Will Spiritual Israel heed the warnings and redeem the time?
Fred R. Coulter—December 21, 2024
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Looking at things that are going on in a nation today, and after the election of Donald Trump, everyone feels kind of uplifted, and things are going to get better, and things have started to get better in some ways.
But there's a lot of hard work to do. And as far as the Church is concerned, we need to understand that we're going to have great challenges ahead of us that we need to be prepared to handle and to do.
But as far as what is true, let's come to Luke 18 and see what Jesus said concerning when He returns, because this is true! God has given a chance for the nation, and God judges nations differently than He does the Church. He's given us a chance to repent and come to our senses.
In Luke 18 we see something that's very important that we need to understand. What Jesus said concerning His return, which affects the days of today and
- what we're doing
- what we see
- what is taking place
- who's doing what
- who's running the world, and who is not
- how much sin there is
- how many problems there are
It's overwhelming! Now for the Church, He says this:
Luke 18:7: "And shall not God execute vengeance for His elect, who cry out to Him day and night, and patiently watch over them?"
That's what God is doing. It ties right in with what Michael said: {Message: The Law #5: Law & Love by Michael Heiss}
Verse 8: "I tell you that He will execute vengeance for them speedily…."
Now the next sentence is very important, and this comes a very important thing for us to understand, and also in the world, because even the world has come to a point in America that they're tired of all of the satanism and things that have been foisted upon them.
Now God is going to give them an opportunity to repent. Now, for the Church, Jesus asked this question:
"…Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, shall He find the true faith on the earth?" (v 8).
Now in the Greek, it is the faith! There are not different kinds of faiths like the pope says, that 'all religions are a pathway to God.' That's not true! That's the groundwork for laying of the one-world religion, which is in the process of being developed right now.
So, I translated it, "…find the true faith…" Now that's exactly what Michael was talking about when He talks about:
- love
- law
- truth
- righteousness
Let's see what happens even to the Church when people do not stay faithful to God.
Let's come to 2-Tim. 3. Let's review what the Word of God is first, and then the response to the Word of God.
- here's what we need to understand
- this is what we need to preach
- this is what we need to believe
- this is what needs to be written in our heart and minds
2-Timothy 3:16: "All Scripture…"—that means each and every word!
Down through time, God has always ensured that there would be a man or men who would handle His Word faithfully, so that it could come down in time, especially at the end-time in which we're living now. That we have the true faith of God.
Now we're going to see that there are many versions of it, and we won't get into the many versions, but we will see the cause as to what happens when they don't believe that:
Verse 16: "All Scripture is God breathed…" which comes from 'penuma,' which is spirit, and as I've mentioned before, spirited! That's why, as you read and study and read and study and go over it, you learn more, because there is a spiritual element that God has put into words when we come to His Word:
- to read it
- to understand it
- to love it
- to obey it
- to keep it
that we learn more! For example, you take what He said in Rev. 1; let's look at this because this tells us all about God in just a couple of verses, because Jesus talked about His coming in Luke 18.
Revelation 1:7: "Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye shall see Him…"
- no such thing as a secret rapture
- no such thing as Jesus going to suddenly come and no one know it
Every eye is going to see it, and He's coming in the clouds.
"…and those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen."
Why? Because they are in the grips of the adversary of God, Satan the devil, which in the Greek is pronounced 'satanas'—very close to Santa Claus! Think on that in relation to Santa Claus!
When it's "…even so, Amen" that means you can be very sure this is going to happen exactly this way!
Verse 8: "'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending,' says the Lord, 'Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come—the Almighty.'"
What does this tell us? That he lived forever and that He is 'the same yesterday, today, and forever'! This is also expressing something that is interesting that everything that God says is contained in the verification of His being.
Just like Michael pointed out concerning the Sabbath and the Holy Days. They are part of the creation of the heavens and the earth for all of us and for God. Men can't come along and say, 'I don't like your Holy Days, God, we're gonna have these. I don't like your Sabbath, we're going to have Sunday'—satanism!
Now, they may not believe it, but 'a little satanism, satanism's the whole lump.' Just a little paraphrase with that! That's what we're seeing today!
2-Tim. 3—here's what the Bible is for, and this is what we need right here:
2-Timothy 3:16: "…and is profitable for doctrine…"—teaching!
God made us so that we learn, we always learn, and we can go back over it and learn more and more and more and more. What is it like to really have a completely spiritual mind? Well, we don't know, but we're growing in it!
But don't let the world take you down and you come to the point that you accept things of the world. Christmas is the greatest, most lovely, most enticing, most desirous thing that Satan can bring to take people away from God; because it involves:
- the family
- giving and taking
- honoring the sun-god, Satan the devil, Santa Claus and all of that
"…for doctrine…"(v 16)—They don't read the Bible! None of those things are found in the Bible, none of them!
"…for conviction..." (v 16)—sometimes people mistake it as anger! Sometimes people get so carried away in their own errors or in their own self-righteousness, that the only way that they can understand it is that someone with conviction tell them, probably in a very powerful way, that you're not right.
"…for correction…" (v 16)—because that's the next thing! We all need to be corrected all the time:
- by the Word of God
- by the Spirit of God
- by the love of God
"…for instruction in righteousness…"(v 16). That is:
- How do you live your life?
- How do you worship God?
Remember: All of this Jesus said, that when He comes, will He find the true faith on the earth?
What takes place that he won't?
2-Tim. 4—this is a charge to every minister, every one of us, what we must do. Because here's another very important lesson we need to learn:
You cannot take the good from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil—which Christmas is—and transfer that over to the way of God! It won't work! It is planting in it the seeds of lawlessness, because it's against Law.
2-Timothy 4:1: "I charge you, therefore, in the sight of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is ready to judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom." Of course, then you need the Holy Days, to get all of the timeframe in that one sentence there.
Verse 2: "Preach the Word!…" Three words!
- What three words are the most important in the Bible? Obey My voice!
- What is next? To love God with all your heart!
"…Be urgent in season and out of season…" (v 2)—which tells you they were keeping the Holy Days of God! This has nothing to do with the seasons of Satan the devil.
"…convict, rebuke… [all of those are necessary] …encourage… [just like Michael's message was very encouraging] …with all patience and doctrine" (v 2).
Whenever people get wrapped up in doing physical things for physical people in the world, even though they're necessary, and they put those as the primary thing that they are doing. Then they lose the understanding of God and they become self-centered in what they are doing, and that lays them open for problems and difficulties.
Verse 3: "For there shall come a time when they will not tolerate sound doctrine… [sound teaching that is from the Word of God] …but according to their own lust…"—because they want their way, they want their desires!
It's like one woman who was in the Church for a long time and she never kept Christmas. And then after the Church went after all of the doctrines of the world and Protestantism and they eventually accepted keeping Christmas again. She said, 'Oh, I missed the fragrance of the tree all of these years!' Never convicted, enticed by Satan!
"…they shall accumulate to themselves a great number of teachers, having ears itching to hear what satisfies their cravings; and they shall turn away their own ears from the Truth…" (vs 3-4).
- that's what has happened to Protestantism
- that's what's happened to Catholicism
Catholicism is no more than paganism with the name of Jesus attached to everything of itself. You watch the blasphemous sacrifice of the Mass that comes straight from paganism.
You look in the New Testament: Do you find anything that tells us there is to be a structure of the Church like the Roman Catholic Church? No!
Verse 4: "And they shall turn away their own ears from the Truth, and they shall be turned aside unto myths. But as for you, be vigilant in all things, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist; fully carry out your ministry" (vs 4-5).
That sets the stage for what we're going to cover because we've reached a time in America—and hopefully in the world—what God has in plan for the world with all of this happening. We'll just have to wait and see. But we need to understand that God is giving us a chance to repent!
Sidebar: I might mention that we are still having good success in distributing the Bibles. We still have lots of Bibles and you can have as many as you want to distribute.
We're getting good response from those who have received the Bibles and likewise good response from Caravan to Midnight for those who have received the material, as well.
People turn to myths; that means lies! Look at politically what has happened to America over the last four years. Because we believed in lies before Joe Biden came into office. When he came into office and he got into office because of lies. He was incapacitated from day one.
- look what happened to the people
- look what happened to the government
It got worse and worse and worse, and who moved in? Satan with all the wokeness of all of these transgender things and transgender operations. We have wokeness in education. So, we've got this:
- we've got government
- we've got religion
- we've got education
- we've got personal lives
All living in deceit!
When it comes to the Truth they can see certain things of Truth IF they're willing to acknowledge that they have been wrong! When they're willing to acknowledge that they've been wrong that is a step in repentance! But here's what happens:
We find in Matt. 13 that the people have closed their eyes and stopped their ears. In other words, by choice they don't want the Truth!
So then, who moves in? Satan the devil moves in! Look at all of the difficult and terrible things that have happened. And the greatest sin that has happened—which you've heard me preach on this for a long, long time—is abortion!
God's judgment has yet to fall for that! You had a foretaste of it with all of the immigrants coming in. You want to kill the unborn? I'll send the vicious ones in to kill you! You have a chance to repent.
If God raised up Donald Trump and those that he's appointed to straighten out things—at least on the governmental level—that's good! But:
- What are we going to do?
- What are people going to do?
- Are they going to turn to God?
- Are they going to stay in their myths?
So, everything has to change:
- in religion
- in government
- in education
- in business
- in banking
- in personal lives
People have to change! You cannot live in lies and expect success! Satan will come in, move in and take over.
How do you think that Satan got hold of Sodom and Gomorrah? Because they said all these Sodomites are 'good' people! The Law of God says if they don't repent, execute them!
'Oh, but that's harsh!' Really? Look at what has happened because of the multiplicity of it, and:
- the multiplicity of adultery
- the multiplicity of homosexuality
Look where Satan has drug this nation!
We hope that the worst of those sins can be taken care of. But you see, you have New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco as perfect examples of lawlessness, which allowed:
- all of the homosexuals
- all of the adultery
- all of the lying, cheating, stealing
- all of the drugs
Now part of the repentance that's going to be required is removing of all of the immigrants. Now that's going to be a big job. Part of the repentance of government and the people is going to be to back off all the abortions, etc. You better start coming to things the way that God wanted!
I'll just mention here that people like to praise the Constitution of the United States, which for a human document in reference to God is the best that has been in the history of mankind separate from God.
But the true Constitution with the best Laws have come from God! So, IFthere's going to be repentance you better learn about the Ten Commandments!
By the way, the Ten Commandments not only are from the God of love, but He gave it to us graciously.
- Did He not give it to us?
- Was it not a graceful thing that God did?
Yet, the satanist religionists who smile and play patty-cake think that it's done away. I've got a whole six page dissertation on the mess up of what Protestants believe in doing away with the Laws of God. Pure satanism! But it looks wonderful because it appeals to the carnal mind that you can do anything you want to. After all we have free choice, don't we?
- now you've got a chance to repent.
- now you have a chance to make things right in:
- education
- government
- and so forth
We need to have a change in people's lives by coming back to God, because that's:
- repentance
- believing His Word
- wanting to live by His Word
- wanting to get right with God
It's not going to be the sweet little nothings that you invite God into your life. No! No one invites God into their lives, because if you invite God into your life you're greater than God, because you're inviting Him. God says, 'Repent!' That means:
- of sin, which is transgression of the Law [of God]
- evil thoughts
- evil practices
- Sunday
- holidays
All need to be repented of! It needs to start with all of these phony evangelists that are on television, or in the pulpits of the Sunday-keeping church.
You can preach all about God you want to preach in a deceitful way and say that you're authorized to keep Sunday, and you don't have to keep the Sabbath. So, there needs to be repentance there.
I told one person recently concerning a certain Protestant evangelist, 'I put no stock into him because he's a Sunday-keeper. He's had decades and decades of handling the Word of God and he refuses to acknowledge God and the Sabbath.
Whatever good work he may do doesn't count, because he's not acknowledging God. And by the way—as Michael brought out—the Sabbath is part of creation!
Let's see what happens and what needs to take place. We find this in Rom. 2. This tells us about repentance.
Repentance comes from God. Repentance comes when you come to a point in your life that you know you need the help of God and nothing else is going to help.
You need the Laws and Commandments of God to live by because the laws, rules and regulations that you live by now are not those of God! Some of them may be close to it. But here in Rom. 1 it talks about how we got to all the sins and all of the abominations. You read the whole first chapter.
This tells us where we start repenting. Not only is there the repentance that is necessary in the form of law and order, and living in a society that has not been called by God unto eternal life. That's that one level of repentance!
The other level of repentance is coming to the understanding that you personally need to repent! So, Paul says:
Romans 2:1: "Therefore, you are without excuse, O man, everyone who judges another; for in that in which you judge the other, you are condemning your own self; for you who judge another are doing the same things."
Now who is the one that they judge the worst?
Romans 3:5: "But if our unrighteousness brings to reality God's righteousness…"
You look at the sins over here on this side and you look at the blessings over here from God on this side. Everything in keeping the Laws of God bring a blessing when you're converted and are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, which is necessary for eternal life. Not the sweet little nothing that Franklin Graham spouts off every once in a while.
"…unrighteousness brings to reality God's righteousness…"
In other words he's saying God's Law, God's Truth condemns the sins, and the sins are evil!
"…what shall we say? Is God unrighteous to inflict His wrath?…." (v 5). That's what we've been suffering:
- all the crime
- all of the promiscuous sex
- all of the homosexuality
- all of the abortions
- all of this Sabbath and Holy Day breaking by keeping Sunday and holidays
"…I am speaking according to man's view. MAY IT NEVER BE! Otherwise, how shall God judge the world?" (vs 5-6).
In other words how is God going to make it known that you are doing wrong unless you come to a point of suffering mentally, spiritually and physically:
- to understand that you are weak
- to understand that you're not in an important center to yourself separate from what God has created
Verse 6: "MAY IT NEVER BE!…. [v 7]: For if, by my falsehood, the Truth of God has shown itself to be supremely great…"
- comparing sin to Truth
- comparing wickedness to the righteousness of God
That shows how great that God's ways are, and yet, the Protestants and Catholics want to do away with the Laws of God. Is that not satanic?
- they may be well intentioned
- they may be wonderful and fine speakers
- they may do certain things
But what is that?
Verse 7: "For if, by my falsehood, the Truth of God has shown itself to be supremely great, to His glory, why am I still being judged as a sinner? But not, according as we are being blasphemously charged, and according as some are affirming that we say, 'Let us practice evil things in order that good things may come.'…." (vs 7-8).
That's what's happened to the society, everywhere!
"…their condemnation is deserved. What then? Are we of ourselves better?…." (vs 8-9).
Is anyone better than anyone else? No! The only way we can improve and be better is with repentance and receiving of God's Holy Spirit and keeping His Laws.
"…Not at all! For we have already charged both Jews and Gentiles—ALL—with being under sin, exactly as it is written: 'For there is not a righteous one—not even one!'" (vs 9-10)?
Now what happens? People judge look God! They say, 'God is wrong. I'm right.' No, that won't work!
Come back to Rom. 2 and we'll find out about repentance here. It's very important concerning God's way:
Romans 2:4: "Or do you despise the riches of His kindness and forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that the graciousness of God leads you to repentance?"
Isn't that a wonderful thing; God will lead you to repentance! That's called conscience! If your conscience smites you, that's God reminding you that you're sinning!
Verse 5: "But you, according to your own hardness and unrepentant heart, are storing up wrath for yourself against the day of wrath and revelation of God's righteous judgment, Who will render to each one according to his own works" (vs 5-6). That's what happens all the time.
- look at what goes on
- look at all the corruption
- look at all of the sin
- look at all of the waste
When I see all of these homeless in the various cities where they show it—when it comes on TV—of course, they don't want you to see that on TV and see them lying wasted on the pavement completely knocked out with fentanyl. If that is not satanic I don't know what it is!
So, God is giving us a chance as a nation and government to crack down on it and get rid of it.
Verse 7: "On the one hand, to those who with patient endurance in good works are seeking glory and honor and immortality—eternal life."
That's the opposite! That is the repentance that God wants! See not just a national repentance to get law and order, but a personal repentance to God for salvation!
Verse 8: "On the other hand, to those who are contentious and who disobey the Truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish—upon every soul of man who works out evil, both of the Jew first, and of the Greek" (vs 8-9). Isn't that what we see today?
- everywhere you look everything is evil
- everything is upside down
- you watch the television
- you listen to the news
- you listen to the advertisements for the movies that are coming up
They are all satanic in the highest degree possible!
Now they're talking about what you do about kiddie-porn that little kids can go online…. How great is the Internet and a personal phone, wonderful if you use it correctly. Hideous and sinful if you let it go to the way of Satan the devil! Kids on porn!
- they grow up with no hope
- they grow up with no understanding
- they commit suicide
- they take drugs
- they get wrapped up in sexual behavior
Like this one girl came home after having a wild party and then she found out a month later she was pregnant, and her mother says 'you get an abortion.' That's what we're looking at:
Verse 9: "Tribulation and anguish—upon every soul of man… [that's every man woman and child] …who works out evil, both of the Jew first, and of the Greek"—Gentile!
IF you want out of that, THEN you come to God! In the nation you come to law and order. In your personal life you come to God through the sacrifice of Christ through repentance and confessing your sins and stopping sinning!
Not only to confess them, but to stop it and turn to God and keep His Commandments! Then what happens, the end result will be:
Verse 10: "But glory and honor and peace to everyone who works good, both to the Jew first, and to the Greek, because there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law…" (vs 10-12).
That means without the knowledge of the Law of God!
Look at the other nations of the world. Look at the pitiful conditions that they are in; they're absolutely mind-boggling. Then we have these evangelical religionists go over there and say 'give us money, give us money so we can help them out, and let's send money here for the Jews.
My solution for the Jews is you go to Rothschild and you go to George Soros and you ask for a hundred billion dollars apiece and send that over to repair Gaza! Don't come and ask the poor people in America to contribute to the things over there when the leaders of your own people have billions and billions and billions of dollars! I have never heard of Rothschild sending 10 billion to do this or to do that or to do the other thing. George Soros always finds money to bring about lawlessness through:
- wrong judges
- wrong district attorneys
- not charging felons
That's how we got it; George Soros paid for it!
Now, let's hope that Trump and Homan and the other ones can help get some of those things aright; but we are at a critical position in the world today!
Verse 11: "Because there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law; and as many as have sinned within the Law shall be judged by the Law" (vs 11-12). Everyone who has the Bible has the Law!
Like I mentioned about that Protestant preacher, he's had decades and decades to study the Bible, but he still keeps Sunday:
- here's no repentance
- there's no Godliness
Verse 13: "Because the hearers of the Law are not just before God, but the doers of the Law shall be justified."
Just exactly like Michael Heiss brought out, you must do the Law of God, because that is given to us in love, and we can add it's given to us in grace because there's nothing we do to earn the Law! It's what God has given out of his love!
So, if the nation is going to repent it's got to start in the pulpit. I have yet to hear of any leading evangelists saying 'everybody quit keeping Sunday and we're going to meet here on the Sabbath, which is Saturday today.
Now when I was on the latest Caravan to Midnight and I mentioned about Christmas not being of God, someone said 'Oh he's a Jehovah Witness.' Well, that's what people think:
- they're all emotion
- they have an opinion
- they never know what they're talking about
Yet, they think they're right! God has given us a chance to repent:
- as a nation
- as individuals
- as churches
Because the Churches of God did not repent, God destroyed Worldwide Church of God, and that was a big deal from God to let all the Churches of God know you do not bring in the way of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil of Satan the devil, and bring it into the Church as part of what is taught by the Church!
So, look at the end result of it destroyed, everything gone!
There are Churches of God here and there and everywhere. Let's hope that we all stay close to God and do what is right and do the things that are true! But we have got to, as it says right here:
"…but the doers of the Law shall be justified" (v 13).
The same thing here, and we come to understand the depths of sin, because people in the world they blinded their eyes themselves. Satan comes along and adds to that blinding, and then when you come to repentance—repentance is a gradual step-by-step change—and you have your mind renewed!
- renewed every week with the Sabbath
- renewed every week with the Passover and Holy Days
Growing in:
- grace and knowledge
- understanding
- love
- Truth
All of those things come from the Word of God and:
- living God's way
- believing it
- understanding it
Verse 14: "For when the Gentiles, which do not have the Law, practice by nature the things contained in the Law, these who do not have the Law are a law unto themselves" That tells you the importance of the Law of God!
Verse 15: "Who show the work of the Law written in their own hearts, their consciences bearing witness, and their reasonings also as they accuse or defend one another."
Then Paul shows that we need to come to God the way that He wants: in repentance!Let's see how we need to approach it.
Acts 13—this is where Paul went into a synagogue of the Jews, and it shows the problems that happened. He went in and preached Christ, quite a thing! A lot of the problems that Protestants have are the supposed problems between Catholicism and Protestantism, but you don't find that in the New Testament.
You find the problems between the Jews with their traditional laws and the Jews with their way of keeping things according to their own instructions instead of following God!
Yes, they would meet on the Sabbath but they would have all of their laws concerning the Sabbath override the true spiritual meaning of the Sabbath!
- same way with the Passover
- same way with the Holy Days
Paul came in and he preached to them. Where is the first place that Paul went? He always went to a synagogue of the Jews! To the Jew first and then the Gentiles! Within the synagogue there were believing Gentiles!
So, concerning what he preached, Paul quotes the Scripture and remember this: When everybody says that the Old Testament is done away, they forget that there are 356 prophecies of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament that are quoted in the New Testament. It's no such thing as Old Testament is done away and the New Testament is what we follow. It's one book with two parts!
Acts 13:33: "As it is also written in the second Psalm, 'You are My Son; today have I begotten You.' And to confirm that He raised Him from the dead, no more to return to corruption, He spoke in this manner: 'I will give You the faithful mercies of David.' Accordingly, he also says in another place…" (vs 33-35).
Notice what he's quoting; he's quoting Scriptures from the Old Testament!
"…'You [God the Father] will not allow Your Holy One to see corruption'" (v 35). Amazing!
Preaching the resurrection of Christ, and that's what the Jews were waiting for. That's what they were longing for. But when He came they rejected Him!
Verse 36: "For David, after ministering to his own generation by the counsel of God, died, and was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption. But the One Whom God raised up did not see corruption. Therefore, be it known to you, men and brethren…" (vs 36-38).
See how he preached to them right there in the synagogue. He's preaching repentance!
- they had an opportunity for repentance
- they had a chance to change their lives
- they had a chance to believe the Truth
Verse 38: "Therefore, be it known to you, men and brethren, that through this Man the remission of sins is preached to you. And in Him everyone who believes is justified from all things…" Believing means:
- to understand mentally
- to believe
- to obey
Because if you believe you will do!
If you believe there is gold under the floor that's worth X amount of millions of dollars, and you really believe that, what would you do? You would get all the equipment necessary to dig it up! Well, it's the same thing with eternal life. God is holding out everything. Eternal life in the most wonderful and tremendous aspect of living forever in love!
Verse 39: "And in Him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the Law of Moses."
Moses prophesied of Jesus. Jesus said to the Jews, 'IF you had believed Moses—which they didn't; they believed all their own traditions instead of Moses—you would have believed Me for he spoke of Me.' They had a chance to repent! Let's see what they did, because God offers this all the time. Every time you see that you sin—and you're convicted of it—that's an opportunity to repent!
God wants the growing in grace and knowledge in our mind and in our heart so that we develop the character and the mind of Christ! We have the greatest goal, brethren, not only eternal life, but:
- through study
- through prayer
- through living
- through understanding
- through suffering
- through joy
- through sorrow
- through everything we go through
to develop the mind of Christ!
That's why He came as God manifested in the flesh. That's why we're told in Philip. 2: let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, Who being in the form of God as God divested Himself to a pinpoint of life to be begotten in the womb of the virgin Mary and to be our Savior!
He didn't come as a full grown man. He came as a speck of dust, was developed with the genes and chromosomes that God provided, was born like us, had to grow up, had to learn all of those things and yet never sin! And at 12-years-old—when they went up to keep the Passover and Jesus didn't go back with them—He stayed back and He was with the teachers and the priests!
They were talking to Him and He was answering questions and telling them things that God had already taught him before, and they were amazed at his wisdom. Quite a thing!
When He was finally baptized by John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit came down in a demonstration to John as a dove to certify that this One is the Messiah, He was then led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan the devil. The first thing that He said—after the devil said, take these stones and make them bread—man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word of God! That's what repentance is all about:
- that we love God
- that we keep His Commandments
- that we live our lives the way that God wants
so that we have this level of repentance in the nation! Now let's pray and ask God to send new people:
- that they will repent
- that God will lead them
- that God will convict them
- that they can be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit of God
Because we're right now in the Church at the beginning of a generational change. There are going to be many of us in our 80s and 90s who are not going to be here very much longer.
All the rest of you who are younger, you better get in gear and you better start really doing the things you need to do and ask God to help and lead you.
- we don't know what's ahead
- we don't know what God wants of you
- we don't know what God wants of us in the very near future
So, we need to keep at it!
Verse 40: "'Take heed, therefore, lest that which is spoken in the Prophets come upon you: "Behold, you despisers, and wonder and perish; for I work a work in your days, a work that you will in no way believe, even if one declares it to you."' And when the Jews had gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles entreated him [Paul] that these words might be spoken to them on the next Sabbath" (vs 40-42).
All you evangelicals out there who believe in Paul, why didn't Paul say, 'No, no you Gentiles, we're here on the Sabbath just because of the Jews, so don't come next Sabbath, you come Sunday, you come tomorrow.' Paul didn't do that, did he?
Paul never sanctioned Sunday-keeping, and nowhere in the New Testament does it sanction Sunday-keeping.
{Note our book: The Apostle Paul's Teachings on God's Law; Paul's difficult Scriptures}
It's because of false translation of the King James Version and other versions of the Bible that has caused that to be.
Verse 44: "And on the coming Sabbath, almost the whole city was gathered together to hear the Word of God."
Now, we're not told what Paul preached, are we? The whole city! So, you talk about a big commotion that went on. I imagine that when that Sabbath, when the synagogue dismissed, there was everybody talking about everything:
I never heard anything like this! They're teaching against the Law of Moses
When he wasn't!
Verse 45: "But when they saw the multitude, the Jews were filled with envy…"
Not saying, 'Oh, look at the Gentiles repenting. That's wonderful and we want it.'
No! Remember when Peter came to Cornelius, what did he tell him? It's unlawful for a Jew to keep company with the Gentiles! That's the law of the Jews! So, that's why they were angry.
"…and they spoke against the things proclaimed by Paul, and were contradicting and blaspheming. But Paul and Barnabas spoke boldly, saying, 'It was necessary for the Word of God to be spoken to you first; but since you reject it and do not judge yourselves worthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles'" (vs 45-46). That's quite a thing!
So, when we have an opportunity for repentance, that's a major thing:
- we have it for the nation
- we have it for all of the Churches
Let's see if anyone of the leading evangelists of the world or even a minuscule unknown pastor of a small Protestant church will dare to believe the Word of God and stand in the pulpit tomorrow and say to everyone there:
Brethren, let's read the Scriptures! It tells us to keep the Sabbath!
Now then, shouldn't we all renounce Sunday-keeping and begin Sabbath-keeping, because God's blessing is on that day?
- Do you not want God's blessing? God's love is on that day!
- Do you not want His love? God's understanding is on that day!
- Do you not want God's understanding?
Well, IF you do, let's all come back here next Saturday, which is God's Sabbath, and we will have service from now on, on the Sabbath.
That is taking advantage of a time or a chance to repent!
- let's see what happens to the nation
- let's see what this current government is able to do
- let's see why God spared Donald Trump to cause certain things in the world and in America to take place
- let's use that time as an advantage for all of us and all the Churches of God
- to really preach the Truth
- to really evangelize the world the best way that we can
- to preach the Word of God
Because Jesus asked, 'When the Son of Man comes, shall He find the true faith on earth? And the Churches to be the pillar and the ground of Truth, always!' That's what Paul wrote to Timothy. So, here we have it; the nation has a chance:
- get rid of all of the wokeism
- get rid of all the lawlessness
- condemn all immoral sex
- condemn all the corruption that is taking place
It was quite a thing that happened with the bill for financing the government. It was 1,500 pages. They gave it to Elon Musk, and he ran it through Artificial Intelligence and reduced it down to a little over 100 pages. Got rid of a lot of waste, got rid of a lot of corruption, because it says 'you're corrupt from the head to the toe.' That's the way the nation is right now.
- How much repentance will be there?
- How much change coming back to
- law and order?
- decency?
- fairness and truth?
Then, beyond that, how many people will be convicted to come:
- to the Truth of God
- to come to the repentance of God
- to the understanding that comes from God
so they can repent and be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit!
- What is the goal?
- How do we get there?
- What is God doing with us?
It's an amazing thing!
Our lives have to be actively involved in it, in everything that we do. This is why we have the Sabbath. This is quite a thing. So, let's see what will happen
- in the society
- in the world
- in the Churches of God
- the other religions
Let's hope that some of them will repent!
Scriptural References:
- Luke 18:7-8
- 2-Timothy 3:16
- Revelation 1:7-8
- 2-Timothy 3:16-17
- 2-Timothy 4:1-5
- Romans 2:1
- Romans 3:5-10
- Romans 2:14-15
- Acts 13:33-42, 44-46
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Matthew 13
- Romans 1
- Philippians 2
Also referenced: {truthofGod.org}
- Message: The Law #5 by Michael Heiss
- Book: The Apostle Paul's Teachings on God's Law
Transcribed: 12/26/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.