Fred R. Coulter—June 22, 2024
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{transcriber's note: It is best to watch the video to understand the first part of this message}
I'm going to show you some pictures that I think you will find very interesting.
This is a depiction of the tabernacle in the wilderness. As you can see, you've got the clouds by day and the fire by night. Then you have the tabernacle itself. You will see to the left, there is the altar of burnt offerings. Then there is another offering right just before the entrance of the tabernacle.
This was temporary and it was located in Shiloh right after they entered into the 'promised land.' So, here is this picture showing the tabernacle. This is the one that was destroyed during the days of Samuel because of the sins of Hophni and Phinehas.
Here is the picture of the temple in Jesus' day. The orientation of this in looking to it is actually from the Mount of Olives. So, you would be right about here in relationship to looking at the temple.
Now, as we will see, this is the temple area right here. This is the area in between Fort Antonia up here. Fort Antonia was Roman property and was where a garrison of 5,000 Roman troops were stationed as well as 5,000 support people. That was like a small city itself, and it was about 30 plus acres.
The area in between is where the people gathered. Here's the temple. Let's look at it; we see that it's really quite big. If you look carefully, right here is the veil that covered the entrance to the temple. That was the veil that was torn in two from top to bottom when Jesus died.
Now then, since we're looking at it from the Mount of Olives, it is looking west; over here is the west, over here is the south, and over here then is the east.
This also tells us that in order for the centurion to see the temple veil was ripped in two, he had to be on the Mount of Olives, which then tells us that Jesus was not crucified over in the center of Jerusalem. He was not crucified over the Holy of Holies, as Ron Wyatt claims that he saw Jesus' blood on the Ark of the Covenant.
The Ark of the Covenant is not to be found on Earth. As a matter of fact, you read Rev 11:19, the Ark of the Covenant God took to heaven. So all of the looking for the Ark of the Covenant, and right now in this area in Jerusalem they're doing a lot of archaeological digging.
They have found certain things from the City of David, which is over here. The City of David used to be a mountain a little above the temple. But during the days of John Hyrcanus, about 160B.C., he had the hill—which was the hill or the top of the mountain where David had his palace—torn down and put it over into the Tironian Valley, which is the valley on the other side of the temple.
Jesus said when they were on the Mount of Olives looking down at the temple… Remember, they were there for a while, and then they left and they came out, probably came down this way and across the bridge and up on the Mount of Olives, and they were looking at it pretty much like we are looking at it right now.
Jesus said—after the disciples told Him, 'Look at all the beautiful buildings and what they are—'You see these things? I tell you, there shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be taken down.'
That happened; it was totally demolished! Titus did not want it demolished when he came to look at what was going on. He came to Fort Antonia and came to this large tall observation tower and he could look down and see the temple.
He didn't want the troops to destroy it. But there was so much gold and so much precious things there that they disobeyed his orders and started tearing down everything, looking for as much gold and precious things that they could. But that fulfilled the prophecy of Jesus that not one stone would be left upon another!
So this brings up the question: What part was taken down? Everything from here south. Everything from here west. All of that was taken down. What was left was Fort Antonia.
Now today, that's where the Mosque of Omar is. It's on the area of Fort Antonia, about right here in the middle. This is where the Muslims put up the Al Aqsa Mosque.
During the days of the Crusades, when the Catholic and Protestant soldiers captured this area from the Muslims. What they did with the Mosque of Omar, one soldier got up on the top of it and put a cross right on top of the Mosque of Omar, and that has infuriated all of the Muslims to this very day!
So, the Jews, in their blindness, and God has to keep them in the blindness, because if they knew where to build the temple, they would have built it long ago. But it's not going to be built until it's ready in the time of the prophetic sequence that we have in the Book of Revelation for it to be built.
Now if you go to you will see Levitical singers and they sing at the south wall of Fort Antonia. They think that this is the temple area. Not so! There is no water supply directly to Fort Antonia, but coming underground to the temple area there is the Gihon Spring, which is pushing water clear up to the area of the temple. And that was necessary to keep things clean when they were offering the sacrifices and so forth.
So when Jesus said, there's not one stone upon another, that literally, actually happened! Now, they are finding more signs of right in this area, the Pool of Siloam and things from David's time. They know that right underneath here is the Gihon Spring, which still has water flowing to this very day.
When it comes time to build the temple, I believe that God will cause the Spring of Gihon to start gushing with water. The Jews will understand this is where to build the temple.
This will avoid the destruction of the world that would happen if the Jews built the temple here (where the Mosque of Omar is). Because the Muslims would come, all as many as they could get there, and they would destroy every Jew, every building, everything in Jerusalem, because they will not allow the so-called 'Christians' or Jews to do anything on what they call their sacred ground with the Mosque of Omar or the Al Aqsa Mosque. So, this gives you a view of it.
Now, this also tells us, because as I mentioned, the centurion could look down and see this veil covering the opening to the temple, which was ripped in two when Jesus was crucified outside the camp up on the Mount of Olives, looking west at the temple, where Jesus was the sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Now located on the Mount of Olives was also another place where they burnt all of the sin offerings. The Miphkad Altar was over there. That's what it was called. So, Jesus was crucified somewhere in the vicinity of the Miphkad Altar as viewing west toward the temple area. I hope this gives you a little better understanding about the situation there in Jerusalem even today.
Now one other thing. You see this? That's the Western Wall. That's where the Jews say that is a sacred wall to them, because that's part of the temple. That just shows you how absolutely blinded in their own beliefs that they are.
It's necessary for them to be blinded, because God doesn't want them building the temple until it's time to build it. I thought I would cover this so you could see with your own eyes the best depiction yet so far.
This picture was done by a Mr. Cooper. I don't have his first name, but I got the original one, which was much smaller, from David Sielaff of Associates for Scriptural Knowledge. I hope this helps you understand about the temple area.
I want to mention and announce, so pay close attention:
- DVD {}—Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews by Ken Klein
Showing going into Jerusalem and all the areas in Jerusalem, and it's quite interesting indeed, and you will see that that is a very confusing place. Then it comes out to where the temple ought to be. So, if you want to have that DVD, you order it.
Now when you order it, we will send you an 11 by 17 copy of what I showed you about the temple. It will be a reduced picture of what you saw in my presentation, and this will help you.
Now, one other thing about that area where the Jews go to pray at the Western Wall, the rocks are standing big, huge ones, one upon another. So, that cannot possibly be where the temple was. That verifies that it was Fort Antonia.
Now then, another thing that the Jews do there is that when they pray, what are they looking at? They are looking at the Mosque of Omar! So, whether they realize it or not, they're committing idolatry.
- with the wall
- with the Mosque of Omar
That tells you how blinded that the religious Jews are. That's why it has to be revealed by God at the set time to rebuild the temple.
That temple must be rebuilt because there has never been 'the abomination of desolation that was spoken of by Daniel the Prophet.' When the temple was destroyed in 70A.D., it was not there.
- Judge Righteous Judgment—I recently did a message on. We also have an entire booklet on it and we have a new cover for it, Judge Righteous Judgment.
I just got an order from a man wanting 8-10 copies of it to send to his relatives, many of whom are judges. So, if you want this, give us a little time. We'll get it made up with the new cover for it. It's a 47-page booklet covering everything concerning judging righteous judgment.
- I will be on Caravan to Midnight on Monday, June 24th. I'm going to cover Who is America in Prophecy? And I'm going to advertise our book: America and Britain, Their Biblical Origin and Their Prophetic Destiny.
All of the things that people talk about, that's going to happen at the end-time. You can check out all of the Protestants, even the Seventh-Day Adventists. They don't understand it completely. They have some understanding, but it's all like a bunch of scrambled eggs.
- In-Depth Study—be ready to study—Daniel and Revelation
We've got charts and we've got things all on there based upon the Calculated Hebrew Calendar, which is used today—and has been used as far as we can know—ever since the time before the Jews were taken into captivity into Babylon.
- Hebrew Calendar—we have four videos that I have done on the calendar, which I did those 30 years ago.
Randy Vild just recently brought them up to date, did some editing, made it look really good. So, we will have those ready to go out here pretty quickly. So, if you want those, you can order them.
These will prove to be really, really interesting! It will show from the Scriptures that the Calculated Hebrew Calendar was and is the calendar that we should use. That's important, because if we don't use it we're not going to understand things.
Now, in addition to that, I just got done reading a book by Victor Davis Hanson: The End of Everything. Many of you have seen him on television with the news. He's on NewsMax, he's on Fox News, and so forth. He's one of the best, keenest minds, political analysts that we have in America today. He belongs to the Hoover Institute.
I wanted to find out what it was that he wrote, since he was and is a noted scholar on the ancient philosophers. In this book, he covers Greece, Rome, Persia, part of Egypt. He covers Carthage and back to Rome. Then he covers the Aztecs, the Mayans, and he covers the Incas. Why did all of these societies come to an end? When they come to an end, it's not a complete annihilation or obliteration of them. They always come back in a different, smaller form, but they are still there around.
Now then, in his private life, and he did mention a couple of times on NewsMax about God. So, in his private life, he has a certain acknowledgement of God. Belonging to the Stanford Institute, he cannot mention God or anything to do with the Bible. So, you see, censorship is everywhere!
This book shows that he's smart, he's intelligent, he knows what he's talking about politically, but he does not know God! He may have a concept of God, but that's not knowing God!
Then I read another book, too, so I've been busy this last couple of weeks, and it is called The God Gene. Now this is written by Dean Hamer, and he also is into genetics, and different things. He wrote a book analyzing what he calls spirituality, why people are spiritual, and he looked at all of the various religions and their spirituality, and he doesn't have a clue that that spirituality is really demonism!
Because when they try and find God by means of human rationale or scientific endeavor, they will never find God! They can see His handiwork, but they can't find Him, and they don't know Him!
Same way with all the astronomers and all of the space programs that we have. There are actually mindless notions that we can send people off to the far off reaches of the universe, traveling hundreds of millions of light years from Earth.
Human beings can't live that long. There is no way it can be done. Now we have the space station in orbit, but it must be supplied with everything from the earth, and they're not going to be able to do that if they go to outer space, and they think if they go out to outer space, they're going to find life. Well they can't even define life on the earth when they look at it and see it.
- Can people or men by intelligence, by thinking, look at all the philosophers, did they find God? No!
- Did they know God? No!
- What did they end up with? Satanic and demonic religions and thoughts and practices!
They had great wisdom just like Victor Davis Hanson has, but not the wisdom of God!
Now let's come to Acts 17 and let's go right into the area that Victor Davis Hanson was writing about with the Greeks. As a matter of fact, he said in his book that all of the English translations from the ancient text that were in Greek, he translated himself. He's a very intelligent man and knows an awful lot of things.
Now, we have an encounter here by the Apostle Paul in Athens and at Mars Hill where the Parthenon was located, which was the center of philosophy and religion.
Acts 17:16: "But while Paul was waiting for them… [Timothy and Silas (v 15)] …in Athens, he saw that the city was wholly given to idolatry, and his spirit was sorely moved within him."
Idols here, idols there, to this God, to that God, to that demon.
Verse 17: "Because of this, he reasoned earnestly in the synagogue with the Jews and those who worshiped there, and daily in the marketplace…"
So, Paul was out there daily talking about Christ, His life, His death, His resurrection, and what God is doing
"…with those who met with him. Then some philosophers…" (vs 17-18). These are the top thinkers of their day!
- they understood about all the philosophies that they had
- they understood about Aristotle, Socrates and Pythagoras
However, all of that also came from Babylon, refined to fit the Greek culture!
Verse 18: "Then some philosophers of the Epicureans and the Stoics encountered him. And some of them said, 'What will this babbler have to say?' And some said, 'He seems to be a preacher of foreign gods,' because he was preaching to them the Gospel of Jesus and the resurrection."
Never heard of this before! So, this is really strange to them. They were believing exactly what all the religions today believe, that there's some form of eternal life:
- with the soul
- with the spirit
- with reincarnation
- with worshiping relatives who have died
Look at what they're doing today. They're digging up every one of these societies that God destroyed. Why did God destroy them? We'll look at it a little later. We'll let that question hang for just a bit.
Verse 19: "And they took him and brought him to Mars Hill, saying, 'May we know what this new teaching is that is spoken by you? For you are bringing certain strange things to our ears….'" (vs 19-20).
They had all kinds of myths about demons and angels and death and everything. Remember that all of these societies were seeking eternal life their own way and under Satan the devil. What was it that Satan offered Adam and Eve right at the beginning?
- you'll be wise
- you'll be like the gods
- you could live forever
- you will not die
That's exactly what has come all the way down to this very day!
"…'So then, we desire to know what these things mean.' (Now, all the Athenians and the strangers sojourning among them spent their leisure in nothing other than to tell and to hear something new.)" (vs 20-21). So they would just sit around and talk!
That reminds me of the daily news and reports. You're really not getting news. You're getting conversations of people talking about the news from their own perspective.
Then Paul was given space to talk; v 22: "Then Paul stood in the center of Mars Hill and said, 'Men, Athenians, I perceive that in all things you are very reverent to deities... [that also means demons] …for as I was passing through and observing the objects of your veneration, I also found an altar on which was inscribed, "To an unknown God."….'" (vs 22-23).
Very interesting! So, Paul met them at their level, and then he began to preach. This was astonishing to them because to them there was no such thing as an unknown God.
So then Paul continues, "…So then, He Whom you worship in ignorance is the One that I proclaim to you. He is the God Who made the world and all things that are in it…. [that's true] …Being the Lord of heaven and earth, He does not dwell in temples made by hands" (vs 23-24).
Look at all of the temples that they built. Every single society that collapsed has to build these great monstrous temples or pyramids or whatever.
- Do they find God? No!
- Who do they always find? Satan the devil and the demons!
Sidebar: Very interesting, because this is true. You analyze every one of those societies that I've mentioned before:
- Why did they collapse?
- Why did they come to nothing?
Now Hanson writes in the book—The End of Everything—not everything ends, but it comes out in a different form after the catastrophe of their destruction!
What was similar to every one of these societies? They ended up in open worship of Satan the devil, human sacrifice—and some in the cases of those in the Aztecs, the Mayans and the Incas—cannibalism.
The more humans that they sacrificed, the more that they were thinking that they were pleasing God, but they were administering these things to Satan, the devil.
- Did they all have intellect like these philosophers here?
- Did they all have a process of good reasoning?
Yes they did, but that was all human reasoning! They can never find God by human reasoning, nor, as we will see, is there a 'God gene' that everyone has which a man can discover, that IF he discovers it, he's going to discover God.
But none of them ever come to the Word of God to look at it, to see what it says, to find out what God says.
Verse 25: "Nor is He served by the hands of men, as though He needs anything, for He gives to all life and breath and all things."
Now think about that for a minute. You go back to the creation Gen. 1. Everything that God made was after its kind and genetically locked in so. Everything that has life, it's after its kind!
Now when they do crossbreeding, like with a donkey and a horse, they come up with a mule, but it's genetically impossible for a mule to reproduce. They tried it also in America with buffalo and cattle, and on the second generation it either goes toward the cows or toward the buffalo.
That is absolute proof that all of the evolutionary thought and writings and everything that men have done and thought of and conceived of is wrong and not true and never happened.
Just like with all the animals, it's male and female. Mankind—male and female—genetically, chromosomally, and permanently, that is it; you cannot change gender! They tried it in ancient days, and they failed back then!
So, Paul tells them what God did with mankind; v 26: "And He made of one blood all the nations of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, having determined beforehand their appointed times and the boundaries of their dwelling; in order that they might seek the Lord… [see how the choice is]if perhaps they might feel after Him and might find Him…" (vs 26-27).
How do you find God? He couldn't find it in this book, The God Gene. Hamer's final statement was, 'human beings are hardwired to believe.' That's because we have intelligence, and God has given us a mind and the spirit of man! We'll talk about that in a little bit here.
Then Paul says; "…though truly, He is not far from each one of us, for in Him… [think about the very fact that we live and breathe] …we live and move and have our being; as some of the poets among you also have said, 'For we are His offspring' (vs 27-28).
The fact that there is a creation that is run by absolute laws:
- God is the One Who made it
- God is the One Who created it
- God is the One Who designed it
That can't be changed!
Now Satan comes along and he says we can change it, but they can't!
We're seeing that very lesson today right into the United States of America.
Verse 29: "Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we should not think that the Godhead is like that which is made of gold, or silver, orstone—a graven thing of art devised by the imagination of man; for although God has indeed overlooked the times of this ignorance, He now commands all men everywhere to repent" (vs 29-30).
That's the message needs to go out today! Repentance from everything that you are doing that's contrary to God and the Scriptures and all of the religionists. Now one of the major… I forget his first name, but his last name is Morris; he had to resign from this Protestant TBN affiliation that they have because he had molested and had an affair with a young 12-year-old.
When men do according to the way they want to do and attach the name of God to it—when He is not there—it always ends in disaster! Because either they will repent and come to God or they will continue down their own path and there will be destruction within their lifetime of their own lives. We're looking at the destruction coming of our whole society here.
Then Paul preached the resurrection of the dead (v 31).
How much can men learn of God through their own… Through His creation, God has revealed Himself, but they say it evolved. Never happened!
God has given enough knowledge; Romans 1:18: "Indeed, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness…"
That comes in periodic times. That's why every one of these empires and societies were destroyed, because they did not have God, they didn't go after God when He revealed Himself through the creation to them. But Satan came in and led them all astray and they ended up in open Satan worship and human sacrifice and their civilizations were destroyed.
Now think about this in America today. All the things everybody's looking for, for Donald Trump to do to try and help make the nation better.
- yes, he might be able to do some of that
- yes, he does give God a little credit
- yes, he does say, 'let's make America pray again'
That's all well and good, but:
- How far does it go? How much can he change?
Look at the whole opposition that he has from the whole squads of abortionists. There will be no—I can guarantee you—lasting change until there is repentance of that human sacrifice of the unborn and the worship of Satan the devil, which is in every Christian denomination today!
Verse 19: "Because that which may be known of God is manifest among them, for God has manifested it to them."
How? Through the laws of science and procreation that are there that proves that God made it!
Verse 19: "Because that which may be known of God is manifest among them, for God has manifested it to them; for the invisible things of Him are perceived from the creation of the world, being understood by the things that were made—both His eternal power and Godhead—so that they are without excuse" (vs 19-20). That's what we have today!
This nation, the politicians, the religionists, the educators, they are without excuse! We have more Bibles, more knowledge of God, but they treat it with their own wisdom and they come with a simple little formula and think that they're right with God! Never happened!
Verse 21: "Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but they became vain in their own reasonings, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
How are their foolish hearts darkened? By attaching lies to the belief that should be from God! Then they also have blindness as Paul writes about in 2-Cor. 3 when the Law of Moses is read, or the Old Testament or the prophecies. Today they say that:
- the Old Testament is all fulfilled
- it's only for the Jews
- it's the 'old Law'
but it's not!
- What happens when their foolish hearts are darkened?
- What do they say?
Verse 22: "While professing themselves to be the wise ones, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed creatures, and creeping things" (vs 22-23).
Now add in there today, what do we have today? Humanoids, robots!
Why do we need all of that? If you know what the elite want to do, they want to get rid of about 600-million people on the earth so they with their wealth and their power will have control and they can use robots to do all of these things!
What happens? They don't know what happens when they reach a certain point, and here's the first one:
Verse 24: "For this cause…" God doesn't do anything without cause! He doesn't do it unless there's a proper judgment that He makes.
"…[#1]God also abandoned them to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to disgrace their own bodies between themselves."
Moral and sexual perversion that is absolutely mind boggling. You will see that next week when I bring the degrees of lawlessness in the society, because we are going headlong into more lawlessness and absolute rebellion against God than ever has been.
That's why this nation is coming down. Now, there might be a little respite if Trump gets in there, but if he doesn't get in there, and don't be surprised if Biden doesn't win the election. They could set it up with A.I. and no one can detect how it was done.
Verse 25: "Who exchanged the Truth of God for the lie; and they worshiped and served the created thing more than the One Who is Creator, Who is blessed into the ages. Amen."
They worship the work of their hands. What is the greatest work of their hands today? Computers, robots, etc.!
Now some of it can be put to good use like we're doing right now with live streaming, like we're doing with printing and publishing. But all of this has to be outside the scope of the establishment to come in and shut us down.
We've had a couple of people come along and try and worm their way into the Christian Biblical Church of God. But it was easy to see that they were not here to do good, though they professed that they could do good, and they are not with us!
Now then, that's the first abandonment. There can be some recovery from that first abandonment but look at the next one:
After they started worshiping the created thing ; v 26: "For this cause, [#2]God abandoned them to disgraceful passions…"
That's what we have today, homosexuality, trans-whatever, okay, the alphabet. It's amazing! You're going to see next week that the Methodist Church is welcoming queers into their church, and causing the whole Methodist Church organization in Africa to separate itself from the Methodist here in America and in Britain. That's how bad it's gotten right there. What happens?
Verse 26: "For this cause, [#2]God abandoned them to disgraceful passions; for even their women changed the natural use of sex into that which is contrary to nature."
Add to that abortion! There was one woman who said she had 40 abortions. Do you think she will repent?
Some people say that the men make the women do it. Well the women didn't have to have illicit sex with them in the first place. So, both are wrong!
Verse 27: "And in the same manner also the men, having left the natural use of sex with the woman, were inflamed in their lustful passions toward one another—men with men shamelessly committing lewd acts, and receiving back within themselves a fitting penalty for their error."
Tell us what happens when it comes to this point and we're about that far from it in America today. When it comes to this point:
Verse 28: "And in exact proportion… [God measures it out correctly] …as they did not consent to have God in their knowledge,[#3]God abandoned them to a reprobate mind." That's what we have today.
- oh don't tell us about God
- oh don't be religious around me
- oh don't tell me about the Bible
- when the Bible is what they need
- when the Truth of God is what they need to change
but they don't want it!
What happens when they do that? God abandoned them! So, there are three abandonments of God! Then look at all the immorality that comes after that.
Let's look at 1-Cor. 2 and see how Paul writes of this. Let's understand what he has written and why is it that we understand what we understand, but none of the world understands what we understand.
Now some of them may have some parts of it. Some people may be able to lead pretty decent lives, but they don't keep the Sabbath, they don't keep the Holy Days.
- they keep all the holidays of the world
- they live in the world
- they're of the world
- they're part of the world and they don't want anything to do with God
Just like here recently in Louisiana they tried re-instituting the Ten Commandments in the schools and what are they doing? They're taking them to court to get it thrown out because the ones in charge are godless, satanic people leading this nation to destruction!
Paul said he didn't come with the wisdom of men or understanding. You can take great men in the world and Victor Davis Hanson is one of the great men of the world, but he doesn't understand the Bible! If he does understand it he's muzzled so he can't let it be known that he understands it.
You can't find God by using human wisdom or human scientific research to find God, because there is no 'God gene'! As we will see:
- God deals with the mind
- He deals with the heart
- He deals with the reins
1-Corinthians 2:4: "And my message and my preaching was not in persuasive words of humanwisdom; rather, it was in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. so that your faith might not be in the wisdom of men…" (vs 4-5)—because you can't have the wisdom of men and have faith in God!
Where does the wisdom of men come from? From the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil! You've heard me say how many times you can't take the good from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and attach it to the Word of God and make it work, because it will always end up in disaster!
"…not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Now we speak wisdom among the spiritually mature; however, it is not the wisdom of this world, nor of the rulers of this world, who are coming to nothing" (vs 5-6).
This tells us and verifies other Scriptures. You can't take the Word of God and change it to your own liking or add to it your own philosophical teaching!
Verse 7: "Rather, we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom that God foreordained before the ages unto our glory."
Now Jesus said in Matt. 13 that the people there, it was not for them to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Why? Because they weren't willing to do what God has said!
Verse 8: "Which not one of the rulers of this world has known (for if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory); but according as it is written, 'The eye has not seen…'" (vs 8-9).
Doesn't matter how deeply you look into the chromosomes and genes and everything like that—into human inheritance—you're not going to find God there in person. You see a demonstration of His creation. But is that going to convince you that God needs to be worshipped as He has said? Or that you need the Word of God? No it doesn't!
"…'The eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him'" (v 9).
You will find that:
- the more you study the Word of God
- the more you understand the Word of God
- the more you pray to God
- the more you keep His commandments
The longer that you do this, the more that God gives you an understanding, and the world can never come to this point.
Notice how this comes; v 10: "But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit…"
As Lyle pointed out—message: Who Do You Say Jesus Is? #3—'the Spirit is either with you, or in you or you don't have it.' For us who have the Spirit of God, we're to:
- grow in grace and knowledge
- grow in understanding
- grow in love and Truth
all of this from the Word of God!
"…for the Spirit searches all things—eventhe deep things of God. For who among men understands the things of man except by the spirit of man, which is in him?…." (vs 10-11).
He acknowledges that there is human intelligence. He acknowledges that there is a wisdom that there is of the world. But that can never lead you to anymore than an understanding that there is a God. Conversion is completely different!
- we have to seek God
- we have to repent
- we have to yield to Him
Baptism is really a tremendous thing, because it is between you and Christ personally!
Then that gives you, by the grace of God, direct access to God the Father and heaven above! Think about that for a minute, that every one of us have direct access to God the Father through prayer, and God talks to us back to us through His Word.
We talk to God when we pray, and we have direct access to the Great Sovereign of the universe! Now think about that!
He hasn't given it to all the wise. They don't know anything.
- you know more than Victor Davis Hanson
- you know more than all the philosophers of the past
- you know more than the great thinkers of today
- you listen to them on the news
- you listen to see how they try and bring about a solution
You will see every solution that they need to have, if they accidentally come across something that's Godly, it'll work. But otherwise it won't work; in the long run it doesn't work. Even the founders who wrote the Constitution said that 'this will only work with a moral people.'
- What happens when you become universally immoral like we are today? The system collapses!
- Why? Because God judges!
Just like he destroyed all the societies and empires of the past who came into Satan worship, human sacrifice and cannibalism. Now, we may not have cannibalism, but we have scientific cannibalism, don't we? With all the fetuses that are aborted, what do they do? They send them to scientists! So they can devise whatever they want to devise.
"…In the same way also, the things of God no one understands except by the Spirit of God" (v 11).
- that's why we have the Bible
- that's why it is the greatest book in the world
- that's why we need it every day
- that's why we need to study every day
You can never come to a point in understanding the things in the Bible that anyone can ever say they know it all, because they don't know it all! I don't know it all. I've been at it a long time and I'm still learning every day. I'm still understanding more every day about God:
- about how great He is
- about how great His love is
- about how great His whole plan is
- about what a thing that He is doing
- about how all of the prophecies are going to work out
according to the way that He said that they would!
That is an amazing thing! Jesus said that 'it's given to us to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God'! It's not given to the people of the world.
- they can write all the books
- they can have all the philosophies
- they can do all the scientific analysis
Unless they come to the point that they repent, they won't understand anything really. We have the Spirit of God "…In the same way also, the things of God no one understands except by the Spirit of God" (v 11).
Remember that! We can't understand anything out of the Bible except by the Spirit of God! That is spiritual knowledge unto salvation!
- Can a person pick up the Bible and read in Proverbs about the things that they need to do?
- Can they learn from that? Yes!
But that doesn't bring them salvation! That is a precursor to salvation. But all the things in the book of Proverbs, when spiritually understood, mean much more than just reading them for what they say and people can understand it.
Verse 13: "Which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Holy Spirit in order to communicate spiritual things by spiritual means."
Now here is the key:
- no man/woman by philosophy
- no man/woman by science
- no man/woman by government
- no man/woman by religion
- no man/woman can understand the things of God
Verse 14: "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God… [Why? Because they worship their own mind!] …for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned."
That's what we have here; there are a lot of different Scriptures we can use to go through and show this. I've got a whole bunch of them here.
Psa. 139—this will tell us how God deals with us beginning with creation. This is quite a Psalm! Notice what we are dealing with. Notice how God has made us so we can have a connection with God. That's so important for us to understand.
Psalm 139:1: "O LORD, You have searched me and have known me."
- Doesn't God know our thoughts are far off?
- Doesn't He even know when a sparrow falls?
Verse 2: "You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thoughts afar off." Think about that!
What does it say in Gen. 26:5 Why the Flood came: Because the thoughts of man was only evil continually! That's what we have today.
Verse 3: "You measure my going about and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word on my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, You know it altogether" (vs 3-4).
- He knows how our minds are
- He knows how we think
That's why it's conversion is of the mind!
- no one's going to go up to heaven and bring Christ down to us
- no one's going to go down in the abyss and bring Him up for us
But we have to believe what God says. That belief then comes out as faith to be exercised in the way that God has instructed us.
Verse 5: "You have enclosed me behind and in front, and laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it" (vs 5-6).
And that is true! Even though we have all the consciousness that we do, the knowledge that we do, you take a look at a newborn babe and look at that and think what a magnificent thing that God has done, which came from a speck of dust that's smaller than the eye can see. That's amazing!
Verse 7: "Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I go up into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in the grave, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the farthest parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me" (vs 7-10). This is the God we are dealing with:
- you don't find Him by philosophy
- you don't find Him by science
You find Him by faith and belief and repentance!
Verse 11: "If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me shall be night'; even the darkness does not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; as is the darkness, so is the light to You" (vs 11-12).
Here is how God deals with us—v 13—and this is the closest that we can come to what this writer here—Dean Hamer, in his book The God Gene—can come to it.
Verse 13: "For You have possessed my reins…"
God talks about the reins as how He tests and knows each one of us what we're doing and thinking. We find that confirmed in Rev. 2:23[transcriber's correction]—the reins.
- Where it is? Don't know!
- How does God do it? We don't know, because God is God and He knows!
"…You have knit me together in my mother's womb" (v 13).
That's quite a description, isn't it? About the creation of life in the womb. From the instant of conception, you are who you are. All the genes and chromosomes are set; all they have to do is be developed. Everything that God does:
- the way we're built
- the way our eyes are
- the way our hearing is
- the way our brains are
- the way our hands are
- the way our feet and our limbs are
- what we do
- what we can't do
and so forth! God has created all of that!
Verse 14: "I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Your works are marvelous and my soul knows it very well. My substance…" (vs 14-15).
Now this is what they call the first begettal of a human being—substance! Does God know that? Yes! That's why abortion is murder! We can know for sure that in America, until there is repentance by those:
- who demand abortion
- who do abortion
- who pay for abortion
- governments who give laws to allow it
this nation is going down! There is no way to stop it!
Verse 15: "My substance was not hidden from You when I was made in secret and intricately formed in the lowest parts of the earth…. [that's a simile for the womb] …Your eyes did see my substance, yet, being unformed…" (vs 15-16).
What did God say to Jeremiah? Before you were formed, I knew you!
What does that mean? Right at the instant of conception, God knew that he was going to use this man—yet to even be formed in the womb—to be a Prophet! That tells you the power of God.
"…yet, being unformed; and in Your book all my members were written…" (v 16).
It flows along with all the laws that God put into genes and chromosomes to develop every form of life, whether it's human life, animal life, insect life, plant life. You look at the plants, every seed is for a new plant. You put it in the ground, you water it, you let the sunshine come and it grows and produces.
- How does it do that?
- Do you know anything about how that actually happens?
You can observe it, but you don't know how it happens. God put it there!
"…which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet, there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!" (vs 16-17). Think about that!
- how great that it is that God has called us to be His sons and his daughters
- how great that it is to have the Spirit of God at this time
- how great that it is to have the knowledge of His Word and that we can learn from it every Sabbath
- how great it is that we can come together and even assemble on this live streaming wherever it goes into the world
"…How great is the sum of them!" (v 17).
Remember, God says that He loves you,every single one of us!
- we're the weak of the world
- we're not the highly educated
- we're not the philosophers
- we are not the governors
- we're not the senators and representatives
or any of that sort of thing! No, we are the weak of the world! But God is going to resurrect us at the first resurrection! He's going to give us the rulership of the world under Christ! You talk about those thoughts of God to us. That is an amazing thing, isn't it?
- that's why God loves us
- that's why God gives us mercy
- that's why God helps us in everything that we do
Verse 18: "If I should count them, they are more than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You. Surely You will slay the wicked, O God; therefore, you bloody men, depart from me, for they speak against You wickedly and Your enemies take Your name in vain" (vs 18-20).
So, everything that the wicked are doing is going to end up in destruction and vanity. It's not going to work out.
Verse 21: "O LORD, do I not hate those who hate You?…."
Yes, we can have a righteous hatred of their sins. Jesus says that in the second resurrection, a lot of them are going to repent. So, the hatred is only in what they do!
"…And am I not grieved with those who rise up against You? I hate them with perfect hatred… [not with malice and evil thoughts against them] …I count them my enemies. Search me, O God…" (vs 21-23).
This is the closest we can come to the 'God gene,' because:
- God wants us to believe Him
- God wants us to obey Him
- God wants us to love Him
To love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and being!
Verse 23: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts, and see if any wicked way is in me; and lead me in the way everlasting" (vs 23-24).
So, the wise in the world can go their way, but it's going to end in utter destruction. Those who:
- are of God
- come to Him
- love Him
- keep His commandments
- know Him
will be raised to eternal life!
That is what God has shown us, and men, aside from God, can never understand any of it!
Scriptural References:
- Acts 17:16-30
- Romans 1:18-28
- 1 Corinthians 2:4-11, 13-14
- Psalm 139:1-24
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Revelation 11:19
- Acts 17:15
- Genesis 1
- Acts 17:31
- 2 Corinthians 3
- Matthew 13
- Genesis 26:5
- Revelation 2:23
Also referenced: {}
- Jerusalem and the Lost Temple of the Jews by Ken Klein
- Hebrew Calendar (4 parts)
- Judge Righteous Judgment
- Who Do You Says Jesus Is? #3—by Lyall Johnston
Booklet: Judge Righteous Judgment
Book: America and Britain, Their Biblical Origin and Their Prophetic Destiny by Philip Neal
- In-Depth Study: Daniel and Revelation
Books: (secular sources)
- The End of Everything by Victor Davis Hanson
- The God Gene by Dean Hamer
Transcribed: 6/27/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.