Plotting, taking counsel against certain powers that be!
"…take counsel together against the LORD… [we can understand that today referring to the Father] …and against His Christ…" (v 2).
- What is one of the terms or one of the titles or offices of Christ?
- Is he not the King of kings? The King of all kings, Lord of all lords, the Sovereign God of the universe along with His Father!
This is what it's saying. This is who the nations are raging against, and these are who they are plotting against, plotting against God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Verse 3: "Let us break Their bands asunder and cast away Their cords from us."
In other words, here is this harsh God. He's got us with all of these Laws and Commandments. We are not going to bend to Him!
The nations see the Laws and Commandments of God—which are for the peace, prosperity, and health and wealth of the nations—as bondage! Why would they see that as bondage?
Well, we know the answer to that. Actually Eve in the garden (Gen. 3) mentioned it. She said that 'the serpent deceived me.' You can read in Rev. 12:9 that Satan has deceived the whole world!
Does that leave any exceptions? No! Unless, of course, God is the One Who has individuals that He desires to call at this point in time. Those are the exceptions!
Verse 3: "Let us break Their bands asunder and cast away Their cords from us."
That is talking about the Laws and Commandments of God to the nations. Some do in part, but so many of those just to take the Ten Commandments. How many of those are being violated in the world today?
Verse 3: "Let us break Their bands asunder and cast away Their cords from us." That also refers to the statutes and judgments!
Do we have righteous judgment in the world today? Absolutely not! It's a very rare commodity in today's world. So again, it's the very Laws of God. In other words they are objecting to God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Well what about the Churches? Surely the churches are not of the same mind or opinion! Well, think again!
Take for example the British church, the Church of England. Are you aware that just recently what they have done is taken the name 'church' out of that statement, out of that title? Now it's 'community.' Community!
Well, you may as well go and play cards or some other function. 'Church' itself does symbolize the fact that it is of God. But we also know there are other churches that are not of God! The churches that do not keep the Laws of God, meaning the Sabbath and God's Holy Days, which give the whole Plan of God. That's what they're objecting against beginning with the very Sabbath Day.
Gen. 2:2—God rested from all His works of creation, but He didn't rest from preaching the Word to Adam and Eve on that Sabbath Day, which is what the Sabbath Day is for:
- it's for the Word of God
- it's for the learning of the Word of God
Let's ask the question about the Church of England:
- Is it, in fact, part of the Church of God?
- Do they keep God's Sabbath? No!
Yet, the King of England, the Royal at this point in time. We had a wonderful Queen—Queen Elizabeth II—who kept stability in the descendants of Ephraim who were one of the main tribes of Israel along with Manasseh.
Read our book, our publication, America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World, which shows the God-given destiny. {} If you have read it, you do need to re-read it again, because in that book you will find out much about what we read in Psa. 2.
The Church of England keeps Sunday, therefore, they do not know God! There are many Scriptures that show that. God does not recognize that Church.
As we understand it, the throne of David (as you can read in that publication I just mentioned) was removed from Judah, from the Jews, because of the rebellion against God. Haven't we just read about that here in Psa. 2? God actually removed the throne through the Prophet Jeremiah all the way through to Ireland. You need to read the book. I'm not going to tell you the story, but it's such an exciting story to see how God fulfilled His Word:
- despite all the oppression
- despite Nebuchadnezzar taking captive the Jews into Babylon
- in spite of the fact that he put the king's eyes out and he caused all his sons to be slaughtered, to be put to death in order to end that dynasty
But God made a promise to David and through Jeremiah and one particular daughter, which now today shows us so much information, there's so much proof that the crown is now with the Royal Family in London.
- Today, what's the statement? London is no longer a British city!
- Why? It's overrun with strangers!
They even have a mayor who is not of British, Ephraimitish blood. London has a stranger ruling over them with all the laws and regulations.
Church of England is an offshoot of the Church of Rome. Oh yes, King Henry VIII separated himself from the Church of Rome. But sadly, what happened is that all the doctrines of Rome:
- which are built on lies
- which are built on hypocrisy
- which are built on the sin of that church
in total disobedience to the Laws of God!
Today, the Church of England is throwing off all the Commandments of God, well most of them. They know the name of God, but they do not know God! There is a call, there is a need for that nation to repent beginning with royalty.
When we think about it, the throne of David is today situated in London and the stone that ever came since David has been ordained on or has been crowned on, the stone, which used to be in Westminster Abbey.
In fact, in early 1960s my wife and I and our two children went to Westminster Abbey, we actually saw that stone.
What a thought, Jacob's Pillar Stone! We actually saw that; a moment in history, and I don't think at the time I really appreciate it the way I can today. When you consider what that particular stone, Jacob's Pillar Stone, means that's the stone that has continued the dynasty of David right down through to the Royal Family today.
We have a king, King Charles III, sitting on that throne, which is the throne of David, Christian!
Is he plotting against David, who gave us so much about an understanding of God's Laws and Commandments and the worship of God is the king following in David's footsteps? David: who is a man after God's own heart! We understand that there are people who are saying that the King of England is very frail, he may not last long. He may have a short rulership of the crown in the United Kingdom.
What about Prince William who is the heir to the throne, right now the Royal Family is in upheaval, just very much like the history of the kings and royalty from the time of David. Subterfuge, just so many problems, so many difficulties, arguments. We don't need to go into all that; I think most people are aware of what's going on. But here's another thought:
- Whose throne was that ultimately
- Where is that throne that Charles III was crowned on?
- Should he pass and William is crowned on?
- Where was that throne going to end up ultimately?
Well the Scriptures tell us that that throne, the lineage of that throne ends up with Jesus Christ, that throne is going to be returned to power and probably bestowed as well as an example, a physical example for the physical peoples of Israel that are going to return that land after Christ returns.
Again, please take time out, if you want to understand what's going on in the world today that's one book and the publication that is produced by the CBCG is a mighty publication. It is detailed, it gives you the details of where you can research to find out that the lineage from David right through to King Charles III today. It is absolutely secure in as much as the history that has been recorded about that throne.
That throne is eventually going to be occupied by Jesus Christ Himself! Shouldn't that not be sending a message to King Charles and William and anyone else who will occupy that throne? They're occupying the throne that was in reservation in London, eventually going back to Jerusalem when Christ returns, and Christ is going to sit and rule on
that throne.
- Is there a message there for the King of England today and his successor?
- Is there a message there for the British Parliament who have quite a powerful influence over that throne?
- What do they need to be doing?
Let's continue, this is such a large story but you can hold on to that book and read it if you've got a copy, read it again line-by-line and check the Scriptures, because it shows you what's going to happen eventually.
According to God's Plan; God's already got this outline in Isa.46, God has already told us what the end is going to be from the very beginning going right back to the Sabbath Day. That was laid down by the very power by the word that God spoke from His mouth and when He said that we are to remember that day it's the starting point! If we haven't got the Sabbath we don't have a starting point!
As we know even if you want to write a book you want to do some project like that you need a starting point. If you don't have a starting point you don't know where you're going. The Sabbath is the sign that shows the way! It shows us the way on that narrow path, the narrow path that Christ has already walked to show us the way into eternal life!
You know we can take our bodies and have them frozen by cryonics and hopefully that science will catch up so that we will be able to be reconstituted, but that's not going to work. Apparently, there's a limited time for that, and it costs a great deal of money. But many people have taken that route that's not the way to immortality. The Sabbath is the beginning of that path!
Verse 4 is God's reaction to all this rubbish, to all this deception! In fact, to all the bondage that the nations are under and even the Royal Family is under unless they decide to turn and read the Bible. Even though it may not be the best translation, the king was given a Bible on his coronation and he had all the leaders of the world sitting there. He was given a great deal of power great deal of prestige! Just think, if the king were to repent and say:
I no longer am head of The Community [Church] of England, I am now going to keep the Sabbath and I call all the inhabitants of this these Isles, including:
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
to keep the Sabbath day! Let us return to the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob!
Verse 4: "He Who sits in the heavens… [God the Father and Christ] …laughs…"—at these nations raging and plotting against the Father and Christ! God laughs at them!
"…the LORD scoffs at them. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath…" (vs 4-5).
This is the reason that this is such an important message! Christ is coming back to claim His Throne and He's really interested in how that throne is being treated today. He's not very happy that His Throne is being rubbished by the actions, by all the pagan practices that have been foisted upon the Church of England from Rome.
Christ is coming back to destroy that whole system and the Church of England—that used to be called—is part of that system.
What's the message from God? Come out of her My people!
Verse 6: "Yea, I have set My King upon Zion, My Holy mountain." That's where that throne is going!
- the power
- the authority
- the scepter
- the sovereignty
- the dominion
of the whole world from Jerusalem!
Verse 7: "I will declare the decree of the LORD. He has said to Me, 'You are My Son; this day I have begotten You. Ask of Me… [this is the Father saying to Jesus Christ]: …and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession'" (vs 7-8).
So, all those nations that are raging and people plotting in vain against the Father and Christ will have their day. They're going to be under the sword!
It won't be a matter of people running around like they do in the city of London with knives and stabbing people these are swords. In other words, God's powerful weapons will destroy anyone who is not prepared to humble themselves.
Verse 8: "Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance…"
This is what we need to see. We live in the world and we have very limited vision. We need to get God's vision of what's taking place in the world. There's only one place we can do that, and that's on our knees and reading the Scriptures, the Word of God!
I do hope you've got The Holy Bible in Its Original Order, A Faithful Version and that you're using that. In fact. it would be great if the Faithful Version could be put in the hands of the Royal Family, a copy for each one of them: King Charles III, William, Anne, and even Harry need this! All the members of the Royal Family so that they can return to God, and in doing so: set the example for the nation! Perhaps if they do and perhaps if that were to happen God will be a little lenient on them and perhaps give a little more time!
Verse 8: "Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession."
- This is coming!
- This is certain!
- This is sure!
As God told Daniel, the things that I've told you they're set in concrete they're going to happen! Nobody can stop what is going to happen!
Verse 9: "You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." This is what's ahead UNLESS:
- we open the Scriptures and we read we hear the message of repentance
- we hear the message and believe in the Kingdom of God
- we begin to turn to God
- we begin to repent before Him
That's what He wants! God wants us to serve Him and to worship Him, because He wants to bless us! Blessings are coming again upon Ephraim and Manasseh and all the nations of the world, but individually we can have that now.
Verse:10: "Now therefore, be wise, O kings…"
We have a king over what used to be the British Empire; so he has a great deal of power and influence. But not at this point in time NOT following the Word of God NOT following the Law of God.
"…be admonished O judges of the earth" (v 10).
The same to the United States: Do we have leadership? Right now we're in a state of flux; the United States is in a state of flux! A very important date—and it's in God's hands what happens after the elections of November—but also it's in the hands of each individual to repent to turn of God turn to God and maybe God will be lenient and spare those who turn to Him. In fact, that's a fact! He will!
Verse 11: "Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling" (v 11). So, it's a very positive state of mind!
Verse 12:"Kiss the Son…"—Jesus Christ!
How do we do that? We obey His words! 'The words that He speaks to us, they are Spirit and they are Life'—eternal life! IF we will obey His words that's a promise!
Verse 12: "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, for His wrath can flame up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him."
Scriptural References: Psalm 2:1-12
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Genesis 3
- Revelation 12:9
- Genesis 2:2
- Isaiah 46
Also referenced: Book: {}
America and Britain: Two Nations That Changed the World by Philip Neal
Transcribed: 11/21/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.