Tom & Rhonda Fannin live in Hillsboro, Ohio on a livestock farm. They have three daughters and three grandchildren. Tom studied engineering at the University of Cincinnati and is a supervisor for a steel-making company.  Rhonda has a Master’s Degree in educational leadership and works to help others become self-sufficient through career pathway training and employment.  Tom and Rhonda were both raised in the church. Tom was ordained an elder in 2017. They serve at the CBCG fellowship group in Cincinnati. They enjoy working on the farm, spending time with their family and the many brethren. 


Messages by Tom Fannin - United States


Spiritual Mentors - January 04, 2020

Track 1

Serious About My Calling - February 22, 2020

Track 1

The Order of Love - November 14, 2020

Track 1



GTM - The Sin That Entraps Us
GTM - Hunters of Sin
GTM - God's Spirit of Power
GTM - Make Your Time Count