All people will follow the beast except the true people of God!
Will you have ears to hear?

Fred R. Coulter—February 22, 2025

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First of all, let's take a look at this. Here's something that someone sent to me: Human DNA Plays Music. Now, I don't know if you ever heard this. I heard it years ago that someone took the pulse, took the movement of the liver, did some of the way wavelengths of the brain and put it all together and made quite a song. But it's true when you have good music, it helps you feel good.

Now, today, most of the music is absolutely destructive, and that's because it's all based upon the wrong principles, not only of music, but of understanding what is for human beings. So, the other day it just hit me how satanic all this music is.

I was listening to The Messiah by George Frederick Handel. Now, that's good music, and inspiring. It's interesting that we are made to respond to good music.


When Vice-President J.D. Vance was at CPAC—Conservative Political Action Group—he encouraged everyone there to understand the sanctity of the unborn. Now, that's quite a thing and glad to see that he's doing it.

Also, he seems to be holding his own and doing quite well wherever he's gone out and speaking. We don't know what's going to happen when the four years are over with Donald Trump. He's trying to do all he can do at this time. So, we'll have to see.

The Democrats are fighting back with all the evil they can and are proving themselves to be the followers of Satan the devil, and not of anything for the people or God. We still have to look at how radical Islam has infiltrated to dominate us.


We have here interesting article Faith and Family, Why conservative women are four times happier than liberal women, because too many of them are trying to become something that they're not.

That's the whole thing with this transgenderism that is purely, wholly, absolutely satanic! You cannot change your genes. You cannot, in your mind, say, 'I'm a woman, you're a woman, so I'm going to compete in women's sports.' Doesn't work!


Donald Trump's doing a lot of things that are Biblical to help straighten things out. They are having Bible studies every day at the White House. So, we'll see how that goes.

He's got this dingbat blonde for his spiritual advisor. So, I hope she doesn't advise him too much. But Trump had all of the billionaires there with him one day. They all sat down and had a Bible study. Amazing!

How far will it go? Who knows? But I think it's like Trump has said, 'He has nothing to lose about anything.' So, he's going to do all he can to make America better; all he can to make America great. So, we'll see if the people respond and we will see what happens particularly here in California.

Now, the DOGE project is working good to cut waste and spending and fraud. We never realized how bad it was here in California. We've got that that high speed rail, 16.5 billion dollars, and not even a rail has been laid. Where did the money go? Well, I hope Elon Musk takes his chainsaw and he finds out where it all went.


Russian Scientists Develop a Plasma Engine Capable of Reaching Mars in 30 Days—Spacex's Starship Could Become Obsolete

What I don't know if this is propaganda or not. But the Russian scientists at Rosatom's Troitsk Institute have introduced a plasma electric rocket engine capable of reaching Mars within one to two months.

I don't know if that's propaganda for leverage for the peace talks coming up or whether this is actually true.

Because when there was the threat of the Russians moving missiles into Cuba during JFK days[transcriber's correction] and everybody said we were on the verge of atomic war at that time and that Russia had 23 nuclear weapons pointed at America. Well, later we found out the Russians only had a maximum of four.

So with this, it says the engines accelerates charged particles using magnetic plasma, a magnetic plasma accelerator. I don't know what that is. Achieving speeds of 100 kilometers per second. While its pulse periodic mode pattern generates a thrust of six ends.

Anybody know what 'six ends' is? Wish they would explain those. The prototype has been developed and will undergo extensive testing and plan for flight by 3030.

Well, we'll see how that goes. We'll see in a little bit that there's going to be some things take place in heaven.

Revelation Prophesies:

We have covered, as I mentioned, the things concerning the parallels between Trump and Josiah and trying to put down the evil and institute the good. So, let's look at some things that we haven't focused on, yet.

This article concerning the space development that they have brings up something that we need to look at because this is a key thing to happen in prophecy, as well.

Rev. 12 tells us about the oldest events that we need to know about. In v 1. The woman is actually typical of God's Plan. Now, Jonathan Cahn looks at it and says that pictures the Jews. Well, everything he reads in the Bible pictures the Jews!

Revelation 12:1: "Then there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and having the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars."

Now, then it goes forward to Christ. We find that exact same thing back in Gen. 3 when Adam and Eve had sinned and God pronounced His judgment and His punishment against them: that there would be a Messiah, and that sin has to be taken care of.

Here it jumps clear forward, actually the fulfillment of this was through Mary. But all the way through the Old Testament you find prophecies of the coming Messiah.

Verse 2: "And being with child, she cried in travail, and was in pain to deliver. And another sign was seen in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns on his heads" (vs 2-3).

Those are the numbers of Satan the devil; we'll see that when we get to the Beast Power (Rev. 13 & 17.

Verse 4: "And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth…."

That's the war and the rebellion before Gen. 1:1 & 2, as you read in Job that the angels were rejoicing when God laid the foundation of the world. So, between God creating the heavens, then He created the angels, because the angels were rejoicing when He laid the foundation of the earth!

So, this part of Genesis covers an awful lot of time. But when you read it in just a few verses. You don't get the sense of all the time that's involved unless you get all of the other Scriptures to go with it!

"…And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to deliver, so that he might devour her child when she gave birth" (v 4).

Now, you go back and you can read everything there in Matthew and in Luke about the birth of Christ and the wise men coming and Herod wanting to kill Him. Herod killed all the young boys two years-old and under.

Verse 5: "And she gave birth to a man Child, Who was to shepherd all the nations with a rod of iron."

Now, there again how much time there is from the time of the prophecy that goes all the way back:

  • Doesn't it?
  • How far back does it go.

"…and her Child was caught up to God and His Throne" (v 5). Right there you have:

  • the birth of Christ
  • His whole life
  • His whole ministry
  • His death
  • His resurrection

All in this one verse!This is why you need to have all of the Scriptures together for that.

Here we have the Church is likened to a woman. The Church in Greek is in the feminine tense.

Verse 6: "And the woman escaped into the wilderness…"

This is talking about after the whole ministry of the apostles. This takes us clear up to 325A.D. when Constantine came in and changed Sabbath to Sunday. The true Christians were driven out, and they went up into the Alps; the mountains of Northern Italy.

In the 1500s they were called the 'Anabaptists.' So, you see how much time some of these verses cause; cover a lot of ground.

"…where she had a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there for a thousand two hundred and sixty days" (v 6). In this case that's 1,260 years!

  • sometimes it means days
  • sometimes it means years

Now notice what happens; everything else takes place from here on. It's just the last part leading up to the other events in the Book of Revelation.

Verse 7: "And there was war in heaven…"

I don't know if this article here about what the Russians are doing is going to contribute to that or not. There has to be that war in heaven before the unleashing of the last three and a half years. Just exactly where this is going to take place I do not know.

I do not know exactly how this fits in where the abomination of desolation takes place; it's not clear. The war in heaven may take place shortly before that, and we will be able to see that.

"…Michael and his angels warred against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels warred. But they did not prevail, neither was their place found any more in heaven" (vs 7-8). This is when the wrath of Satan begins on the earth!

What do we have now? Right now the period of time we are in is very similar to what it was in the days of Jeremiah and Josiah.

When Josiah had his 12 years of wonderful obedience and everything was fine, then they all went back to their evil and that led to their captivity.

Jeremiah 6:14: "…that they say, 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace."

That prophecy fits today. Isn't that what we're looking for? Peace! Peace! We have peace talks, and it's very interesting. Who are the major players in the peace talks?

  • the children of Abraham.
  • Ishmael is involved
  • the Jews
  • Manasseh

Interesting! "…'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace."

Because even though there comes a cessation of war, what are they doing? They're preparing for more war!

China doesn't know it, but the big army for China is being built up to fight against the return of Christ.

Rev. 9 says there are the armies from the east of 200-million. So, if you think the Chinese army is big now, just wait!

We'll look at some other things here in the book of Revelation, and we'll look and see that maybe we need to refine our understanding concerning it from what we have learned in the past!

Let's come to 2-Tim. 1; this becomes important because when we're looking at the time and events that take place, some things are pretty specific. Other things are way removed in time, one from the other.

2-Timothy 1:6: "For this reason, I admonish you to stir up the gift of God that is in you by the laying on of my hands."

This fits in with what Norbert was talking about—message: The Quest For Wisdom—with the Spirit of God and wisdom. IF we are diligent, IF we are studying and IF we are coming to God every day, THEN we will grow in wisdom, understanding and so forth. But we have to:

  • exercise the Spirit of God
  • use the Spirit of God

Verse 7: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of sound-mindedness. Therefore, you should not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner; but jointly suffer with me for the sake of the Gospel, according to the power of God. Who has saved us and called us with a Holy calling—not according to our works, but according to His own purpose…" (vs 7-9).

Now, that's interesting. God has a purpose for each one of them:

Psalm 57:2: "…to God Who fulfills His purpose for me."

That's quite an amazing thing! The older I get, which I do every day, the more I realize how much we don't know.

  • How much do you know about a drop of water?
  • How many atoms are in it?
  • Neutrons?
  • Protons?
  • Electrons?
  • What is it like when it's frozen?
  • What is it like when it's vapor?
  • What is it like when it's humidity?
  • What is it like when it's nice and cool and you drink it?

But you need it, you know you have to have it! But:

  • What do you really know about it?

Scientists can tell us this, that, and the other thing, but:

  • How much do they know?
  • Do we actually know what an atom really is the way that God knows?

Now here in our meeting hall we've got six pictures. They're very beautiful with colors. When new people come in, I show them the pictures that are up there and I ask them, 'What is this is?' They look at it and they don't know. Well, that is sand magnified 2,500 times! It has rainbow colors, red, black, blue, and red. It has everything in a rainbow: red, black, blue, yellow, crystal, everything. That's sand!

How much sand is there in the world? Look at all the beaches. Look at all the things that are built out of concrete: sand and gravel and limestone crushed up!

  • What are all those atoms?
  • What is iron?
  • Why can you melt it down?

God gave us gold and silver, but we have to mine it!

'All gold and silver is Mine!' Belongs to Him. He gives it to us and what do we use it for? Well, we use it for buying and selling and trade and making jewelry and doing different things with it!

But it all belongs to God!

2-Timothy 1:9[transcriber's correction] "…grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the ages of time.'

I want you to think on that. How far back in the terms of human time does this really go? I don't think we have human time that can measure it! "…before the ages of time"—so this is before the creation of the heaven and the earth and the angels!

Verse 10: "But has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ…"

Notice how that ties in with Rev. 12 and what we read about.

"…Who has annulled death…" (v 10).

Now in this age, and it's happened in every age, just like Solomon has said:

One generation comes, another generation goes. That which has been is that which shall be, and that which shall be is that which has been. For there is nothing new under the sun!

Think about that! Annulled death!

  • How does God look at death?
  • What is it when you die? It says it's a sleep!

Then you look at all these archaeological digs. They dig up all these bones. I think God has caused all of that to happen for all of us to realize that all these civilizations in the past have come to nothing, because they rejected God and worshiped Satan the devil! What happens to human nature under Satan the devil over a period of time? You come to killing your own offspring! Amazing!

  • When are you a person?
  • What did you actually come from? The seed from your father and the egg from your mother!
  • How big was that? Like a pinpoint, and now look at you!

Billions of cells, if not trillions, that are constantly working, replacing themselves, making new ones, getting rid of old ones and everything like that. Your brain never turns off. Sometimes we think some people's brains are, but you know how that goes.

Do this sometime at night when you're lying in bed; just put your hands on your ears and just listen to your brain at work. It's working! It's cleaning up the cells. It's producing new cells. It's sending the waste to the waste department in our intestines and kidneys.

God made all of that from a speck you can't see. When are you a person? This is why abortion is so terrible:

Jeremiah 1:4: "And it came to pass, the Word of the LORD came to me, saying, 'Before I formed you in the belly I knew you…'" (vs 4-5).

  • When was that?
  • What time was that in his lifespan? Right at the instant of beginning, of conception!

Before he was formed! In 30 days before his mother knew that she was pregnant, he's already an inch tall. How's that for as tall as you can be?

  • you have a head
  • you have arms
  • you have legs
  • you have all of that at six weeks

Verse 5: "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you…" right at the instant!

Who was Jeremiah's father? Hilkiah, the high priest, whom we find later on was dealing with Josiah.

So that's when we become a person! You are what you're going to be at that very instant. Now, there are certain things that are true. Mama's got to eat right. She's got to take care of herself. When it comes time to be born, every woman says this. 'That was in me.' Six to eight pounds! You know, the biggest baby I heard of that was born was 20 pounds and that was from a really big woman.

So when we think about God and we think about prophecies and we think about the different things, we need to understand that God doesn't tell us exactly all the times that are involved.

Just like this Rev. 12, we have things that go back before the ages of time, come right down to the birth of Christ, come right down to the time:

  • when He was born
  • when He was crucified
  • when He was resurrected

Then it goes right into the Church and then it goes right into the Church being persecuted and having to flee into the Alps where we have the Waldensians and the Anabaptists.

By the way, Craig White who has Friends of the Sabbath, has an excellent paper that he is bringing out about how much they have written about the Anabaptists. Now Anabaptists means you are baptized again, because the Catholics baptize babies, but they said you have to be an adult.

It's amazing what they have written about it, which tells us that there were a whole lot more people of God in the Church of God at that time than we understand or have any idea that it was. But the enemy never accurately writes about the people of God because they're the enemy! Now then, here comes an important part, right here:

Revelation 12:7: "And there was war in heaven…"

  • What is that going to be?
  • How is that going to be?
  • How many human beings will be involved in that even though Satan is leading it?

They're all cast down to the earth. So this takes place before those who are going go to a place of safety go there.

What is this going to do to the whole earth? This great battle is up in space? So. the devil is cast down!

Verse 10: "And I heard a great voice in heaven say, 'Now has come the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ because the accuser of our brethren has been cast down, who accuses them day and night before our God.'"

That's why we have to overcome every day. That's why the prayer there, the model prayer: rescue us from the wicked one!

Verse 11: "But they overcame him through the blood of the Lamb, and through the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death."

This shows the amount of conversion and deep love toward God that we need to have. Now, it's one thing to say we have a trial and we can overcome it, and it makes all of us look kind of like a shameful thing that we get all worried about the things we get worried about.

Here they gave their lives! And in what Craig White has written, he shows that they had secret places built into their houses, so they could hide away and not be discovered by the authorities.

Verse 12: "Therefore, rejoice you heavens and those who dwell in Them. Woe to those who inhabit the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, having great wrath because he knows that he has only a short time." So that's going to come!

Luke 17 shows that there are going to be some taken physically from where they are to the place of safety. Now, we have thought for years that Petra may be the place of safety, but we haven't understood until recently that it used to be quite a thriving city, and that underneath in the ground are great quantities of water, though it's in the middle of a desert. So, it shows you how much we know about anything!

Verse 13: "And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who had brought forth the man-Child. And two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman, so that she might fly to her place in the wilderness…" (vs 13-14). That's not the rapture to heaven, because heaven is never called a wilderness!

There are some people who had their Petra box in the trunk of their car when they went to Sabbath services. So if they went to a place of safety, they could take their box with them. And they always had an extra Bible in it. But what does it say? Don't let your flight be on the Sabbath!

It shows you what we do when we get our own thinking involved.

"…in the wilderness where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent" (v 13). That's roughly 31/2 years!

Verse 15: "And the serpent cast water out of his mouth as a river, so that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed up the river that the dragon had cast out of his mouth. Then the dragon was furious with the woman…" (vs 15-17).

Now, notice the next part. For all of those out there who believe in a rapture, that millions are going to be taken to heaven and you will miss the Great Tribulation. Not going to happen!

"…and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" (v 17). They're converted! If war is made against you, you're going to die!

Now, before we get to Rev. 13, let's come to Rev. 17 because I think we have missed some things about the coming of the Beast Power.

Now, have you ever heard of the WEF—World Economic Forum—with Klaus Schwab as the one who is leading it and the homosexual Harari? They are being repudiated. They're trying to bring the world government from an enforcement by the few upon everyone.

We will see that that's not quite true. We will see that nations give their power and authority to the beast! The beast does not come and take it from them. So, what are we seeing with Trump? I think he's here to get the whole world order lined up for all the end-time events.  What is it? Back to nationalism! Rejection of the infusion of a world government by socialist dictators from the top. So, let's read it here and see what it says:

Revelation 17:1: "And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials came and spoke with me, saying to me, 'Come here; I will show you the judgment of the great whore who sits upon many waters;

Verse 15: "Then he said to me, 'The waters that you saw, where the whore sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages.'"

That represents all the religions of the world. And what has the pope recently said? All religions are a pathway to God. BOOM! That's a change from Catholic doctrine. Now he's currently in the hospital, and I expect him to die!

  • What will the next pope bring? We'll have to wait and see.
  • How many popes have we expected to come along?

When John Paul II came along, we were all excited, you know, 'Oh, we're close to the end.' Well, hey, that's 50 years ago now, and we don't know how much time we have in the future.

Verse 2: "'With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and those who dwell on the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.' Then he carried me away in the spirit to a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast that had seven heads and ten horns, full of names of blasphemy" (vs 2-3).

That means it is wholly constructed there by Satan because that goes back to Satan's setup before the foundation of the world, which is seven heads and ten horns. So, we have the spiritual, then we have the physical.

Verse 4: "And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and pearls and precious stones; and she had a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominations and the filthiness of her fornication; and across her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (vs 4-5). So that's coming! That's the whole system, and:

  • you have to have religion
  • you have to have nations
  • you have to have a religion that will compass the whole earth

That's what it's talking about!

Verse 6: "And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And after seeing her, I wondered with great amazement. Then the angel said to me, 'Why are you amazed? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. The beast that you saw was, and is not, but is about to come up out of the abyss and to go into perdition….'" (vs 6-8).

Now this ties in with Dan. 11 with the King of the North and the King of the South. So what is it that Trump is doing right now with Europe? He's making them come together and stand on their own two feet.

  • Does that not have to be done before there's a King of the North?
  • What has he done with the South? Abraham Accords!

What do we have? Peace, peace, and there is no peace! There's a cessation of war, but no peace. True peace comes when there is no more war. That can only come with the return of Christ.

"…And those who dwell on the earth, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world…" (v 8).

That means the Book of Life was there before the foundation of the world, and your name is not written there until you are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit of God. So that clears away predestination as people have been taught it.

"…shall be astonished when they see the beast that was, but is not, and yet, is. Here is the mind that has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits" (vs 8-9).

Now a mountain is likened unto a government, but also it's very interesting that the city of Rome sits upon seven large hills.

Verse 10: "And there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other has not yet come…"

This shows a time going back and then coming forward. Who is the last one that we saw in Europe? Hitler! Totally satanic! You can see online, they have it there all the time, different things about Hitler, and they go through all the things of Hitler and WWII and how all of the leaders of Nazism were interested in the occult and trying to find the Ark of the Covenant. There was even, there was even the movie about the Ark of the Covenant with Harrison Ford: Raiders of the Lost Ark. So totally satanic! He was #7.

Europe and the whole system suffered a deadly wound. Now it's being revived. The Assyrians are:

  • Germans
  • Czechoslovakians
  • Austrians
  • Russians
  • Romanians
  • Hungarians

Then you have the children of Israel on the northern border of it:

  • the UK
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Belgium
  • Luxembourg
  • France

They will be controlled by the beast, and it's interesting.

  • Bismarck was born in Austria
  • Hitler was born in Austria

Will the next leader of Europe be born in Austria? And remember the sixth rising of this Roman system was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and before that it was Charlemagne. So, that's what we miss in Rev. 13. You don't get the time setting that we have here in Rev. 17.

"…and when he has come, it is ordained that he remain a little while" (v 10)—probably about three and a half years somewhere in there!

Verse 11: "And the beast that was, and is not, he is also the eighth, and is from the seven, and goes into perdition."

That means this is the last one. So. this is what has to come up now. It's going to be amalgamation of nations and other nations of the world cooperating with it. That's why you have seven heads and ten horns.

Verse 12: "And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but shall receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast. These all have one mind, and shall give up their power and authority to the beast" (vs 12-13).

So, this is an agreement that they reach that they agree to a seed to the beast their power and their authority.

Whereas the W.E.F.—the World Economic Forum—wanted to come down with their own laws their own regulations and everything like that, and enforce it upon all the nations. There was a time we thought well maybe this is the developing of the beast.

But when you read this right here in Rev. 17 there must be the nations the seven heads and the ten horns and they come to a world agreement to give their power and authority to the beast. So, that that makes it a little bit different. Now how do we know this is end-time?

Verse 14: "These will make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful." That's why we know this is the last one!

Rev. 13 is a description of the beast after they give their power and authority to the beast. Because the beast doesn't have full power until the seven heads and ten horns give their power and authority to the beast.

  • Does that make more sense today seeing what's going on
  • Isn't it true that that's what Donald Trump is doing? He's setting up Israel getting prepared for the temple!

We've often wondered how they're going to build the temple. Well Trump says we're going to take it over and we're going to build it. The Jews won't own it. The Muslims won't own it. Whoever thought that would come about.

How are you going to solve the problem of Hamas? Well only Donald Trump can do that! You can't build the temple when you have terrorists throwing bombs on you made from human condoms financed by Biden for $50-million. How's that for a few balloons?

Sidebar: It's amazing what Elon Musk and his accountants are coming up with. Did you know that the FAA for the planes coming and going and landing and the safety of the planes that they still use five inch floppies? That's how bad it is! I've got a drawer at home and I've got in there a whole packet of five inch floppies that I used on my very first computer 20 years ago.

Can you imagine the FAA? It's a miracle we haven't had more accidents. So, what he's going to do, he's going to digitize the whole federal government and probably cut the budget down to $2-trillion.

Okay now remember we have the two parts. We have the kings then we have the woman or the religion so we have the same thing here. 

Revelation 13:1: "And I stood on the sand of the sea; and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." All against God!

Verse 2: "And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, and his feet like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne and great authority."

Exactly what we read back in Rev. 17! So, this is purely satanic, and it's going to look really, really, reallygood, because what is everybody going to be saying? Peace! Peace! And there is no peace!

But they're going to say 'look all human beings coming together.' Isn't that wonderful? These nations give their power to this to this they won't say beast to this new governmental worldwide governmental setup and all the religions have stopped fighting each other. Wonderful!

That's what it's going to look like and they're even going to have a religious leader who performs miracles.

Verse 3: "And I saw one of his heads as if it were slain to death… [the terrorists get to him] …but his deadly wound was healed; and the whole earth was amazed and followed the beast."

Now, someone sent me where some prophet out there said that the grazing of the bullet on Trump's right ear was the deadly wound and he's the beast.

Well that's a deadly wound he missed. Didn't even leave much of a scar on his right ear. I don't know, you'll have to go back and look at that video again and you will see where the bullet went by and you look at his head and it's all of a sudden it's moved. That was probably an angel moving his head.

So no, that's not the deadly wound that's coming and the whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.

Verse 4: "And they worshiped the dragon… [one-world religion] …who gave his authority to the beast. And they worshiped the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast?…."

  • Is anybody worshiping Donald Trump?
  • Are they gathering around and holding candlelight vigils to worship him in the middle of the night? NO!

The beast is going to go into the Holy of Holies and say he's God. So, what they're going to say is he came back to life and now he's God in the flesh. Going right back to the all the ancient kings of old and the last national leader to be worshiped as a god was the emperor of Japan Hirohito. So, it'll go back to that system.

"…Who has the power to make war against him?' And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given to him; and authority was given to him to continue for forty-two months…" (vs 4-5)—after the deadly wound is healed—three and a half years!

Now you have three different time tables 1,260 days for the two witnesses. You have time, times half a time for those who go to a place of safety. You have 42 months. All of those are counted a little differently when you have days by the Calculated Hebrew Calendar. That's not 42 months, it's less!

When you have 42 months that's by the Roman calendar. When you have time, times and half a time that's by years. That's how you get three and a half years.

Verse 6: "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. And he was given power to make war against the saints…" (vs 6-7).

That's the fifth seal of Rev. 6 and that ties in with Rev. 12:17,

"…and to overcome them; and he was given authority over every tribe and language and nation" (v 7). The nations give their authority and power to the beast.

Verse 8: "And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear" (vs 8-9).

Now then the second part is the false prophet. They will be side-by-side all the time.

Verse 11: "And I saw another beast rising out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon; and he exercises all the authority of the first beast before him…" (vs 11-12).

So, that's what that's over all the earth. That's not tie in with the woman sitting on the beast and all the earth all the nations. Yes!

"…and he causes the earth and those who dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he performs great wonders, so that he even causes fire to come down to the earth from heaven in the sight of men" (vs 12-13).

Now he's going to quote the Bible. Where did fire come down and devour men? Elijah! 'See, he's got to be from God because he called fire down from heaven.'

What do you think people are going to think when they see it on television? Now with our communication, the world's going to know the whole thing all at once!

Verse 14: "And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by means of the wonders that were given to him to perform in the sight of the beast, saying to those who dwell on the earth that they should make an image for the beast, which had the wound by the sword, yet, was alive."

That'll be the great fad. They're all going to make the little idol of the beast. Now many different theories come up with it so we won't get into that here.

And he was given power to give life, and we made a change in the latest edition of the Bible to give life because the Greek there is 'penuma' which means spirit.

Verse 15: "And he was given power to give a satanic spirit to the image of the beast…"

What kind of spirit would he give? Wouldn't be an angel because he's working for Satan. So. it would have to be a satanic spirit!

"…so that the image of the beast also could speak; and he causes everyone who will not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to receive a mark in their right hands, or in their foreheads" (vs 15-16).

We're coming right close to that time, aren't we? Yes, Indeed! Kip was just telling me that he wanted to buy something by phone and give his credit card over to the phone and  they said, no, you go online and you buy it online.

I prefer to do purchases like he said, give the credit card to a live person to write it down, because everything that goes on the Internet, they got it. They know:

  • who you are
  • where you are
  • what you do
  • what you eat
  • when you go to bed
  • when you get up
  • all of these things they know!

Verse 17: "So that no one may have the ability to buy and sell unless he has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let the one who has understanding count the number of the beast; for it is a man's number, and his number is 666" (vs 17-18).

Stop and think about this for a minute. If you cannot buy or sell in this world today, how are you going to exist? Gotcha! First time, total absolute control.

How much control comes back through their electronic waves to control the minds of people? We don't know!

Let's look at what Trump is doing. I think God is using him to set the things up at the end-time. It's going to take a little time to come to that because the temple hasn't been started. But I can tell you this: when they lay the foundational stone of the temple, you know, there's not much time left!

Scriptural References:

  • Revelation 12:1-8
  • Jeremiah 6:14
  • 2-Timothy 1:6-9
  • Psalm 57:2
  • 2-Timothy 1:10
  • Jeremiah 1:4-5
  • Revelation 12:7, 10-17
  • Revelation 17:1, 15, 2-14
  • Revelation 13:1-18

Scriptures referenced, not quoted:

  • Genesis 3; 1:1-2
  • Revelation 9
  • Luke 17
  • Daniel 11
  • Revelation 6

Also referenced: Message: The Quest For Wisdom by Norbert Bohnert

Transcribed: 2/26/25

Copyright 2025—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.
