The God-given respite for America is our opportunity to
preach the Gospel more earnestly than ever before!
Fred R. Coulter—November 16, 2024
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Because of different things and having the website and everything, we are experiencing new people are coming to the website and they are requesting the information that we have.
I've got a nice email from a man, Michael Chang who's been in America for 30-1/2 years. I don't know if he has any office or anything like that as a minister, but he's into the Bible. He is in contact with a lot of people because he's a realtor down in Texas.
He told in his first email that he was going to work on a harmony of the Gospels and he wanted to use The Faithful Version and also a little sidebar on that:
Sidebar: There was another man in Florida who also just discovered us and he wants to use The Faithful Version in the things that he's going to write; so, I gave him permission for that.
In the meantime, I called Michael Chang and I let him know that we already have A Harmony of the Gospels, so I sent that to him along with:
- America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World
- From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God: Why Were You Born
He e-mailed me back and said that he was happy and blessed to talk to me; that God has put us in touch with each other. He says 'thanks for letting me use The Faithful Version for the what he is going to do. Then he says, 'I was requested by some saints about the Harmony and the English Chinese Bible with the Faithful Translation; he was using a Darby translation, but he said that that was very difficult. He said 'The Faithful Version is better, even better than the New American Standard! So, let's hope that that can help him open up other doors.
Then I have another email from a man in Florida who said, 'I found your ministry and love it' and he listens to it every day.
We'll see what happens; we don't know who is coming to the website, what they are finding, what they are doing, but let's hope that it will help them in every way and that we need to get some things out to them in order to understand that they can understand more what we are doing and the things that we have already had. That's why we have everything prepared and we're blessed from God to be able to do that.
I might mention that in the mailing this month we are sending out to you the updated version of Judge Righteous Judgment and this is a really great booklet for you to study in-depth, because it helps you:
- to understand the Word of God
- to know how to make a decision
- to know how to look at all of the facts and to put everything all together
- to know how it needs to be first with the Word of God and everything that you do
I hope that you will use this and study it we'll have some more things that we're going to send you, as well. I also might mention that we're taking all of the older things that I have done before and have recorded, and Randy Vild is editing those and upgrading the sound and taking care of them so they will be easier to listen to. He just finished the three that we have on grace:
- Grace of God
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping
- Grace Upon Grace
Those three I'm considering putting all in one publication with the CDs that go with it, because this is so very important for us to understand. The way that the Grace of God is explained by the so-called Christian churches of the world…
I heard one woman preacher—Joyce Meyer—say that 'with the Grace of God we can do anything.' Well, that's not true! This is how it comes out.
Let's understand how important that it is that we keep watching and doing what we need to do.
I also I have finished reading the book Plan Red—by Gordon Chang—The Influence of China in America. It's not a thick book so it's a pretty quick read. I encourage you to read it. I have a book that I haven't finished called Blood Money by Peter Schweitzer about all of the politicians that have been bought off by the Chinese in various ways, and of course, the chief one is Joe Biden.
- we'll have to see what will happen
- we'll have to see what Trump can do
IF he can do anything!
Let's look at some of the possibilities that will happen with Donald Trump being President of the United States. Remember, last week I ended up saying there's Donald Trump and Netanyahu. Let's see what happens, because we know there has to be a temple built and we know that you can't build that in amidst of fighting and warring, dropping bombs and rockets, and everything like that!
- What will we see?
- Will we see peace for a time? Don't know!
- Will we see where they will bring out the plans for building the temple? We don't know!
However it's not going to be done in a couple of years, because they will probably have to rebuild Gaza to a certain extent, and then God has to open the mind of those hard-headed rabbis that where the mosque of Omar is not where the temple is to be built. It's to be built south of there!
Then they can build the temple and they won't touch the Mosque of Omar, which will hold off the great war at the end for a while. So, we'll have to wait and see how that will happen, because that third temple must be built!
Another thing that they have done, so you can go to the website: and you will see that they just finished making an Ark of the Covenant.
That's interesting indeed! They said that they have built it according to the instructions that God gave to Moses in the book of Genesis. They also have said that they know where the Ark is buried, and they think that that is under the area of the Mosque of Omar which was formerly Fort Antonia in the days of Christ. The temple was never there! But they think it's somewhere there, but the truth is as we have seen it's probably nowhere on earth, because look what happened to the Philistines when they got hold of the Ark. No one has it!
Rev. 11:19 says that the Ark of the Covenant is at the Temple in heaven above, and not on the earth!
So, we don't know what the Jews are going to do with this new Ark of the Covenant could it be that they will bury it in one of those underground tunnels somewhere and then claim that they have found it? Don't know, that's a possibility!
But they will probably have some form of the Ark of the Covenant so when they build the temple. Now another thing with building the temple, the Jews look at all the prophecies in the Old Testament and they think that when the temple is built that the Jews will rule the world!
Of course, we know that's not going to happen because the King of the South will go against the King of the North, and the King of the North will come down conquer Egypt again, and conquer Libya next to it and go into the Holy Land and then enter into the temple and say that he is 'God'!
That's going to kick off the Great Tribulation at that point. But between now and then there are a lot of things that need to be done.
The Gospel needs to be preached more in the world, and there are going to be a lot of false prophets and they are going to sound so good. BUT:
- IF they don't keep the Sabbath
- IF they don't understand the Word of God
God didn't send them, even though they quote much of the Bible.
Now I'm currently reading the book The Coming Golden Age by David Jeremiah, and I'm almost done with it. He quotes a lot of Scripture, and a lot of it is correct, but a lot of it is not correct and the timing sequence is not really understood. So, I'll bring something on that here in the near future when I finish the book.
But you get the book Plan Red, and you will see what the Chinese are planning for their takeover of America. Now the UN already has in place a plan where:
- China gets western United States
- Canada gets the northern part of the states
- Europe gets the eastern seaboard
- Mexico gets the southern United States
That is a current plan! We don't know how it will go. However at this time in America there appears to be enough turnaround from all the sin and from all the things that have been taking place that God is going to give us a space of time:
- so that we can have some peace
- so we can have some opportunities to preach the Gospel
We need to ask God to:
- open the doors
- provide the way
- make it possible
so that the Word of God can go out!
What happened in the United States of America with this recent election from God's point of view?
We know that it's not enough for people to come to conversion because that's a special calling from God. But they have to come to understanding like what happened here in the United States. We're kind of split right down the middle as far as people's choices or morality, even separated from the knowledge of the Laws of God. That doesn't stop God from judging the nations or blessing the nations, because He looks at what the leaders want and what the people want and do.
Now, I mentioned this in my November letter, but let's see what God says about the recommendations because He's in charge and knows everything that's going on. Remember, God said that if a sparrow falls, He knows it! So, think about that as we cover some of these things.
Jer. 18—I know I've covered this before, but let's look at it and let's see that God has given the choices to the people as well as the leaders. We also know, as I've mentioned in my letter, about God's dealing with Donald Trump and he recognizes that it is the hand of God. He's probably the only leader in the world to mention it directly that way in our lifetime.
So there's something going on and that something is that God is going to probably hold back His hand of judgment. As I mentioned before, there needs to be a time of peace and the temple in Jerusalem must be built.
So, let's see what has happened here because America knows that this nation was given to us by God. We say on our money, In God We Trust, and we always ask God to bless America.
But we will see that there may have been enough people that God has pulled back His hand of correction for the time being. Let's see how this operates because God looks at all the nations and judges them.
Jeremiah 18:7: "If at any time I shall speak…" that's any time:
- past—we have the history of that
- present—we're living through it now
- future—we have the Millennium coming and the Kingdom of God on the earth
"…concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom…" (v 7). Also, we can take that down:
- to the individual
- to the mothers and fathers
- to the communities
all of that comes into play here!
"…to pluck it up and to pull it down, and to destroy it" (v 7).
Now we were getting closer and closer and closer to that point! But the American people through the election showed that they want law and order and common sense.
Now those things may be in harmony with God's Laws to a great extent. Since God is not calling them to conversion, He will look upon those things that I just mentioned as whether He needs to continue to destroy the nation or to lift back His hand of punishment so that He can deal with them. We don't know exactly everything that's going to happen or what Donald Trump is going to do or what that is going to mean on the world scene, but we'll keep that in mind.
Verse 8: "If that nation, against whom I have spoken, will turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do to them."
In other words, God will change His mind. Now go back and remember what God did concerning Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot and his family, and how Abraham bargained with God from 50 righteous down to 10 righteous. And if there from 50 righteous down to 10 righteous, and if there were 10 righteous, God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities that were involved in these heinous crimes of sexual perversion.
Now we're right at that same point today. So, He says He would repent of the evil!
Verse 9: "And IF at any time…"—that's interesting, choice! God leaves it to us:
- individually
- families
- communities
- provinces
- nations
- leaders of nations
As Lyall brought out, look what has happened in the UK since King Charles was coronated as king. What is happening over there? It's a big mess in the UK!
They've got to come back to God in much of the same manner that the Americans have come back to common sense and law and order and decency toward each other!
Verse 9: "And if at any time I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build it and to plant it."
That's what happened with the founding of America. You look at how much they relied on the Bible and how much they relied on the basic principles in the Bible to put it into the Constitution. It's one of the only constitutions of government on earth today that mentions God and Creator. So, a return to that would be a letter of the Law, carnal return to God.
Verse 10: "IF…" There it is again, choices, individually and then the collective whole.
Verse 10: "IFit does evil in My sight, that it not obey My voice, THEN I will repent of the good with which I said I would do them good."
Then he talks about how Israel has left God; the whole plea during the 40 years of Jeremiah's warning message to them to return to God!
Now there was one time when that occurred and that was with King Josiah. What did he have to do?
- he had to be very strict with God's way
- he had all the leaders come to the temple and stand by the stone or the pillar for the king at the temple
- he had to make them all swear to keep the Laws and Commandments of God
We haven't had that kind of repentance here in America, yet!
But that lasted for 12 years; then Josiah went against what God wanted him to do. God didn't want him to go fight in the war. God even sent those to tell him don't go fight, but he insisted on fighting. So, he went against God. He was wounded to death and that ended the prosperity and good things they had during the days of Josiah.
That brought the final acts of God during the next 22 years of the Babylonians coming and conquering in three invasions of Judea and carrying off the Jews into Babylon.
Let's see what's still hanging over America. Now, there is some return to changing from this, but this is the great grievous sin, not only here, but in many nations of the world.
Jeremiah 19:3—God says: "And say, "Hear the Word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and people of Jerusalem….'"
We could say the same thing, 'Donald Trump, listen to the Word of God!' People of the land and all of you so-called Christian preachers, will you come back and keep the Word of God the way that God said? Or not? We'll have to wait and see; there's going to be a big fight!
"'…Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, "Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, which shall cause the ears of him who hears it to tingle"'" (v 3).
Now the hand may be drawn back for the time being, but notice the great sin that is still yet to be judged upon on this nation.
Verse 4: "Because they have forsaken Me, and have profaned this place and have burned incense in it to other gods whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocents."
Now let me show you the battle of those who are still out there who didn't return to common sense and law and order, and especially in the Christian religion to turn back to God and the Word of God.
Report: Transgender Pastor Claims the Bible 'wasn't written for 2024'
A California-based transgender pastor, Drew Stever, has spoken out about creating a more inclusive ministry for the LGBTQ+ community, saying that the Bible "wasn't written for 2024."
In other words, it's old-fashioned. It's out of date, and we don't need it.
- What did Jesus say of the Word of God? He didn't come to abolish it!
- Isn't that what He said?
- What else did he say? Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle in the Law shall in no wise be changed!
We're going to see these kind of activities and these kind of people and this kind of so-called Christian ministry. They have forsaken God, gone after other gods! That's what they do. They have feminine images that they bow down and worship to.
The other great sin that we have today, which may be handled, which is transgenderism among children! Brainwashing children into thinking that they can change gender and then send them off to the hospitals, give them drugs, try and change their lives, actually destroy their lives! Not killing them, but ruining their lives. This is one thing that may change, we hope it will. But that is a great evil and satanically led.
"…and have filled this place with the blood of innocents" (v 4). He defines what that is!
Today we don't offer children in sacrifice to gods, but there is a Planned Parenthood temple
- the altar is the abortion table
- the priest is the doctor
- the assistant is the one to help carry it out
- the ritual is the killing of the baby in the womb
Now, they're coming online more and more about these pictures with the ultrasound, and they can see the baby's activity. They know that the heart is beating in six weeks, and that's when a woman knows that she's pregnant for the first time. Then it shows the development of the child, and what a great and wonderful thing that is taking place, that God is doing!
So, the women need to be taught this is completely wrong. You can't be going out and having sex with anybody and then coming and taking care of it by abortion. That is:
- a sin against God
- a sin against your body
- a sin against your emotion
- a sin against your life
You have to live with that blood of the innocent on your hands the rest of your life unless you deeply repent!
Verse 5: "They have also built the high places of Baal… [Planned Parenthood] …to burn their sons… [and daughters] …with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I never commanded nor spoke, nor did it come into My mind."
Then God says because of that 'I'm going to bring evil.' Then God also says over here in Jer. 20 about keeping the Sabbath, because keeping the Sabbath is the key important thing as Lyall brought out.
Let's see what is the next thing that has to take place. This sets the stage for what all the Churches of God need to preach, teach and warn against. We need to preach against the Christianity that brings people to:
- a false conversion
- a false belief in Christ
- a false Christ
Jeremiah 23:1: "Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture,' says the LORD.
Bringing them false conversion. Oh, if you say this nice little prayer and 'invite Jesus into your heart, everything is going to be fine.' NO! God says to 'return to Him.' You choose that!
Verse 2: "Therefore, thus says the LORD, God of Israel, against the shepherds who feed My people…"
- they feed them with the wrong doctrine
- they feed them with wrong interpretation
Like Lyall said, all of the elders and all of us say that key #1 to start to come back to God is the Sabbath, repentance and Sabbath keeping! This is what we're going to have to emphasize as we preach to the world and pray that God will open up more doors for preaching to the world and bringing the message of true repentance.
"…'You have scattered My flock, and have driven them away, and have not taken care of them. Behold, I will bring upon you the evil of your doings,' says the LORD. 'But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all the countries where I have driven them…'" (v 2-3).
So there are remnant of people everywhere in the world, many of them we don't know anything about or what they are doing or how they are doing it, but they are there.
I also received a book from Leon Ritchie about all of the martyrdoms that take place in the persecuted nations where they are against God, where they are against any form of Christianity and it's a difficult thing indeed. Here's what needs to change:
Verse 10: "For the land is full of adulterers…, [spiritual, physical, sexual] …Because of swearing the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and they wield power unjustly. 'For both prophet and priest are ungodly; yea, in My house I have found their evil,' says the LORD. 'So their way shall be to them as slippery ways in the darkness…." (vs 10-12).
Verse 15: "Therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets, 'Behold, I will feed them wormwood, and make them drink poisonous water; for from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has gone forth into all the land.' Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you….'" (vs 15-16).
That has to be the message that we bring out to people today. Look at all of these ministers are preaching things, which was prophesied by Christ at the end-time. Many false prophets, even false Christs. Don't listen to them. Listen to the Word of God, come to God.
"…They make you vain; they speak a vision from their own heart, not out of the mouth of the LORD. They still say to those who despise Me.' The LORD has said, 'You shall have peace!'…." (vs 16-17).
That's what they say. There's right now an ad that you see on television all the time, 'how to have great peace; you come to Jesus.' But:
- Does he mention the Sabbath?
- Does he mention repentance?
- Does he mention the Commandments of God?
No, He does not! You can't have great peace unless you come to the true God. Notice what else he said:
Verse 17: They still say to those who despise Me.' The LORD has said, 'You shall have peace!' And they say to everyone who walks after the imagination of his own heart, 'No evil shall come upon you!'"
Oh, that's not true, because the Laws of God are automatic. IFyou go against them it's going to bring evil upon you because that's how it is. God asked the question:
Verse 18: "For who has stood in the counsel of the LORD to see and hear His Word? Who has attended to His Word and heard it?"
That's up to us! All of us Churches of God, we need to really preach as much as we can to the world as best that we can with everything that God gives us, led by His Spirit to preach His Word.
Verse 19: "Behold, the tempest of the LORD has gone forth in fury, a whirling tempest. It shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the LORD shall not return, until He has executed and until He has performed the purposes of His heart; in the latter days you shall understand it perfectly" (vs 19-20).
Let's hope with our preaching, some of those who claim to be Christian ministers will repent and teach the Truth and will repent of Sunday, Christmas, Easter and all of those pagan days and come to the Truth of God. Would that be possible? We don't know! God says, 'I didn't send them, yet, they prophesied.
Verse 22: "But IF…"—there it is again.
Look at the choices that God gives to them. They have the Bible, they have the Word of God. They're the Catholics, the Protestants, and we can include the Jews, they have the Old Testament.
Verse 22: "But IF they had stood in My counsel and had caused My people to hear My words…"—preaching the Truth!
Not half of it, not part of it, not almost all of it. Ifthey get to almost all of it, they're getting real close. But notice what God says.
"…THEN they would have turned them from their evil way…" (vs 22).
IF they would really preach the commandments of God the way that God wants, people would repent:
"'…and from the evil of their doings. Am I a God Who is near,' says the LORD, 'and not a God afar off?'" (vs 22-23).
Yes, you can come to God as soon as you get on your knees and repent of breaking His Laws and Commandments. You can have your sins forgiven through the proper sacrifice and blood of Jesus Christ so that you can learn how to walk in the way of God.
- not in the way that it is in the world
- not a feel good, let's have peace, kind of a psychological thing
- God wants a change
- God wants a conversion
- God wants a repentance
that will bring this about!
They could do it if they would actually preach the Truth of the Bible that they have in their hands. So, here's the thing. He says he's not a God far off, he's near.
Verse 24: "Can anyone hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him?' says the LORD…." God knows everything that's going on!
"…'Do I not fill the heavens and earth?' says the LORD" (vs 24).
Some people say, well, God is just the Spirit that fills the heaven and the earth? No! He fills the heavens with His creation and the earth with everything that is on the earth. It all comes from God. There's not one thing that we have that we do that it doesn't come back to God, whether you're converted or whether you're not converted!
- you need air to breathe, God gave it
- you need water to drink, God created it
- you need food to eat, God made it possible
- Do you hear?
- Do you see?
- Do you walk?
- Do you talk?
All of that God made possible!
Paul summarized that this way: For in God we live and we move and we have our being!No one is exempt from that.
You've got to keep the laws and commandments of God, because: IF you don't do that, THEN you are sinning. IF you are sinning, you're automatically bringing the judgment of God upon you!
- whether you're an individual
- whether you're a family
- whether you're a group, community of people or even a nation
Verse 25: "I have heard what the prophets said, who prophesy lies in My name, saying, 'I have dreamed, I have dreamed.'"
All you have to do is go on YouTube and you'll find hundreds of them right there, just like the prophecy was in the end-time. As Jesus said that there would be 'many false prophets.'
Verse 26: "How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies and who are prophets of the deceit of their own heart? They scheme to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams, which they tell, each one to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal" (vs 26-27).
Here's the key. This is what it should be for all of those who are the ministers of God, all of those who say they are Christian preachers. Here is your challenge that God gives to you and to:
- everyone who is going to preach
- everyone who's going to teach
- everyone who is going to say that this is what God means
Verse 28: "The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream. And he who has My Word…
- every person in America has the Word of God available to them
- most of the world has the Word of God available to them
In the digitized form! They can get on their smart-phone or whatever they have. The Bible is translated into 3,000 languages. God caused that to be so you would have His Word, so you could:
- hear it
- do it
- live by it
Verse 28: "The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream. And he who has My Word, let him speak My Word faithfully…. "—not to interpret it according to the theology of your denomination!
"'…What is the chaff to the wheat?' says the LORD" (v 28). The wheat is that which God can use to bring about conversion for people!
That's what God wants. So, this is what we're going to have to do. This is how we're going to have to put ourselves in it.
Now you can read in Ezek.33 and 34 to go along with that.
- let's see how we are to return to God
- let's see how we are to preach
- let's see what God will do if we do that
It's not just a simple little prayer that you invite God into your life. It is repentance:
- of your sins, which are the transgressions of the Laws and Commandments of God
- the breaking of the Word of God
- the mistranslation of the Word of God
- the false doctrine of the preachers
- the false teachings of the ministers
He offers this without charge!
Isaiah 55:1: "Ho, everyone who thirsts…"—who wants to know:
- What is life about?
- What do I want to do?
- Where is God?
- Who is God?
- What does God require of me?
"…come to the waters…" (v 1)—the living waters of God's Holy Spirit!
"…and he who has no money, come, buy and eat…. [How do you buy? By repentance, by serving God!] …Yea, come, buy wine and milk… [that is likening the word of God to fine wine and fine milk] …without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread? And your labor for what never satisfies?…." (vs 1-2).
Why do you waste your time with a Protestant religion or Catholic religion or Jewish traditions and not come to God? Not come to Christ?
"…Hearken diligently to Me…" (v 2).
- pay attention to what God says
- listen to it
- set your mind to follow it
"…and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness…. [in God's way] …Bow down your ear, and come to Me; hear…" (vs 2-3).
- you come to God
- you answer His call
Now, IF you truly repent, God will lead you to what is right and will lead you to keeping His Word. But you don't have a simple 20-second prayer, and you invite Christ into your life, and voila, you're saved. That is one of the greatest deceptions in the world! We'll see that here as we go.
"…come to me and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David" (v 3)—that's the Covenant of Eternal Life, which comes with repentance and then baptism and then the baptism!
Now, baptism is a tremendous thing that needs to take place. I'll explain that in another message. But that's important for us to understand, because it is a lifetime commitment to God by free will choice, and that's what God wants.
Verse 4: "Behold, I have given Him for a witness to the people, a Prince and Commander of people."
That's Christ! You come to the true Christ, God manifested in the flesh. He lived a perfect life, became the sacrifice for the sin to the whole world and everyone individually who will repent.
Verse 5: "Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know; a nation that did not know you shall run to you because of the LORD your God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified you." That's speaking of those coming to Christ!
This is how it is done. So, let's think of this for all of the Protestant ministers out there who say
that they know the way to God. No, you don't!
- if you keep Sunday
- if you keep Christmas
- if you keep Halloween
- if you keep Easter
- if you follow all of these pagan things that have been falsely Christianized
you're not teaching the Truth! You've got to teach the Truth of God!
Likewise, those of you who want God, you've got to come to God HIS way.
Verse 6: "Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near." That's what we read in Jeremiah! He's a God who's near!
- here's the key
- here's repentance
- here's what you need to do
You need to look at your life:
- what you're doing
- where you're going
- how you are living
Verse 7: "Let the wicked forsake his way… [then embrace and live God's way] …and the unrighteous man his thoughts..."
- IF you don't have the Word of God in your mind
- IF you don't live by the Word of God
IF you live by any old way you desire, those are your thoughts! God has given you the free choice. Now, in making the wrong choice, repentance is that you see that you have to repent! That means:
- stop sinning
- stop thinking these thoughts
- stop living that way
go God's way!
"…and let him return to the LORD…" (v 7).
You come to God, then He will come to you. But He's not going to come to you on your command because He is God! You have no power to do that! You come to God HIS way!
"…let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon" (v 7).
Conversion is a whole transformation of the mind by the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God does not come:
- unless there is this kind of repentance
- there is proper baptism
Verse 8: "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways,' says the LORD."
So what's going to happen? God is going to bring you His thoughts through His laws!
Verse 8: 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor your ways My ways,' says the LORD."
See what you're choosing? God's way! The thoughts of God are expressed in the Bible. The actual words of Christ we find in the Gospels.
Verse 10: "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, and gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My Word be which goes out of My mouth…" (vs 10-11).
Here it is. It's right here. But the IF is what we must choose. And it matters not who you are. Matters not what race you are. You come to God HIS way! And all of the ministers out there who claim to know Jesus, you better look at all of God's commands concerning the Sabbath.
Now, granted there are some difficult Scriptures in the New Testament, which are wrongly understood. We have a book on that called: The Apostle Paul's Teachings on God's Laws. And every one of those Scriptures in the New Testament, which looks like the Law has been done away—which we'll cover in the future in various messages—are not done away!
Rather, we are to live the Laws of God with them written in our heart and in our mind, in the Spirit and not in the letter. That's what true conversion is about. That's what God wants! That's what he says here.
As I mentioned, keeping the Sabbath is the most important point to return to God when you truly repent! How many of you Sunday-keeping preachers out there are willing to come to God HIS way through the sacrifice of Christ—which you claim to understand but don't—and:
- repent of your Sunday-keeping
- repent of your pagan holiday-keeping
- and come to God HIS way?
Return to Him:
- in repentance
- in love
- to receive His mercy and forgiveness
- you preach it and you teach it to your congregation so that they will know God!
Isaiah 56:1: "Thus says the LORD, 'Keep justice and do righteousness…'" What is righteousness?
- all the commandments of God are righteousness
- God forgiving your sins when you truly repent
"…for My salvation is near to come… [as near as your knees are to the floor] …and My righteousness to be revealed" (v 1). How does God reveal His righteousness?
- through HIS Spirit
- through HIS Word
That's why the Sabbath is so important.
Verse 2: "Blessed…"
Now, think about this: IF you keep the Sabbath you were blessed. Did not God bless the Sabbath and make it Holy and sanctify it? Yes HE did! No man has the power to change that to Sunday! It just is not so!
Verse 2: "Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it; who keeps the Sabbath…"—New Testament doctrine because Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath!
- He owns it
- He created it
- He blessed it
- He sanctified it
And He rested with Adam and Eve on the first Sabbath Day and taught them about themselves and His creation of them. That's why it says in the 4th Commandment to remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy! Then it goes back to the creation.
For in 6 days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and all that is in them and He rested the 7th day. Therefore He sanctified the 7th day and made it Holy.
You cannot, all you preachers out there who profess Christ, all you Catholic priests out there, in all of your sins and paganism that you have, you cannot bring the true God into the lives of anyone out there with all of your rituals and Sunday keeping and paganism that you keep!
All of that must be forsaken, and IF you will teach the people God's way and you yourselves will live God's way…
"…keeps the Sabbath from profaning it… [doing all your pleasure on the Sabbath, etc.] …and keeps his hand from doing any evil" (v 2).
- What does that mean?
- What is evil?
Evil is going against the Laws and Commandments of God in your mind and in your actions! That's what it is!
Now we have a chance in America to begin to do some of this, and this is what needs to be preached.
Verse 3: "And do not let the son of the stranger, who has joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, 'The LORD has utterly separated me from His people.'…."
This is New Testament doctrine. No, God hasn't separated anyone from the people of God!
- all who repent
- all who come to God HIS way
- all who truly believe in Christ Jesus as the Sacrifice and Savior of the world
and know that God the Father sent Him to do that!
"…And do not let the eunuch say, 'Behold, I am a dry tree'" (v 3).
In other words, it doesn't matter if you have any offspring or not.
Verse 4: "For thus says the LORD, 'To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths…'"
- Do we get that?
- Is that not the Word of God? Yes! And Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath!
- Who is inspiring these words to be spoken? The One Who became Jesus Christ!
Because it tells us in:
John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and not even one thing that was created came into being without Him" (vs 1-3).
He created it all. And He was made flesh and tabernacled among us. He brings us grace, grace upon grace. And that is true connection with God, with His Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 56:4: "…who keep My Sabbaths and choose things that please Me, and take hold of My covenant."
All of these are the very words that the original apostles preached when they began preaching the New Testament. Because Christ said, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God.'
The Old Testament is not old, because the Word of God is perpetually new. These are the doctrines that the New Testament Church taught. So this is what we need to look to now. We have a space and time that God has given us in this nation. There's no other nation on the face of the earth that the true Gospel of God the Father and Jesus Christ is to be found.
- all of us
- all the Churches of God
- all the brethren
- all the elders
We need to understand what God wants us to do and be busy about preaching the Gospel and causing people to come to understand the Truth.
This is why we have the election to turn out the way it is, to give all of us an opportunity to preach
- the Truth the way God wants
- to preach repentance
- the Truth of God
- the love of God
- the righteousness of God
in our lives so that we can attain to the Kingdom of God when Christ in His second coming actually comes and appears!
Scriptural References:
- Jeremiah 18:7-10
- Jeremiah 19:3-5
- Jeremiah 23:1-3, 10-12, 15-28
- Isaiah 55:1-9
- Isaiah 56:1-4
- John 1:1-3
- Isaiah 56:4
Scriptures referenced, not quoted:
- Revelation 11:19
- Jeremiah 20
- Ezekiel 33; 34
Also referenced:
Message: Why Do the Nations Rage? #1 by Lyall Johnston
Article: Transgender Pastor Claims Bible "wasn't written for 2024"
Books {}:
- A Harmony of the Gospels
- America and Britain: Two Nations that Changed the World
- From a Speck of Dust to a Son of God: Why Were You Born?
- The Apostle Paul's Teachings on God's Laws
Books (secular):
- Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills by Peter Schweitzer
- Plan Red—The Influence of China in America by Gordon G. Chang
- Coming of the Golden Age by David Jeremiah
Booklet {}: Judge Righteous Judgment by Fred R. Coulter
In-Depth Studies:
- Grace of God
- God's Grace and Commandment-Keeping
- Grace Upon Grace
Transcribed: 11/21/24
Copyright 2024—All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner. This includes electronic and mechanical photocopying or recording, as well as the use of information storage and retrieval systems.