A Day’s Delay, a term applied to the daylight portion of Nisan 14 by those who support a Passover on the same night as the Exodus.
Ad, a Hebrew preposition that limits time to a specific point, not through and beyond that point; translated “unto” (until) in Ex. 12:6.
Akal, a Hebrew verb meaning “to eat, to consume, to dine”; found in Ex. 12:48, Ezra 6:19-22.
An, a Greek particle which denotes that the action of a verb is dependent on circumstance or condition; found in I Cor. 11:25-26.
Anomos, a Greek word meaning “lawlessness, against law, or against law and commandment keeping.”
Asah, a Hebrew verb meaning “to observe, keep or accomplish”; found in Ex. 12:47-48; Ezra 6:19-22.
Ba erev, a Hebrew prepositional phrase meaning “at even, at evening, or at sunset.”
Baptizoo, a Greek verb meaning “to baptize, dip, immerse, plunge, drench, overwhelm.”
Baqar, a Hebrew noun meaning “herd” or “bovine.”
Bashal, a Hebrew word meaning “boil, sodden, seethe”; found in Ex.12:9, Ex. 16:23; 29:31; 34:26, Lev. 6:21; 8:31, Num. 6:19, Deut. 14:12.
Bayith, a Hebrew noun meaning “house, houses, household.”
Ben ha arbayim, a fanciful dual or idiom. A prepositional phrase literally meaning “between the two evenings,” defined in Scriptures as the period of time between sunset and dark. Used only in the following Scriptures: Exodus 12:6; 16:12; 29:39, 41; 30:8; Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 9:3, 5, 11; 28:4, 8.
Boqer, Hebrew noun meaning “sunrise, the break of dawn, morning.”
Cahna-bal, a term for the priests of Baal, human flesh eaters; origin of the word cannibal.
Ceremonial Law, rules governing the animal sacrifices and temple rituals commanded under the Old Covenant.
Cohorayim, Hebrew for “midday,” see also Ntothhayom
Day, according to Scripture a twenty-four hour period beginning at sunset and ending at sunset.
Dei, Greek word meaning “mandatory, compulsory, obligatory, one must, or has to, is required to, compulsion of duty and compulsion of law.”
Diatheekee, Greek noun meaning “covenant.”
Doulos, Greek word meaning “slave, or servant.”
Ean, variant spelling of the particle an.
Ennuxon, Greek word meaning “in the night”; mistranslated “early in the morning while it was yet dark” in Mark 1:35, KJV.
Erev, Hebrew noun meaning sunset. Used in prepositional phrase “ba erev” meaning “at sunset.”
Ethuon, Greek verb meaning “they were killing”; used in Mark 14:12 in reference to the domestic sacrifice of the Passover lambs.
Evening offering, a lamb originally offered daily at ben ha arbayim as a burnt-offering.
Evening watch, the first watch of the three watches which were set through the night, extending from approximately 6 PM to 10 PM.
First watch, the evening watch.
Gehth, a Hebrew noun meaning “time.” Translated “the time of’ in Genesis 8:11.
Genomai, Greek root for genomenon.
Genomenon, Greek participle meaning “was taking place, or taking place”; mistranslated “being ended” in John 13:2, KJV.
Gennoomenon, Greek participle meaning “being begotten”; used in Luke 1:35.
Ghihphazohn, a Hebrew noun translated “haste”; a state of mind meaning trepidation, not the physical action of “hurried flight”; used in Exodus 12 11
Ginooskoo, Greek verb meaning “to know by self-experience.”
Habboqer, see Morning watch
Hagiographa, the Psalms and other writings, one of the three divisions of the Old Testament, 183;
Hayah, Hebrew verb translated “were” in Genesis 1:5.
Homoioma, Homoiomati, Greek words meaning “likeness, the same”; found in Phil. 2:7.
Homoioo, Greek verb meaning “to make like, make someone like a person or a thing, become like, be like”; found in Heb. 2:17.
Huparchoon, Greek participle meaning a state of being, “actually existing as,” or “preexisting as”; found in Phil. 2:6.
Hupo, Greek preposition meaning “under, under the power of, or subject to the power of”; found in Gal. 4:4-5.
K, a Hebrew preposition.
Kaph boh ha Sheh’mesh, Hebrew expression for “at the going down of the sun.” Used in Deuteronomy 16:6
Kath Omoioteeta, Greek phrase meaning “according to the likeness”; found in Heb. 4:15.
Kleeros, Greek noun meaning “lot or part”; used in connection with meros.
Lailah, Hebrew noun meaning “night,” the period of darkness which commences at the end of ben ha arbayim and continues until boqer, the crack of dawn.
Lamed, the most common of Hebrew prepositions. Often abbreviated 1.
Lord’s Supper, a title applied to the Christian Passover, denounced by Paul in I Cor. 11:20.
Louoo, Greek verb meaning “to wash,” or “to bathe,” used in reference to the cleansing of a person spiritually through baptism.
Malak, Hebrew noun meaning “angel.”
M moh- 'ghorahth, a prepositional phrase composed of the Hebrew preposition mn and the noun moh- 'ghorahth. Translated “on the morrow after” in Numbers 33:3 and Joshua 5:11 Literally translated “the day following a past day.”
Meros, Greek noun meaning “a part of something, a standing, a share, a place with someone”; used in connection with kleeros.
Middle watch, the second of the three night watches, extending from approximately 10 PM to 2 AM.
Miphkad Altar, an altar located on the Mount of Olives east of the temple, upon which all sin offerings were burnt and to which the ashes of all temple sacrifices were taken.
Mishna, or Mishnah, a compilation of the traditions of Judaism, written by Rabbinical Pharisees in the 200’s AD.
Morning offering, a lamb offered daily as a burnt-offering just after sunrise.
Morning watch, called habboqer in the Hebrew, the third of the three night watches, extending from approximately 2AM to 6AM.
Moshab, Hebrew noun meaning “dwelling places.”
Nisan 14, the 14th day of the 1st month according to the Hebrew/ Jewish calendar; the original Passover day.
Nisan 15, the 15th day of the 1st month according to the Hebrew/ Jewish calendar the day beginning of the Exodus from Egypt; the first holy day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Noon, A “fanciful dual.” Tzoh 'harim is literally defined as the “time of the double shadow” This Hebrew word is describing the time period when the shortening shadows cast by the rising sun are offset by lengthening shadows cast back toward the east as the sun approaches its apex and continues westward.
Ntothhayom, Hebrew for “afternoon’ 50; see also Cohorayim
Ohel, Hebrew noun meaning “movable, portable tent or dwelling”; found in Ex. 16:16.
Olah, Hebrew noun meaning “burntoffering”; found in Num. 28:6.
Opheioo, Greek verb meaning “to owe, be indebted, be obligated, one must, one ought”; found in Heb. 2:17.
Osakis, Greek word translated “as often as”; found in I Cor. 11:25-26.
Osakis an esthieete, Greek phrase meaning “as often as you may eat.”
Osakis an pineete, Greek phrase meaning “as often as you may drink.”
Ou, variant spelling of ouk.
Ouk, a Greek negative adverb denoting the impossibility of an action; found in I Cor. 11:20.
Parapleesioos, Greek word meaning “in like manner,” found in Heb. 2:14.
Passover offerings, a term which refers to burnt, peace and thank-offerings given during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but not to the sacrifice of the Passover lambs.
Pesah or Pesach, Hebrew for “Passover.”
Qarob, Hebrew word for offering in general; found in Num. 28:2.
Shacht, Hebrew verb meaning “to slaughter, to sacrifice, to kill or to offer”; found in Ex. 12:6. Phonetic pronunciation is shah-’ghat’.
Sook-kaw, Hebrew noun meaning “booth, tent or temporary dwelling,” whence the phrase “Feast of Booths or Succoth.”
Ta azuma, Greek word meaning “the unleavened”; singular form of toon azumoon.
Talmud, see Mishna.
Tee de protee toon azumoon, Greek phrase translated “Now on the first of the unleaveneds.” See Matt. 26:17; Mark 14;12; Luke 22:7.
Third watch, the morning watch.
Toon azumoon, Greek word meaning “the unleaveneds”; plural of ta azuma.
Tsacah, Hebrew verb meaning “roast”; found in Ex. 12:9; not found in Deut. 16:7.
Unleavened Bread, Hebrew Mazzot, a feast of seven days commencing at sunset as Nisan 15 begins and lasting until or sunset as Nisan 21 ends.
Wave sheaf, a sheaf of barley cut just after sunset, at the very beginning of the weekly Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and waved by the high priest on the next morning (Lev. 23:11); a symbol of the resurrected Christ’s acceptance by God the Father when He ascended to heaven.
Yohm, Hebrew noun meaning a twenty-four hour period, translated “day” or the period of lightness immediately following boqer, or dawn, and continuing until erev, or sunset.
Zebah, Hebrew noun meaning “peace offering;” not found in Num. 28:16.