A step-by-step look at the years, months and days of this important event in history!
Fred R. Coulter—December 21, 2019
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Greetings, brethren! Welcome to Sabbath services!
How can you prove the Truth in the Bible, and know that it is the Truth? There is so much confusion in the world! Here it's the Christmas season, and everybody thinks they're doing something for Christ, but they're doing it for themselves and their family and acquaintances.
Now then, let's understand something about God's Word that is difficult for them to understand. We're going to start in 2-Tim 3 because this gives something that we need to always keep in mind. Timothy was able to be taught from a youth, and it's a good thing that he worked with the Apostle Paul directly, because he became very instrumental, along with Mark who was the nephew of Barnabas. So, both of them were Levites.
The Apostle John was of the priestly family, and they were the ones after the book of Revelation was revealed and written who canonized the New Testament. But here is what Paul writes to Timothy just in the days before he was finally martyred:
2-Timothy 3:13: "But wicked men and imposters… [and have we got a lot of those today] …shall become worse and worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves. But as for you, continue in the things that you did learn and were assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them; And that from a child you have known the Holy Writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus" (vs 13-15).
The Holy writings were the Old Testament at that time. He knew those from a youth. We have all the other writings of Paul stacked upon it. We have some of the Gospels already written and completed. The Gospel of Acts written, because it ends with Paul's first imprisonment in Rome.
Then Paul says, v 16: "All Scripture is God-breathed…" That actually means God spirited!In other words, God inspired it.
"…and is profitable for doctrine…" (v 16)—teaching! What did Jesus do in all the synagogues? He taught! His teachings were with authority, not like the scribes and Pharisees.
"…for conviction…" (v 16)—for Truth, because people who are totally deceived are convinced that they are right.
If you don't believe that, all you have to do is look at Nancy Pelosi and this stupid thing on impeachment.
Sidebar: One of her leading testifying 'experts' on impeachment came back and said that if she doesn't get those two Articles of Impeachment to the Senate the President is not impeached. One of her own witnesses!
So, how deceived and deluded do you think everyone was in going against the truth, because they had something that they wanted to do.
Look at that one Palestinian gal—Rashida Tlaib—was giddy going down to the meeting where they were going to get the Articles of Impeachment. Did she believe it? Yes!
So, the bottom line is that you can believe something that is false with the same conviction that you do with something that is true!
"…for correction… [we always need correction] …for instruction in righteousness" (v 16)—can be summed up in these words: Christian living:
- How do you stand before God?
- How do you love the brethren?
- How do you love your neighbor?
- How do you love your enemies?
And the Sabbath and Holy Days all fall into that!
Verse 17: "So that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work."
2-Pet. 1 goes hand-in-hand with it, here's what he writes, and John also refers to this, of the Transfiguration on the Mount in his writings.
2-Peter 1:16: "For we did not follow cleverly concocted myths as our authority…" Almost all the doctrines of fake Christianity are "…cleverly concocted myths…"
"…when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His magnificent glory" (vs 16). This was indelibly stamped in his mind so that he would never, never go astray!
Then in the last part of John 21, three times Jesus asked Peter, 'Do you love Me. Feed My sheep.' So, those two things you tie together so you see the veracity of Peter.
Verse 17: "Because He received glory and honor from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, 'This is My Son, the Beloved, in Whom I am well pleased.' And this is the voice from heaven that we heard when we were with Him on the Holy mountain. We also possess the confirmed prophetic Word…" (vs 17-19). That all of the prophecies concerning Christ confirmed!
There is a man I mentioned one time who was going through—I asked him to start in the Psalms—to get all of the verses that applied directly to Jesus' first coming. If you include the second coming then you have to take two-thirds of the book of Isaiah and throw in things like that.
"…to which you do well to pay attention, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns… [return of Christ] …and the morning star arises in your hearts" (v 19)—resurrected and transformed!
Verse 20: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture…" That's not just referring to prophetic Scriptures, but prophecy in the sense of inspired by God to be written! That includes all the genealogies, the different things of dates of history and so forth.
"…originated as anyone's own private interpretation" (v 20). In other words, you don't come along and say, 'I see this, I see that, and I interpret it this way.' If that doesn't fit in with the rest of the Scriptures, then you don't follow it.
There are some Churches of God that are now meeting on Sunday morning, the Wave Sheaf Offering Day, which is in 50% of the cases the same as Easter Sunday.
Always remember that all Truth is logical, but not all logic is Truth!
Verse 21: "Because prophecy was not brought at any time by human will, but the Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." How do we find that in the Old Testament?
- the Word of God came to Isaiah
- the Word of God came to Jeremiah
- the Word of God came to all the Prophets
- the Word of God came to directly to Moses from God
So, Moses was a prophet, a priest and also a civil ruler! That's what Christ will be when He returns!
Let's look at how some Scriptures are written, and Matt. 24 is a good example. Many Scriptures are written this way: they tell you what is going to happen before it occurs! Matt. 24:6 is a very good example of it. It becomes a little bit confusing when that happens if you don't understand it.
Matthew 24:24: "For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall present great signs and wonders, in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have foretold it to you. Therefore, if they say to you, 'Come and see! He is in the wilderness'; do not go forth. 'Come and see! He is in the secret chambers'; do not believe it. For as the light of day… [the sun] …which comes forth from the east and shines as far as the west… [everyone understands that] …so also shall the coming of the Son of man be. For wherever the carcass may be, there will the eagles be gathered together" (vs 24-28).
We're going to be taken to the Sea of Glass by the angels!
Verse 29: "But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven…" (vs 29-30).
How does it appear? Verse 27: "For as the light of day, which comes forth from the east and shines as far as the west…" So, we have it told to us before it actually happens!
"…and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming upon the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (v 30).
- you have the sign of the Son of man coming first
- then you have all the tribes against Him
- then you have Him coming closer to the earth with power and great glory
Verse 31: "And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet; and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." That's looking down on the earth! Wherever they are, how long they've been in the grave, they'll be raised.
Verse 34: "Truly I say to you, this generation…"—the last generation! Many times it looks like we're coming to the last generation; we've experienced things like that all the years we've been in the Church. This is the last generation. This is not referring to that generation in which Jesus lived.
"…this generation shall in no wise pass away until all these things have taken place. The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away" (vs 34-35).
We can rely on that with God's Word, Old Testament and New Testament, because Jesus was the Lord God of the Old Testament.
We recently sent out the booklet: Which is the True Calendar of God? We showed in there how that the year of the Flood was a 385-day year. I immediately got an e-mail saying that it was only 360 days.
We used to teach, years ago, that originally the earth and the sun, moon and everything were 360 days to a year, 12 months to a year, 30 days to the month.
- How do we prove what is true?
- Why is there so much controversy with the year of the Flood?
- How do you settle it?
- Is the truth there?
- Are we left dangling with no way at all to know?
If it's 360 days in a year, 12 months with 30 days in a month, it can be provable. If it's 355 days, that can be provable. If it's 385 days, that can be provable. As we read this—beginning with Gen. 7—what you're going to see is that God talks about the Flood in terms that looks like it's being done.
Sidebar: How long did it take Noah to build it? We don't know! Everybody pictures as thought it was kind of a very primitive thing that he did. Well, in order to go through the Flood it better not be very primitive. It better be very well built, and you've got to have the right kind of plans, otherwise it's not going to last.
Since Jesus said, 'as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man, I have speculated that they had power tools. If they did have power tools, it was probably about three years to build the ark. Couldn't be 120 years, the wood would not be sound enough after 120 years. It would be very brittle.
Genesis 7:1: "And the LORD said to Noah, 'You and all your house shall come into the ark… [hadn't even given the plans] …for you, I have seen righteous before Me in this generation. You shall take with you every clean animal by sevens, the male and female. And take two of the animals that are not clean, the male and female. Also take of the fowls of the air by sevens, the male and the female, to keep their kind alive upon the face of all the earth; for in seven more days, I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and I will destroy from off the face of the earth every living thing that I have made.' And Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him" (vs 1-5).
Genesis 6:14: "Make an ark of cypress timbers. You shall make rooms in the ark, and you shall pitch it inside and outside with pitch. And this is the way you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits… [if it's 1.5 feet per cubit, that's 450 feet] …the breadth of it shall be fifty cubits and its height thirty cubits" (vs 14-15).
It was probably built more like a barge, because that would survive the waves and everything. If you have a round bottom and a bow, that could be easily overturned if you had gigantic waves. They've seen modern ships completely overturned with some expected tsunami-like waves coming against them.
Speculation: I expect that it was more like a barge. There would be far more room in that than in a ship that had curving sides, a bow and a stern.
Verse 16: You shall make a window in the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and you shall set the door of the ark in the side of it. You shall make it with lower, second and third stories. And behold, I, even I am bringing a flood of waters upon the earth in order to destroy all flesh—in which is the breath of life—from under heaven. Everything, which is upon the earth, shall die. But I will establish My covenant with you. And you shall come into the ark—you and your sons and your wife, and your sons' wives with you" (vs 16-18).
This is before it's even built! You read this and it sounds like it's imminent. We don't know how long it took them to build it.
Verse 19: "'And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive—of fowls after their kind, and of animals after their kind, of every crawling thing of the earth after its kind. And take for yourself all that is eaten as food, and you shall gather it for yourself; and it shall be for food, for you and for them.' Noah did so, according to all that God commanded him, so he did" (vs 19-22).
Gen. 7 is when the ark was finished. The side of the ark was that door that God had to seal. It had to be water tight. You can't risk any leak at all. I imagine that they had the elephants on the first floor, and most of the fowl on the third floor. Some of the other things in between. I don't know where the ants were, and some of the other things were: all the lizards, snakes and things like that.
Isn't it interesting that it doesn't tell us how long it took to build the ark, but it was made!
Genesis 7:5: "And Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him. And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters began upon the earth. And Noah went in; and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives went with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood" (vs 5-7). Hadn't even started to rain, yet! But it sounds like they were rushing in right away. Then he again repeats about the animals.
Verse 10: "And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood came upon the earth." It tells us the exact day!
Verse 11: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of the heavens were opened."
Referring to Chart:
First month—no activity that is noted in the Scriptures.
I don't think that the animals came much more than two or three days before they were put into the ark, simply because there wouldn't be enough food around there for them to be around the ark and waiting for a couple of weeks while all the rest of the animals came. God sent them at the time that they needed to come.
So, there is nothing in the first month, but is in Noah's 600th year. Now, here is the parameter for everything:
Genesis 8:14: "And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the land was fully dry. And God spoke to Noah, saying, 'Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing that is with you—of all flesh, of fowl, of livestock, and of every crawling thing that crawls upon the earth—so that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth'" (vs 14-17).
One other thing, speculation: Could it be that most of the animals were hibernating? That would solve the problem of what you do with the dung! That would be a big problem. Think about your house if you had no toilets or a place to put the dung, and you were locked in your house for a whole year or more.
That would be a giant problem! So, there had to be most of them in hibernation. I don't think many of the fowl were, but maybe some of them were. So, everything in the Flood has to fit in.
Let me tell you a little bit about the chart before we get too much into it. 2369 is the year of the Flood according to the chronology of the Old Testament by Carl Franklin. When we were at Ambassador College, he and I worked on a long, long chart. We got a long roll of butcher paper and I stood up and write it out.
We started out with Adam and Eve and how long Adam lived, and we drew a parallel chart all the way down through the Old Testament and into the New Testament, which was our project for World History under Dr. Hoeh. So, we both got an 'A' for doing that. But unfortunately, I loaned it out to someone and never got it back.
Everything has to fit into beginning with entering into the ark, 2nd month, 10th day—seven days before the Flood came. So, they were in there seven days, and I think that God did it deliberately that way so that all of the people would come around the ark and start mocking them: 'Oh ho-ho, you're in the ark! You're waiting and there isn't any rain.' Well, when day seven took place, they were saying, 'Where's my boat.'
They left the ark the 2nd month and 27th day. By the Calculated Hebrew Calendar we have today, year 2369B.C. is 385 days! So, that shows proof that 2369 is probably, because there's no other way. Not only probably, it was the year of the Flood.
Why is it so difficult to figure out how the number of the days go in this framework?
- 1st year—385 days—minus 39 because they went into the ark 7 days before it started to rain. So that's 346 days.
- 2nd year—1st and 2nd month down to the day of coming out of the ark was 46 days. So, there are 402 days that they were in the ark.
Just that alone, even though I tried to do it with 360 days, and 355 days—it wouldn't work. The only way you can come up with 360 is to combine the 40 days of rain into the 150 days. But that's incorrect. They're separate. None of these numbers overlap each other.
What I did, I took the calendar month by month, day by day, and numbered every day.
Referring to Chart:
Second month—Gen. 7:7-9—all in the ark seven days before the rain started. Then just like it says in the Scripture:
Genesis 7:11: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on this day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of the heavens were opened."
So we have month 2—Iyar—day 17 (Gen. 7:10-11).
Now it rains, so I start numbering 40 days!
Verse 12: And the rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights. On this same day… [this is going back to the day that they entered into the ark] …Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, entered into the ark" (vs 12-13).
It goes backward to the day that they went into the ark! This is why it's hard to understand these verses, because it goes forward and then backward and so forth.
Verse 14: "They went in, and every animal after its kind, and all the livestock after their kind, and every crawling thing that crawls upon the earth after its kind, and every fowl after its kind, every bird of every sort. And they went to Noah into the ark, two by two of all flesh in which is the breath of life. And they that entered went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him; and the LORD shut him in" (vs 14-16). So, God sealed it!
Right here, v 16, is day one of the seven days that they were in the ark. Here's why it's difficult to understand, it goes forward and then it comes back and summarizes what was already done.
Verse 17: "And the flood was upon the earth forty days, and the waters increased and bore up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth. And the waters prevailed… [this is telling us something ahead of time] …And the waters prevailed and increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark floated upon the face of the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were under the heavens were covered. The waters prevailed fifteen cubits upward, and the mountains were covered" (vs 17-20).
What is the highest mountain that we have? Mt. Everest—29,029 feet[transcriber's correction]! And another 18 feet, so there was 29,047 feet of water, which is a little over 5 miles of water. That's a lot of water! Think about that! Think about how everything got soaked on the earth.
Have you ever had kind of a flood around your house? Where the soil got really gooey and you couldn't walk on it? If you don't get sun on it, it takes a long, long time to dry up. If you walk out on it beforehand you would sink down into the mud.
Verse 21: "And all flesh that moved upon the face of the earth died—of birds, of livestock, of animals, and of every crawling thing that crawls upon the earth, and every man—and all who breathed the breath of life, of all that was upon the dry land—died. And every living thing, which was upon the face of the earth was destroyed… [notice how it repeats itself] …from man to livestock, and to the crawling things, and the fowls of the heavens. And they were destroyed from the earth, and only Noah remained alive, and those that were with him in the ark. And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days" (vs 21-24).
I first tried doing the counting by including 40 days of rain conjointly with the 150 days. But it didn't work! So, it is consecutive.
Referring to Chart:
2nd month, 17th day—day 1
Then I list every day all the way down through the last day:
13th day
3rd month—Sivan—14th day, and the 40 days ends on the 27th
(Gen. 7:11-20)—waters rose to 15 cubits above the mountains—5.41 miles deep
That's a lot of water! There's 40 days! Now then, it stayed that way for a 150 days.
the 28th is day 1
4th month—day 4-day 32
5th month—day 33-day 62
6th month—day 63-day 91
150 days is a long time!
7th month—Tishrei—day 92-day 120
Day 17—Gen. 8:4
Genesis 8:4: "And in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat."
It doesn't mean that they were sitting on top of the mountains of Ararat, because they hadn't reached the full 150 days! The Hebrew means that it was resting in a still position! In other words, God put it at that position on this day.
So, on the calendar we note that it is the 17th day of the 7th month. The only way to figure this thing out is to take it every day and number every day, and don't miss a single day and don't combine the days together.
Referring to Chart:
8th month—day 122-150 (Gen. 8:1-3).
Genesis 8:1: "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals, which were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided. Also the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. And the waters receded from off the earth continually, and at the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters had gone down" (vs 1-3).
We're going to see something else that will verify that 150th day.
Referring to Chart:
8th month—day 30—the waters are going down (Gen. 8:1-3); it's 150 days
9th month—day 2-31
10th month—Tebeth—day 10 (Gen. 8:5)
Remember where the ark was; it was close to the mountains of Ararat. It's impossible for the ark to have landed on top of the mountains. When you have tides coming—and you have high and low tides twice a day—and you had the wind and waves. When you have water and there's something floating in it, it always comes to where there's a low spot and it naturally lands there. So, it wasn't on top of the mountains. Were there olive trees close to the tops of the mountains? Remember, the dove went out and brought back an olive leaf!
Verse 5: "And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month; and the tops of the mountains were seen…" So, they had a window; they looked out and saw the tops of the mountains!
I did a little calculation with the mountains of Ararat and they're 17,000 feet and divide that by 5,280 feet[transcriber's correction] and you get 3.2 miles yet to go.
Then we come across another problem: "the tops of the mountains were seen in the tenth month, on the first day of the month" (v 5).
Referring to Chart:
Day 32 of the water descending
About 1/5 of the water has come down. Notice what I did on:
10th month, 9th day—waters still 3 miles deep
Why did I do that? Because the next section is very difficult! It does not occur immediately after seeing the mountains, that is a week and a day. It doesn't fit there, but this tells us something that occurs later. Let's see where that goes; it was very difficult figuring out where that 40 days goes.
Verse 6: "And it came to pass, at the end of forty days… [the 40th day] …that Noah opened the window of the ark, which he had made. And he sent forth a raven, and it kept going out and returning until the waters were drying up from off the face of the earth. He also sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters had gone down from off the face of the earth; but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned to him into the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. Then he put out his hand and took her, and pulled her to him into the ark. And he waited yet another seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. And the dove came to him in the evening, and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off. So Noah knew that the waters had gone down from off the face of the earth. And he waited yet another seven days, and sent forth the dove; and she did not return again to him any more. And it came to pass in Noah's six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month that the waters were drying up from off the face of the earth. And Noah removed the covering…" (vs 6-13).
How do we figure that 40 days. We have the 10th month, but let's see what happens if we take the 150 days to their conclusion.
Referring to Chart:
10th month—60 days
11th month—61 days-90 days
12th month—91 days-120 days
13th month—Adar 2—121 days-149 days
Verse 13: "And it came to pass in Noah's six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month…"
Year 2—1st month—Nisan—14th month since beginning of the Flood—day 150
It falls exactly. That's why I numbered every single day. You can't have it any other way. When there's a difficult thing to try and prove you have to do it this way.
(go to the next track)
Let's solve the puzzle: Where does the 40 days in Gen. 8:6 fit? Here we're dealing with what we've seen in some of the other verses that we read. Something that is relayed to us before it occurred. So, when I came to this, the 150th day was right here exactly as it says in the Bible, from the beginning number the 7 days, 40 days and 150, and the second 150 and it comes out on the very day that it should.
It tells you that the Calculated Hebrew Calendar is accurate. We're going through what was 2369-68 years before Christ. So, we're looking at about 4349 years, because 2020 is right around the corner.
That proves the accuracy of the Hebrew calendar, regardless of what people say, claim or whatever.
This was the dilemma to me: Where does that 40-day count go? It couldn't go right after the 150 days started going down, 40 days from there, because there's still too much water. There's three miles of water!
So, in praying about it, where does it go? And it came to me: after the 150 days! So, I said, 'Let me try that.' Here we have:
Referring to Chart:
Noah's 601st year (Gen. 8:13 & 6)—same event, opening window and covering.
Let's see if that's true.
Day 1—begin a 40 day count (Gen. 8:6)
That's the 2nd day of the month, and the month ends with 29 days of the 40.
Iyar—2nd month—30, 37, 38, 39, 40—after 40 days—the 12th day of Iyar, 2nd year
- Noah opens the window and covering
- sends out the raven
- it came back and the dove returned
- Noah waited another 7 days
So, I counted seven days!
on the 19th he sends it out again and it comes back with an olive leaf in its mouth
Let's stop and think about the condition of all the trees on the earth. The trees were all covered with water, probably lost all of their leaves and everything.
How long would it take for the leaves to come out after the water reached a certain point? We don't know, but this tells us that the leaves were not coming out when Noah sent the dove out on the 12th!
All of the trees were probably ready to start budding out their leaves, but they weren't out. So, here seven days later are the leaves. The dove comes back with the leaf in its mouth (v 11), and then it says that Noah waited another seven days.
Genesis 8:12: "And he waited yet another seven days, and sent forth the dove; and she did not return again to him any more." That's day 26 of the 2nd month!
What's day 27 of the 2nd month?
Verse 14: "And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the land was fully dry." Fits right to the day! The 40 days and the 7 & 7 didn't fit anyplace else. I tried it.
If you try it and it doesn't work you can't include those in parts of other days of numbering.
Verse 15: "And God spoke to Noah, saying, 'Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing that is with you—of all flesh, of fowl, of livestock, and of every crawling thing that crawls upon the earth—so that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth'" (vs 15-17).
What had to be ready for all the animals coming out? Grass, food, fruit, whatever!
So, let's go back and review:
1st day of the 1st month—year 2369—was printed out by Ron Cary from our website Sacred Calendar calculations. I did not do that at first. What I said was, 'Find me a leap year of 385 days.' He sent me one that ended with Iyar the second year on the Sabbath.
You know that God is not going to let him out of the ark on the Sabbath. So, there has to be a year either Monday or Thursday, rather that the one that was sent. So, then I used that one and it came out just fine. It began with a Thursday like we have here in 2369.
All right, what is 2369? That's the year of the Flood and the chronology that we have! It's interesting that in the first month of the year 2369 Passover is in the middle of the week.
So, we have two things that are locked in by what God says, that everything else must fit into that parameter:
- entered into the ark the 2nd month, 10th day—2369
So, we know that it's 385 day year!
- We deduct 39 days from 385.
Referring to Chart:
come from Nisan 1 down to Iyar 9—39 days
So, you have 346 days. Then at the end of that year, you've got 56 days more, so that 402 days that they were in the ark. The year of the Flood was 385 days, but it was not precisely within the 385 days. It was from the 10th that they went in, but it is actually described as the 17th day of the 2nd month. It says that they went in and that day—seven days after they went in—the rains came and the fountains of the deep broke up. Then you start counting 40 days. We didn't miss a day.
Day 14 and Day 40 is on the 27th day of Sivan, or the 3rd month.
Genesis 7:24: "And the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty days."
If you include the 40 within the 150 you come up short. So, it can't be that. Every day has to be accounted for. Continuing counting the 150:
4th month—day 4-day 32
5th month—day 33-day 62
6th month—day 63-day 91
7th month—day 92-day 121
But Genesis 8:4 says: "…on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested… [stood still near or around] …upon the mountains of Ararat."
8th month—day 122 and ends with day 1 of the count going down
So, we have the full 150, and it says it's the start of the waters going down. We haven't had extra days, and we haven't deleted any. This is why I did it day-by-day, numbered every day.
9th month—day 2-day 31
10th month—1st day the top of the mountains were seen (Gen. 8:5)
This is why we know that the 40 days cannot take place at the 40th day of the going down of the water. Here's why?
waters still 3.2 miles deep
You couldn't send the dove and raven out then. There was nothing but water. How long did the water stay? A long, long time!
I noted day 40, which is the 10th month, 9th day, water still 3 miles deep on the 40th day. So, you couldn't have after 40 days included in the 150 going down. It has to come after. That's why it's difficult to figure.
When you read Gen. 8, it tells us what's going to happen before it happens. It looks like it happens immediately on the 40th day but it doesn't.
11th month—day 61-day 90
12th month—Adar 1—day 91-day 120
13th month—Adar 2—the intercalated month—day 121-149
What does that tell us?
Year 2—Nisan 1
Genesis 8:13: "And it came to pass in Noah's six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month that the waters were drying up from off the face of the earth…."
In laying out all of these numbers, when I came to day 150, and it was on the 1st day of the 7th month I said that that was correct. The 40 days comes after. The only way it could be, though it's related before. It doesn't work if you put it before, too much water. So, what do we have?
Year 2—Nisan—1st month; on day 2 we start the 40 day count
- No fudging!
- No leaving out!
- No adding to!
- No combining!
Nisan ends with day 29 of a 40-day count!
Year 2—2nd month—1st day is day 30, day 40 comes on the 11th day
That's when Noah sent out of the ark the raven and the dove. They go out and they come back. He waits another seven days, then on the 19th he sends them out again. The dove returned with an olive leaf, which tells you that the environment is changing and warming up, and the trees are sprouting their leaves.
Then Noah waits another seven days, and that's day 25 of the 2nd month of the 2nd year. Day 26 he sent the dove out and the dove did not return—day 26 of the 2nd month. What is day 27 of the 2nd month?
Genesis 8:14: "And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the land was fully dry." So, God let them out of the ark on the 27th month, the day after the dove didn't come back!
It all ties right in! there's no adjusting for anything, but putting it in it's right perspective. This is where people make lot of mistakes and they try and put the 40 days in a place that won't work. But here it fits perfectly.
I ask myself: of all the years, of all the calendar debates, of all the things that we've gone through, why did it take so long to do it this way? To actually put it down and take it day by day?
I've done this before with the Passover, Christ's death, and then the three days and three nights in the tomb, and the day that He was resurrected. I've got that as a chart, and it lays it out so easy to follow. The Protestant and Catholic world likes to have the crucifixion on a Friday, and the resurrection on a Sunday. So, it's important to have it listed out clearly day-by-day. This is one of the first things I did when I was ordained when we were coming to our first Passover in Boise, Idaho.
I wanted to find out how all the days fell coming to the Passover and then how it figured out everything involved. I laid it out and took:
- a sheet of paper and wrote Matthew
- a sheet of paper and wrote Mark
- a sheet of paper and wrote Luke
- a sheet of paper and wrote John
I started out trying to figure out where the days would come. We know that it was the first month of the year in which He was crucified. We know that the Passover was in the middle of the week.
Why did it take us so long to do something like this to come up with everything that we have here, laying it out day-by-day? We could have solved a lot of problems a long time ago if we would have done that.
How did I come to it on a Thursday? When I first started I asked Ron Cary to send me a leap year with 385 days in it. So, he selected a leap year that was not 2369—I hadn't asked for that, yet. I just wanted to see how everything fell.
So, he sent me one where the 27th of Iyar of the 2nd month of the 2nd year fell on a Sabbath. I went through the whole thing day-by-day, and came I came down to the 27th of Iyar was a Sabbath. That won't work. So, I knew that the year has to start on a Monday, Thursday or Sabbath. This one Ron sent me was on a Sabbath and it ended on a Sabbath.
Iyar 27 ends on a Thursday, the 2nd year. The 1st year begins on a Thursday. So, when I had Iyar 27 on a Sabbath, I told him that won't work. So, I said to send me one that starts on a Thursday, because I knew it had to be Monday, Thursday or Sabbath.
So, he sent me one for I think it was for 2024-25, which starts on a Thursday. Then I went through and did the whole chart again all the way through, and everything fell and fit without having to make any adjustments at all. Everything fit. So, I said that if this is not 2369 someone is going to say, 'Why didn't you go to 2369 and work it out?'
So, I called Ron and said to send me year 2369B.C. and the first two months of 2368B.C. He pulled it up and said that it was 385 days. I did not know that 2369, the actual year of the Flood would come out that way. So, I did it all over again the third time. I worked on this for four days.
Since it starts out the 5th day of the week and ends up on the 5th day of the week, #5 is the number of grace. Things like that don't happen by coincidence.
The very fact of going through… and I come to the 40th day right at the front and then I start counting 150 at that point. When I came to:
Genesis 8:5: "…and the tops of the mountains were seen in the tenth month, on the first day of the month." That's day 32 on the downward side of the chart. That fell exactly!
Then month 11, 12, 13 and the last day of month 13—Adar 2—is day 149. That's just counting every single day up to that point. Day 150, Gen. 8:13, and it fell perfectly right on that day. I didn't have to do anything.
Verse 13: "And it came to pass in Noah's six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month that the waters were drying up from off the face of the earth." That's the actual translation! It says 'were dried' in the King James, but that adds a lot of confusion.
Then the 40 days has to go there, because it didn't fit any other place. That's where we come to the 2nd month, and with everything listed out day-by-day—every day accounted for and assessed properly—we come to the 27th day of the 2nd month and they get out of the ark.
All by taking the numbers in succession rather than combining any of them. If you combine them, if you combine the 40 days at the front or at the end with the 150 days, it doesn't work. When you consider how much water there was—five-plus miles deep of water that covered the earth—that's a tremendous thing. Just consider how soggy the ground would be if you looked at it and thought it was dry enough because you saw grass growing a little bit, or the trees sprouting a little bit. You get out there and it's so saturated. Think about how deeply the soil was saturated.
If you're under five miles of water, and what is the pressure five miles under water? That's just pushing the water! Remember, the fountains of the deep broke up, so you've got the water coming up underneath and everything was just soggy and muddy, and they had to wait until it was dry enough to get out there.
Now that we've covered everything in the chart, let's go back and review so that we understand how many things that this proves true. First of all:
- it proves the Word of God true!
- it proves that the dates given in the Bible are accurate
Here we have counting each day:
- beginning from the day that they entered into the ark
- then counting the days when the rain began
- then counting the 150 days of the water prevailing on the earth
- then the 150 days of the water going off of the earth
The key verse that ties it all together, because every day is numbered:
- there's no addition
- there's no subtraction
- there is no inclusion
They all follow one after the other with the exception of the 40 days, which comes after the waters were drying. But here is what is important, and this is what was astonishing to me when I was numbering every single day:
Referring to Chart:
Nisan, the 2nd year, the 14th month, which was the 1st month of 2368
Also this proves that the year of the Flood was 2369; this is taken right from the Calculated Hebrew Calendar that we have on our website—truthofgod.org. All you have to do is plug in the year and it will give you everything that there is. If you want the chart month-by-month, day-by-day, it will print it out for you. That's what we have on this chart, it is all printed out from that very program that we have online.
Why is the second 150th day key and important? Because there is a 385 day leap year! However, remember that sometimes the leap year can be 383 or 384 days. If this year would have been 383, then the 150th day would have fallen on the 3rd day of the 1st month. If it were 384 days, then it would have fallen on the 2nd day of the 1st month of the 2nd year.
But the 150th day fell exactly on the date that we find in:
Genesis 8:13: "And it came to pass in Noah's six hundred and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month that the waters were drying up from off the face of the earth."
That day, by just counting, came to the 1st day of the 1st month of the 2nd year after a 385 day leap year. Then the 40 days and the 7 days and 7 days fit in right after that. Let's see what else that this proves for us:
- 402 days that they were in the ark
- the calendar that God gave was from the beginning
That's important because for years it's been taught that the early calendar was 12 months, 30 days in a month, 360 days. But that has been proven not to be true.
The Calculated Hebrew Calendar calculation going forward—or backward in our day—are always correct.
Remember that because the Jews don't want anyone else keeping the Sabbath or Holy days, they put out disinformation concerning the Holy Days and the calendar. They are the ones who have said that the calendar didn't come into existence until 1000B.C. Not true! They've also said that the calendar wasn't invented until Hillel did in 354A.D. Not true! What is true?
Genesis 1:14: "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide between the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for appointed seasons, and for days and years.'" That perfectly describes the Calculated Hebrew Calendar! Then God set them in their position!
Tie this in with Lev. 23. We know that when we come down to the New Testament, what were they keeping? The Sabbath! The Passover! The Holy Days!
This one thing concerning how long was the year of Noah's Flood and how long they were in the ark, and how the days fell, is so accurate that it defies the odds in trying to disprove it. Here's one more proof,
Leviticus 23:1: "And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying." God is telling Moses about the Holy Days in this one chapter! Let's see how He starts it out:
Verse 2: "Speak to the children of Israel and say to them, 'Concerning the appointed Feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be Holy convocations, even these are My appointed Feasts.'" Why? Because He invented the calendar! He made it the way that it is today when He set everything in motion in Gen. 1.
Sidebar: The long day of Joshua, and the dialing back of the sundial ten degrees during the time of Hezekiah, all of that can be compensated for by making an adjustment in the year that they occurred so that you begin the next year with a postponement. So, you take away the addition or the subtraction so that everything balances out the next year.
"…even these are My appointed Feasts" means that God owns them!
Verse 3: "Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest, a Holy convocation…."
The Sabbath has been in effect from the beginning; the Holy Days, when revealed, have been in effect from the beginning. All of this is keyed to the length of time of the Flood:
- when it began
- when it rained
- when the rain prevailed
- when the waters prevailed
- when the waters went down
All of it fits in perfectly! What does this tell us? That if you:
- prove all things
- rely on the Word of God
- don't try and put your own ideas into it
You will come up with what is right; what God wants you to know!
I was all week going through this, and the dilemma was that last 40 days: Where does it go? Then I remembered that you start reading about the Flood and part of it is ready to occur right away, and they hadn't even started building the ark.
That's the way the Bible does some times. It tells you what's going to happen before it happens, and you have to fill it in, in the right place. That last 40 days was the tricky account.
Think of this: those people who do not know about the Calculated Hebrew Calendar—which is the one that God gave us—and they try to put this together on a Roman calendar, you can't end up in the 2nd month. You can't start in the 2nd month and then end up in the 2nd month. Why? The days don't match!
Someone got this booklet and right away sent me an e-mail saying that:
It's simple to figure out: You have 150 days+150 days and that's 300+40+7+7+7 is 361-minus one day=360 days in a year.
I said how can that be? He also said that we plagiarized Don Ross. No, we didn't! I've got it and he sent it to me and thank you for sending it to me. I went over it. It's similar, but if you're explaining the same thing, will there not be similarities. If you're dealing with numbers that are numbers, will there not be similarities? Of course! But it's how to count it.
Same problem occurs with a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection. How are you going to get three days and three nights from Friday to Sunday morning?
One 'brilliant' deduction was by a man who said that since it was dark from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, that was the first night. How could He be in the grave when He was still on the cross?
One final note: Now you know why there are dates in the Bible, and there are genealogies in the Bible. For people who don't like genealogies—because they're hard to read... When I was reading the Bible and I would make a mistake, Bonnie would raise her hand and shout mistake. Then I would have to go back and redo it.
Guess what the book of Matthew starts out with? A genealogy! Why? It's a legal document! That comes after 1st and 2nd Chronicles, which is filled with genealogies.
Scriptural References:
- 2 Timothy 3:13-17
- 2 Peter 1:16-21
- Matthew 24:24-30, 27, 30-32, 34-35
- Genesis 7:1-5
- Genesis 6:14-22
- Genesis 7:5-7, 10-11
- Genesis 8:14-17
- Genesis 7:11-24
- Genesis 8:4, 1-3, 5-13, 12, 14-17
- Genesis 7:24
- Genesis 8:4, 13-14, 13
- Genesis 1:14
- Leviticus 23:1-3
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- John 21
- Genesis 7:8-9
Also referenced: Booklet:
Which is the True Calendar of God? by Carl D. Franklin & Fred R. Coulter
Transcribed: 12/27/19
Copyright 2019—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.